
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    NiennaMarie, I would love to partner up!

    CourtneyLeigh, I am so impressed that you don't eat your grandmother's cookies!! I live on the other side of the country from my grandmother, but if I could, I would eat her baking every day!!

    That said, my husband is a pastor, and we are always eating with people from church, or eating at church... Seriously, people poison each other at church! Everyone brings their richest casserole or their most fattening dessert to the potluck. I read a study that said that people who attend church every week are more likely to be obese than those who don't - I have seen it in action. My husband is very supportive of my efforts, but it's hard to turn down homemade food from sweet old ladies! There is dinner at the church every Wednesday before bible study. I can't go because of my son's bedtime, but my husband started bringing me plates home from the dinner so I didn't have to cook. It was so sweet of him to think of me, but I told him to stop. That was a hard conversation, because I looooove homemade desserts, and there are always a lot of them at those dinners!

    My husband struggles with his weight, and I feel like I am the one who has to pull us both along. It's not that much fun, because I am easily tempted by the same things that tempt him. We try to help each other, but if one stumbles, usually the other one does, too.

    So, having a MFP partner will really be helpful, I think. This group has already been helpful to me. I think I need accountability outside of my family to stay on track.

    Thanks, guys!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    On a different topic - I have been noticing (with some of the people I am "friends" with on MFP - people who I don't actually know, keep in mind) that when I glance at their food diaries, some are consistently under calorie goal, but their food choices are shockingly devoid of vegetables (or even fruit)! Most of the calories seem to be coming from some starchy foods and protein sources, with a bunch of low cal treats. It worries me when people use the almighty calorie as the only judge for having a successful day...Do you guys notice the same thing? Obviously, it is not my place to mention this (I don't know them) but it worries me nonetheless...

    Are you looking in my direction, Carolina? ;) I know I don't eat enough veggies or fruit!

    I think you're right about all of this being about priorities. I haven't made it a priority before, always finding excuses not to work out, not to watch what I eat, etc. But then I'm short-changing myself and my family. I think it's easier in some ways for me to make it a priority now that I have kids, because I want to be able to keep up with them!
  • goodntentions
    goodntentions Posts: 9 Member
    Quick question, how do you view your friends' food diary on here?
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    goodntentions - If they are your "friend", and they have chosen to make their diary open, then you should see a little link word (view) when they update their diary for the day. You can also just click on their name, and there will be an option to view their diary.
    If they have chosen to keep their diary closed, however, then you are unable to view it. There are a variety of levels of protection for the diary - from closed, to password protected, to open to just friends, and finally open to all. Hope this answers your question!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    bluestarlight19 – It must be tough to feel like you have to choose between yourself and your daughter…I know it will be a struggle when I go back to work – let me know when you figure out how to balance it so I can learn from you! Take care of yourself this week as you recover from the injury / cold…If you stay eating well, I don’t think the reduced exercise will be too much of an issue.

    kerimcdonald – Welcome to the pack! You have already proven that you can lose the weight – good for you! Perhaps you can make friends with ladies from this thread, and partner up with one of them? BTW – did you know you can enter breastfeeding into your food diary for an extra 500 cals a day?

    namibiangirl – I feel the same way about the feedback…If you don’t have a partner in mind already, I’d be happy to partner with you (since we are already friends:) As for the food ‘n’ friends phenomenon…It is definitely a challenge! I usually do take a little bit of things I enjoy and eat it slowly…and keep talking! I find that if I take a small amount, no one notices (it is much more obvious when you turn it down) and I like to treat myself anyway. I just make sure to exercise and stay within my calorie limits. Does this help? See an earlier post for an inspiring story of how to deal with even grandma’s treats…

    McCallsmommy – Good for you for having that conversation with your husband! It is tough because he clearly is thinking of you and wants to help, but in the end it is just sabotaging your progress. Interesting observation about the church goers eating habits :)

    feydruss – Ha ha! You are a funny one! There are a number of people like this – I wasn’t thinking you in particular. (Though, if the shoe fits…eat some carrots!!!!) :laugh:

    By the way - this morning, I got the odd urge to post a blog. I've never done this before ( must be rubbing off on me!) - it was just a thought that popped into my head while washing my face, and I sat down and just started writing.

    It is entitled "BREASTFEEDING - A CONTACT SPORT?" - if you are nursing or have nursed in the past, you may find it interesting. Follow the link below if you want to check it out:
  • britesideoflife
    britesideoflife Posts: 39 Member

    namibiangirl – I feel the same way about the feedback…If you don’t have a partner in mind already, I’d be happy to partner with you (since we are already friends:) As for the food ‘n’ friends phenomenon…It is definitely a challenge! I usually do take a little bit of things I enjoy and eat it slowly…and keep talking! I find that if I take a small amount, no one notices (it is much more obvious when you turn it down) and I like to treat myself anyway. I just make sure to exercise and stay within my calorie limits. Does this help? See an earlier post for an inspiring story of how to deal with even grandma’s treats…

    Sounds like a plan, Partner :drinker:

    I read your blog and it made me laugh - so true!!!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Do you like it when you get feedback from others on your accomplishments? Yes. It's nice when other people who understand how hard weightloss and staying motivated are acknowledge what you've done.

    - Do you need motivation to keep logging in? No, I'm pretty good at logging my meals and exercise....

    - Do you want to help someone else succeed? I love to help encourage the people who motivate and inspire me as well.

    THIS WEEK’S POLL: DOES YOUR FAMILY HELP YOU OR HINDER YOU? Help mainly. My husband is very supportive and will watch the kids anytime I want to exercise. He offered to start running with me (but I'm not ready to run with anyone) and he doesn't snack in front of me. He has also made the commitment to eat healthier.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Partners it is, namibiangirl! And thanks for reading the blog...might be my only entry, we'll see!
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member

    - Do you like it when you get feedback from others on your accomplishments?

