Need to lose 30lbs in order to get pregnant

mommie3car Posts: 17
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
:sad: I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovaries). This mixed with the extra weight is prohibting me from getting pregnant.I have no one to work out with and to push me. I am seeing a nutritionist; she has me on a 5 small meal a day plan (150-165g) per day. This is day 11 and I have gained 6 oz instead of loosing weight. I am so discouraged right now :sad: :sad: I'm hoping it's because my cycle started hours after I weighed myself, maybe I was retaining water due to that factor? Any suggestions??


  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    are you drinking enough water?
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Your body is probably just adjusting. Just keep at it, and keep your goal in mind!
  • Yes I'm drinking 8-10 8oz glasses a day
  • Hopefully, Thanks for the encouragment...
  • Sorry to hear you have PCOS. I know you must really want to be a mommy, too. I've cut ALL sweets/chocolate/candy from my life on 9/14. I walk 3-4 miles a day, elliptical 30-min each night for 5 nights and two 1-hour Zumba classes a week. I've only lost 4-5 lbs in 6-7 weeks. Discouraged? YOU BET! Give up? NO WAY! I keep telling myself - I didn't add these 20-25 lbs overnight. It took me 5 years to pack 'em on. I'm the "tortoise" in the race. Slow and steady. YOU CAN DO IT! You WILL DO IT! Self-talk. When you want that food - have pictures of newborns EVERYWHERE - mirrors, car, work, around your neck. It's your motivation. Go one more step, drink one more glass of water, DON'T eat that food. Slow and steady. IT WILL HAPPEN! You have the best motivation going - and you will succeed. Get rid of the negative self-talk. Only positive self-talk. Stay the course - you'll shed those lbs. It'll be hard over the holidays. Just tell yourself - once I get thru the next 2 months, I could have my baby in my arms by next Christmas! Good luck.
  • Hi, good luck! I read an article about PCOS once that suggested staying FAR away from simple carbs to minimize symptoms. Like, breads, sugars and other starches.

    I personally can't eat a diet that tells me I CANT have stuff, so if I were PCOS I would just do what I am trying to do now myself... load up on veggies, protein and some fruits, stay away from pop and candy if I am not INTENSELY dying for it, and avoid bread most of the time.

    Good luck!
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    Same here. I also want to loose my baby weight that I gained after my 1st baby. He is now 2 years old. I want another one but for this I have to go down from 173 to 120 may be 125 so that when I gain lbs again I don't go over too much. I know we can do it . don't get discouraged and keep going. Your efforts will bear fruit..
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    Talk with your nutritionist and see what she thinks. I am by NO means an expert, (I am here to lose weight too) but after 11 days, even on your period I would have expected you to have seen some sort of weight loss...

    I once had a personal trainer to create a meal plan and exercise routine for me and after 14 WEEKS I had only lost 2lbs. I was devastated. Don't wait too long without seeing results before changing things up. I should have spoke up and asked more questions. I knew I wasn't losing, but didn't have the backbone to say something at the time. I was in better shape from the workouts, but I didn't weigh what I was hoping to.

    Good luck! You can do it.
  • hi there, try eating apples every time you get hungry. Im doing it and seems effective to me.. try it.. You can do it. God bless you
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