Lisahorstkamp Member


  • Hello, I'm Lisa. Been using MFP for years. Restarted dieting and walking last year and started jogging this year. My goal for the year is to be able to run a 5k min 38 min by the end of the year This is a pretty hard goal but reachable. My other goal is to get to the point of walking/running 100 miles a month. Thanks!
  • coconut oil and you can eat it by the table spoon it is very healthy for you and high in saturated vegetable fat. I have switched to this instead of butter on my toast. Also, when ever you cook anything with a sauce or when making breads/muffins/cakes add hemp protein powder. I do this for my skinny kids and husband. It…
  • Remember it took 9 months to gain it... ;) personaly I did great until I went back to work and gained EVERYTHING BACK. My son is 15m now but I'm getting back to it and still Bfing so that sould help since i get little excercise outside of cleaning,lol. ANYWAY be sure to drink plenty of water sometimes hunger is acctualy…
  • Struggle Is my middle name since Thanks giving. I was 149.5 the Monday before Thanks giving I have hit my Thanks giving Goal of under 150! but dun dun dunnnnn. I went off diet during thanks giving thinking I couldn't gain more than 2 pounds in 4 days RIGHT?.... Well I lost my phone I use the app to keep track of my food…
  • My NSV is to fit a size 10. The last time I was 125 I fit a 7, but knowing my body has changed I figure a 10 is a great goal and If i get the 7 more power! As of now thanksgiving killed me I gained 2 pounds since last Monday check in. Boo. Now Have to work extra hard to hit my New years goal of 141.
  • A group this is great! I couldn't keep track the old way
  • eating more fresh fruits and veggies was my personal goal for the week. I took a look at last week (my first week using this app) and noticed I had a huge void in the veggies I have been eating. My fave under 200 snacks/meals are Total cereal plain with almonds milk with a few crasins and a drop of vanilla flavoring-…
  • Thanks looking it all up the math I find was 2.5 ounces X his weight (8.13)= 22.04. This is the number of ounces I make a day for him for his weight. Then take that 22. 04 X 20 (number of calories burned with each ounce of milk made)= 440.8 this is the number of calories I burn each day breast feeding. This is a…
  • My husband wants me to lose the weight BUT he is skinny and is constantly trying NOT to loose weight. So we have opposite goals. This is very hard on me. He wants to eat chinese buffet and Cici's pizza at least once a week. And LOVES to eat cartons of ice cream in front of me. Our to be nice get the cookies I like, cook…