    - Do you need motivation to keep logging in?

    - Do you want to help someone else succeed?


    I love getting positive feedback about my weight loss. Just today my neighbour complimented me on having lost my pregnancy wt and looking good and I felt great, although, I'm nowhere near my pre baby wt and have my baby tummy to deal with!
    I don't seem to need motiviation to keep logging in. I would love to partner up with others though. That'll help keep up the motivation.
    My hubby is very supportive and motivating. But today is a major holiday and one of our most important festivals and Hubby is not doing any justice to the sweets and savories I cooked. Plus sweets have been pouring in from all my neighbours and friends and it's been really hard to resist. Needless to say, I've been over my cals yesterday and today. I have major damage fixing to do this week :)

    Btw- General Q for all. I've been losing 1lb or less a week since I started 3 weeks ago. Did all of you lose only a lb a week right from the start. I thought the intial few lbs came off easily because of the water wt and people lost 3-4 lbs a week the first couple of weeks.

    Good luck all!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Pmur, I think that people who have those big losses in the beginning are REALLY changing their lifestyles. I've always just needed to eat a bit less and move a bit more, so I have had a much slower loss myself. There's nothing wrong with 1lb at a time! That's the weight that STAYS OFF in the long run.
  • Hello every one! I am new to the group, I have a two month old and a two year old and I am finally ready to get rid of my baby weight. My family, especially my husband, are unsupportive, so previous attempts at dieting have failed miserably. I could use all the support you ladies are willing to offer!
  • dinnae
    dinnae Posts: 28
    I'm just going to reply to this now, because I want to come back later and chime in! I have one helluva cold right now, and it's 11.22pm, and I NEED to get to bed, but I SO need this! LOL I'm 11.5 mos PP with baby #3, and have almost all of my baby weight still to lose. Am looking forward to joining the fray! :) I'll answer the questions tomorrow I hope. ;)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    dinnae - Welcome to the group!!! Looking forward to reading your response - hope the cold gets better soon!

    skusky01 - Welcome! Sorry to hear that your family is unsupportive...Do they just make it hard to live healthier because of their own choices, or do they actually discourage you from what you are trying to do? I hope this group will provide you with some of that much needed support! Is there anyone that you are "friends" with on MFP that you know personally? Someone you could use as an "MFP partner" to check in with you daily? Looks like you could use something like this if you are not getting the encouragement from home.

    feydruss - Well said!!! (As always, my dear...)
  • arlygyrl
    arlygyrl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My husband is neutral. He'll eat what I cook most times. He's not a vegetable person, so as long as there is some meat he's fine. Although it has been difficult this week because for the first time ever I'm trying to eat fruit, veggies, & grain only to jumpstart some weight loss. Normally i do low-carb. My mom and sister are supportive. Although at times my sister might eat something very tempting infront of me. I would love to have a partner to keep me accountable.
  • hi may i join the group too. my children are 6 4 and 1 (last week) and it hit me on my baby's birthday that i was the same weight now as when i was 9 months pregnant - something seriously wrong there.

    my husband is fairly supportive ( this time) but he has a lot to take in as i have only just admitted how serious my binge eating disorder is ( i can honestly say mentally im on the road to recovery now time to shift the damage) i was very good at hiding things for a long time.

    i dont know anyone personally on MFP and would really love a weight-loss buddy. please get in touch it would be great to support someone full-time and motivation for me to do well
  • Lisahorstkamp
    Lisahorstkamp Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone know how to log breastfeeding as an exercise? Ive been trying to find it but i cant..thanks!
    same question
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Lisahorstkamp - You can do one of two things:

    1) Add breastfeeding to your food diary - there are options for various situations - and it will subtract a certain amount of calories from what you have eaten.. i.e. My guy is also having solids, so I only subtract 300 cals.

    2) If you want to add it under exercise, then you could just create a new exercise for yourself and call it breastfeeding :) The tricky thing is that it will ask you how many calories you burn for a given amount of time (and it is in minutes!!!) Good luck with the math there...I started off with putting it in as an exercise that was 100 cals per minute, and then I would just enter the number of minutes that gave me tha calorie burn appropriate. However, I got annoyed when it would update my wall with "burned 400 calories doing 4 minutes of breastfeeding"!!!! So, I switched to entering it into my food...

    Hope this answers your question...good luck!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    ally5586 - Welcome to the group!!! I'm sure one of the moms on here will be happy to partner with you! I would do it, but I've already got a few partners (and I just joined a challenge, which means a bunch of new people to monitor...:)
  • Lisahorstkamp
    Lisahorstkamp Posts: 11 Member
    My husband wants me to lose the weight BUT he is skinny and is constantly trying NOT to loose weight. So we have opposite goals. This is very hard on me. He wants to eat chinese buffet and Cici's pizza at least once a week. And LOVES to eat cartons of ice cream in front of me. Our to be nice get the cookies I like, cook breakfast (eggs, biscuits, butter,sausage). I keep saying all I should have is a bowl of cereal, but he says he feels bad if he doesn't make anything for me.
    My sisters, mom and friends tel me I'm looking great for JUST having a baby, but I want to just look good.
  • Lisahorstkamp
    Lisahorstkamp Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks looking it all up the math I find was 2.5 ounces X his weight (8.13)= 22.04. This is the number of ounces I make a day for him for his weight. Then take that 22. 04 X 20 (number of calories burned with each ounce of milk made)= 440.8 this is the number of calories I burn each day breast feeding. This is a calculation a and not exact but it may help someone else. This only works if you are exclusively breast feeding.