

  • It seems that your snack is what gave you a larger calorie count for lunch... Maybe looking for a lower calorie substitute? It's hard though especially if those things are your favourite! I love my chocolate covered raspberries & really struggle to give them up sometimes. Maybe some leafy green salad with your lunch? Just…
  • bump... definitely wanting to try some of these smoothie recipes!
  • I am in Australia in a small regional town and so we don't have the issue of school provided meals. Our Primary school doesn't even have a canteen! Once a term the Parents & Friends team will have a 'food day' fundraiser which usually alternates between pizza, fancy fruit, hot dogs, pies or something similar. But this is…
  • That is brilliant!! Don't worry about being slow - you did it!! I finished th c25k a couple months back and still can't get the 5k under 30 mins. Not sure that I ever will, but I'm proud of what I have achieved all the same... As you should be too! =D
  • Just had to change you IMG to img in all the pics! Great work though =)
  • I have just completed the couch to 5k and it was fantastic for getting my running times longer. For me it was about being to run for those longer periods first (and that was over 10 weeks). Now that I can confidently run for 30mins (or longer if I wish) I am now concentrating on increasing my distances over that time. For…
  • Congratulations!! My last run is tomorrow (should've been today but life got in the way today). But I'm so excited about completing it tomorrow. I have always been a piker when it comes to running and it was completely mental. Now I have pushed through it and it feels fantastic. Bonus has been the boost to the weight loss…
  • Oh WOW!!! you look fantastic. Congratulations on your success, and be so proud of what you have achieved! =D
  • Congratulations! That's brilliant and in a great time (you're going quicker than I am!) =D Just keep on running...
  • All I can say is wow!! You are amazing to even be finding the time to worry about your diet! But please don't despair as all these things take time and unfortunately there is always something cropping up to take the focus away from your goals. Sometimes you just need to let this happen for the time being (such as caring…
  • During (145lbs): During (132lbs): And a few days ago (125lbs): Along with a face shot (125lbs):
  • I have had 2 c-sections so have that lovely scrunchy look from stretch marks sitting right over the scar but I have found doing lots of core work is great for the belly. Sometimes it feels like it's only happening on the inside but gradually it is working it's way outwards! A great class I go to is a core/fitball/pilates…
  • I have lost just over 4 kgs and it has only been in the last week or so that I've gotten some comments. Nothing specific to weight just that I'm looking good, fresh or sometimes it's the clothes! E.g. that skirt looks really nice... I've had it for months but I think it's fitting better with the 4 kg loss! I've been told…
  • Hello from NE Victoria! Been using mfp on & off since Oct with 4kgs done =)
  • You sound like you are preparing for maintenance with tummy toning or muscle definition in your thighs as something you want to happen... I'm only 1cm shorter & am aiming for the even 60kg too! I've lost about 4kgs so far and will be happy with anything under 65kgs as my first goal as I haven't been near 60kgs in 10 years…
  • I started the c25k last week and just completed week 2, workout 2 today. I have a moderately fit background (netball, tennis etc.) but I HATE running, that nice easy looking pace that everyone else seems to do while I go fluro red in the face & huff/puff like I'm dying! The thought of running around an oval more than once…
  • I have avocado almost every day! As a spread in my sandwiches/wraps/cruskits or chopped up into my salads... I love it! If you like them and they fit into your calorie goal I would say have it as often as you like! I figure since they're in the fruit & veg section they are better for me than plenty of other things -…
  • I was told to cut the bottom of the onion last as that is where the cause of the tears is from. But on a side note, if your meal has potatoes, always cut the potatoes after the onion. Apparently the starch in the potato nuetralises the smell of the onion on your hands!
  • Starting weight: 71.4kgs (158lbs) October 2011 Current weight: 68.4kgs (151lbs) Christmas wasn't kind to me! Minor goal weight: 65kgs (143lbs) by April 2012 Ultimate goal weight: 60kgs (132lbs) by October 2012
  • I posted earlier about going for a swim when too hot but have been lazy in the pool the last few nights so decided to start the c25k tonight! I'm in NE Vic and left about 8:30pm when it was still about 27C... Gosh I have worked up a serious sweat!
  • I agree with Lime I go swimming instead of gymming it when it's too hot! Either as a Aqua class or spending half hour or so doing laps (all different strokes). It's a great way to mix up the routine too!
  • I have almonds at my desk to snack on if I get really really hungry! Though usually I try to have water first, I have water with me always through the day. But sometimes, if I'm distracted by eating it is because I'm stuck/frustrated with work! So I find going for a wander to the bubble tap (drink fountain) and having a…