AdamB311 Member


  • Figured it out now, a massive ****-up on my part it seems! Somehow when I was asked to enter my weight in lbs, it entered it in kgs, so ended up changing my weight to 154kg a couple of days ago apparently! Explains the massive spike in calories for RunKeeper, so no issue now, will just use the runtastic one and create a…
  • RunKeeper has been amazing for me running Now personally I use an app called iFitness for gym stuff, but I heard it was taken off the app store a while ago :/
  • Cheers, will give it a try
  • Depends on your outlook on food beforehand Some people use MFP for a complete diet change to eat healthier Personally MFP has been brilliant purely for moderation, I still enjoy little snacks like crisps, just less of them And thats worked out pretty well for me :)
  • I've got one that looks quite bad, but its only a face shot, something at least And i do have measurements taken :) but I just feel that visual indicator would be very helpful Going to take some tomorrow morning when I'm feeling a lot less bloated Training to do a marathon by the end of the year, and really getting into…
  • Cheers Kyle Just put Soccer casual in, would rather understate the calories than overstate how many I've burnt
  • I just see any restaurant/pub food as a treat I do love me some steak but damn why does it have to be so high in calories? Its fine to have every now and again for me, but it is almost automatically a 'cheat day' just because I've had it
  • I don't know about a full on workout session But I like to get a good half hour run in before breakfast, probably more for time than actual health benefits Means that I've got it done and any excuses I have to not workout after lecturers are not so much irrelevant, but they don't impact my workouts so much because at least…
  • I don't tend to have breakfast very often personally, more to have that bit more sleep before I leave in the morning, personally i've found as long as you distribute the calories you would have at breakfast fairly evenly across lunch and dinner, it works out well :)
  • Yer, I was thinking of maybe just introducing 1 week of strict low carbs every couple of months
  • I tend to use the treadmill in the gym, especially so i can make use a consistent high incline However thats only in short bursts or a long walk If i'm doing a long run I do it outside, a lot more effective on the muscles, plus a lot funner :)
  • Reading all this, can anyone recommend a good HRM for both the gym and out running myself? I've always taken down the calories machines say and used that for my daily food count
  • When I'm running I always need to have Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis in the middle somewhere in the playlist Always inadvertently makes me up my pace no matter how tired I am!