c25k how hard is it? Share your stories



  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I loved it!

    If you have a problem with a day, just repeat it!
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I absolutely love it, I got up to Week 6 last year then went off track for various reasons but I'm back on it now and finished Week 2 Day 2 , Running at a 5.2mph and walking at a 3.8 . Trust me I've never liked or had the knack for running and now I'm really enjoying it!! Love the app.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    When I tried doing it 15 or so pounds ago it was very hard for me. I got shin splints really bad, and thought I would die during the running. I had to keep repeating week 1 over and over because I just couldn't do week 2 - it was too too much for me.

    I would like to try it again though, maybe when spring comes.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Got to say, i swore i would never be a runner, could never do it. Just wasn't built for it. I can say now, i CAN and DO run, and love it. i ran 7.2 miles this past sunday, with only about 15 minutes of walking built in, so for someone who started in Sept as a non-runner, its doable and makes you love it! Stick with it and listen to your body, but don't be afraid to push a little, its amazing what you can do!
  • chantyfol
    Ive started it (ive done it once so far) but my best friend who was about 35-40 kilos overweight has done it for almost a year...she is now 9 kilos from her goal weight. In saying that, she is also eating healthy and doing other excercises but she swears by the c25k as it got her started and motivated. She can now run/jog 5 k straight, this is my goal
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I'm doing c210k and i think its fairly easy...i assume c25k would be even easier

    i love that you run for like a minute at a time at first and then gradually up your time.....im on week 4 now of the 10k one and still the most we have to run at a time is 3 minutes followed by 2 walking. The idea of going out tomorrow and running a 10k seems crazy to me, but I have no doubt that I will be able to do it at the end of this...a great way to get started running in my opinion as many people who first start out will get burned out or injured trying to accomplish too much too quickly
  • TaraMKL
    TaraMKL Posts: 124 Member
    I used to not be able to run around the block. I was about 200 pounds when I started and I just took it slow. I did it at my own pace, and sometimes I repeated the weeks. It is probably the most empowering thing I've ever done for myself. The day that I went from an 8 minute run to a 20 minute run? I'll never, ever forget it. I thought there was NO. WAY. I could do it and boom. Done. A little sweat equity feels GOOD when you know that YOU are the only person that got you there. If you have any doubts about yourself and what you're capable of, just try it. You will surprise yourself, I guarantee it. I ended up running two 10K's last year. I didn't set any land speed records, and I probably never will -- but just DOING it is enough for me!! :)

    Good luck! If I could do it, anyyyyyone can!! It's an awesome program.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I started C25K in about June last year. The first day I couldn't even run for the 1 minute, how pathetic is that? I mean, 1 Minute? That's nothing! But as time went on I found it was getting easier and easier to do and I found I really was enjoying it! Anyway, over time I did it, sometimes I felt I had to repeat a day or a week because there had been a gap in my running or I was feeling a bit off, but I figured that it didn't matter how long it took, as long as I finished. And I did!! I felt so great, the first time I ran for 30 minutes straight!! These days I'm on the B210K program and again I'm having to repeat days or weeks because of times when I can't run regularly. I know, though, that I will eventually finish it, all thanks to C25K. You really should bite the bullet and give it a whirl.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I walked for many months before even giving thought to running. I started at 400+lbs.alot of people were against it. but I was stubborn, I also did my research and got the right type of shoe for me but most important of all, I went at my own pace. Nice and slow. I was on week 1 day 1 of C25K for a good 3-4 months. still working on my endurance but I can almost do 2 miles non-stop before I need a walk break.
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    I think the C25k and C210K are great programs! I myself did the C210K and at first it seemed like I would never be able to do it but I kept with it and now I am training for a half marathon! It was not easy but it worked you into everything so that you could handle all the increases. I also suggest taking advantage of free advise out there on RunnersWorld.com. It was a valuable tool for me and I don't know if I would have made it with out it. It helps you diagnose pains and injuries as well as find the proper shoes and diet. As long as you set your mind to it you can do anything! Best of luck!
  • ladyduddy
    Do it. I am nearly 50, never ran anywhere, always been overweight and used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day!
    I started a while back but one thing I would say is take it very slowly and repeat weeks if you need to, dont wait until you are injured!
    I have just come home from the gym where I ran 6K very comfortably! It feels absolutely great! I have lost 21lbs and I am an entirely different shape and discovered that I actually have a very small frame underneath my previous layers of fat!! I couldnt even run for one minute when I first started out.
    You can do it!!! You will love it! Also once you are running on a regular basis, the best thing is you can eat anything you LIKE!!!!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    it's awesome! I first started it I couldn't run without getting out of breath. Started C25K and I was amazed at how quickly my body adapted to the training. I'm know a runner and couldn't be happier :flowerforyou:
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I have a hardtime with breathing when im running. But when I got done with week 1 day 1. I was so ready for day 2. But when d2 came oh wow. I thought it was never going to get done. So I sure hope it will be better.

