

  • It can help to remind yourself to hold your tummy in while you are on your walks. You don't really to do situps or crunches to tone abs, just need to get used to using them more. If you have a walking buddy, make a plan with him/her to remind each other to tighten your tummies and butts periodically during your walks. Or…
  • Thanks! Happy losing to you too!
  • Good luck! Diet can make you lose weight, but make sure you are getting enough sleep, even if it is at odd hours. Being sleep deprived can make your body store calories as fat for energy when you are tired. Try to get 8 hours a day, and don't forget your water!
  • Hi, good luck! I read an article about PCOS once that suggested staying FAR away from simple carbs to minimize symptoms. Like, breads, sugars and other starches. I personally can't eat a diet that tells me I CANT have stuff, so if I were PCOS I would just do what I am trying to do now myself... load up on veggies, protein…