c25k how hard is it? Share your stories



  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    I just finished week four today. I like it. Burns lots of calories and I do it on the treadmill and then usually walk a brisk pace for 30 minutes afterwards to hit one hour.
    I think it is an excellent program for beginners to running or someone that needs to work up to running again.
  • I started the c25k last week and just completed week 2, workout 2 today. I have a moderately fit background (netball, tennis etc.) but I HATE running, that nice easy looking pace that everyone else seems to do while I go fluro red in the face & huff/puff like I'm dying! The thought of running around an oval more than once was enough for me to just say no - won't do it!

    But part of my New Year Resolution was to not talk myself out of things that are achievable and from all reports this is something I can do. It hasn't been too bad, I have had some soreness in my joints but I'm pretty sure that I need new runners!

    One thing I have noticed is that I seem to be slowing down each time I go out, so I'm hoping this is because I'm pacing myself better in the jogs for when I have to keep going for minutes at a time in the next few weeks ;)

    Good luck with it - wishing you every success!!

    P.S. I've been doing my c25k outside =)
  • Like the OP, i'm also trying this program and need all the motivation I can get .Thanks everyone.
  • I just started it today! Week 1 Day 1 was a success! :) I ran around my college campus and made sure to include some hills for a harder work out. I have always hated running, but breaking up the jogging time with walking really helps. I actually enjoyed today a lot! Cannot wait for the rest of this week's C25K sessions!