

  • i personally lost 8lbs rather quickly, however i feel like i am at a stnd stll and this is all in vein, but with the help of MFP friends and calorie counting, I am staying encouraged. I know it took years for me to get this way so it's gonna take time to get where i want to be. So I encourage you to step away from that…
  • Well you've come to the right place...welcome!
  • My goal is to have a work out plan in place that "I" can stick to. ...To reward my self every week I stay on task with my be a better me in general!
  • I''ve found a slice of wheat toast with a tbls of peanut butter, 1 hard boiled egg w/ half yolk and a cup of hot tea is pretty satisfing and filling totals less than 300 cal but hi in protien
  • Go to top under the tool bar and add people by email or do as i do read post and just click on their page until you see the option to add..hopes this helps!:smile:
    in Hi Comment by lailaicoop October 2011
  • Hello, and welcom. I'm new as well and found the pp on my phone last week. now I even access it from work online.
    in Hi Comment by lailaicoop October 2011
  • I absolutely love Julian Micheal work out plans, haven't done that one yet but I immediately saw results from her yoga combo and her 6pack in 6 weeks program...Unfortunately, my cable station rotates after a while from instructors but I have actually decided to go out and purchase some of her i recommend…