

  • Day 4 Level 2 completed. A wee bit easier than the first 3 days, but still kicks my butt!!
  • End of Level 1 Weight: 133lb BMI: 24.34 Bust: 35 inches Waist: 30.3 inches Hips: 38.9 inches Upper arm left: 11 inches Upper thigh left: 21.2 inches
    in Stats Comment by AliG71 March 2012
  • Yep, me. I gained over a kilo in the first week (just over 2lb) and that hasn't budged. I've just finished Day 10 Level 1 so I'm going to take my measurements shortly, to see if there's any change. I don't think so, as a friend who's done this said she had no change until she'd finished Level 2. I'm going to keep pushing…
  • Day 9 Level 1 complete. Definitely easier in some respects but now I'm really pushing myself to go faster and do the hardest intensity on each set. Last day on Level 1 tomorrow - I'm a bit scared about how hard Level two is going to be though :ohwell:
  • Day 7, Level 1 - done! Not as sore and definitely getting easier. I really do NOT like the sideways lunge, arm raise thingies - they kill me!! Pushups are still the modified ones, after doing 3 of the regular ones at the start. But getting there and doing the Natalie intensity for most things now.
  • Hope you feel better soon!!
  • L1D6 done! I'm not feeling as tired, sore or sweating as much today, so I'm wondering if I should move to level 2 a couple of days earlier. Have many others done that? Is it recommended or is there a reason why we need to do 10 days of each? Also, and this is really annoying me, but I seem to have gained rather than lost…
  • 41 years old with 4 children. As at Day 1 of the Shred: Height: 5'2'' Weight: 132lb BMI: 24.34 Bust: 35.6 inches Waist: 30.3 inches Hips: 39.3 inches Upper arm left: 11.2 inches Upper thigh left: 21.6 inches Goal Weight: 125lb
    in Stats Comment by AliG71 March 2012
  • Haha! I, too, may have said this to the dvd a couple of times :laugh: I did Day 5 today and although I'm not as sore as I was for the first 3 days, I'm certainly not finding it easier :grumble: I did switch my 420gm cans for 1kg weights though, so that may have contributed to it not being any easier :wink: What I do love…
  • I've just done Day 3 (phew!). Exhausting but I'm already noticing it's easier than it was on Day 1, so that's great :happy: . I prefer to exercise in the morning - if I leave it til the afternoon/evening there are too many things happening that would make it too easy to put it off. If I do it in the morning then it's over…
  • I'm on Day 3 today. Hard, but it'll be so worth it :smile:
  • I'm onto Day 3 today and I'd say - do it! It will make you more sore (hard to believe, I know) but I think the whole point of it is to make maximum impact and the best way is to just work through the pain. Apparently in a few days it will get much easier (in that it won't hurt as much!). I'm going to carry on because I…