

  • I do this diet a couple of times a year but it's more like a fast than a diet. It's like a detox diet. http://valu-trek.com/review-mastercleanse-10-day-diet
  • If people really want to lose weight and at the same time de-toxify their systems, they should investigate the Master Cleanser Diet. This is the same diet that Beyonce raved about on Oprah. It's a challenge but you will lose the weight. http://valu-trek.com/review-mastercleanse-10-day-diet
  • Hi everyone. I've been reading this thread because fasting is my great interest at the moment. This is my intro to intermittent fasting. I've done 10 day and even 18-day fasts and lost a ton of weight and so far have kept it off. This IF looks like something I can use to maintain the results. Will continue reading…
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