    Next time I run im going to do it on the treadmill instead of the track. Maybe that will help.
    Im going to sign up for a 5k in May. Its called Rock Fargo marathon! Im excited and scared all at
    the same time...
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    I hated running and thought that running was awful for women! I decided to go ahead and try the c25k for some kind of stress relief. I now can say I LOVE running!!! IT is great for beginners and those getting back into running! Remember if it hurts slow down.. I was told that and at times I felt like I was running backwards I was going so slow!! But I was running and kept going... I am now working on doing a 10K! :)

    Give it a try! Good luck!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I've been thinking of doing C25K....has anyone had any kind of foot surgery or foot injury and were successful at this?

    I had hammertoe surgery in college (about 4 years ago or so) and my foot still swells in the summer and is rock hard with cold in the winter, etc. I was thinking about going to a running store and getting analyzed for the best type of shoe, but I didn't know if running long-term was even an option for me.
  • dwurth2
    dwurth2 Posts: 39 Member
    I did C25K and absolutely loved it! When I started, I was NOT a runner....at all. I think the first day they have you walk like 3 min. and run for 1min. I remember looking at my watch when I started that first run...it had only been 15sec and I thought I was going to die, but I held on. When I decided to do the C25K. I went ahead and signed up for a 5K. I think that was crucial for keeping me going and keeping me accountable to it.
    I will tell you this. I never realized when I wasn't a runner that probably 80% of running has to do with your head. It is such a mind game. There were SOOOO many times I had to tell myself I could do it...literally every sec I would say, "just 5 more sec, just 5 more sec". When I came to hills that made me want to give up, I gave them a name....usually the name of a struggle I was going through like "Mount St. Chocolate", or maybe a problem I had with someone, etc....I can't tell you how good it felt when I would make it up those hills!! There were times I would tear up even! It is just THAT empowering!!
    Once you get started and you accomplish it, you will be hooked! I have only been running for about a year and 1/2 now and have done several 5ks and 2 1/2 marathons. I haven't been able to run a whole 1/2 marathon, but that is my goal for this year!

    Good luck to you! You CAN do it and it is worth every minute of it!!! :o)
  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member
    I have never liked running and I mean like never in my entire life. I just finished week 3 and I can honestly say I don't want to ever stop running now. It is the best stress relief I have ever experienced and it just makes you feel powerful. The first two weeks I had a hard time finishing the routine. I could get through two thirds but my body would crap out for the last few sets. I learned really quickly that I had to treat my body like a temple before the run and it would put out what I asked of it. Now I make sure to have a small carb and protein snack and hour before my workout and then I stretch really well afterward which is key! I make sure to have a small snack within 30 minutes after my work out to. Also make sure you are drinking water throughout the day because you will need it. Good luck and I would love to hear how it goes for you. There is a great App I use on my phone called RunDouble that already has all the routines on it and it counts the intervals while measuring speed and distance. I highly recommend getting the app!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    thanks for your stories everyone! I'm considering starting the C25K too but have never been a runner...I worry that it will be a struggle but your stories really inspired me. especially those that kept at it at week 1 or other weeks, many times over until it worked for them and never giving up:flowerforyou:
  • PameW
    PameW Posts: 4 Member
    Best advice is have the right shoes! If you can run outside do so. There will be a difference between running outside and on the treadmill. Sign up for a 5K in the very near future and work toward that goal. If you have to walk some of the 5k~so what! You are doing it. I do one 5k a month and I can't tell you the feeling of crossing that finish line. You are only competing against yourself. Who cares what place you come in! The point is you are doing it! C25k is awesome!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I started C25K last April at the age of 45. I've never been a runner, always hated it. About week 3, I talked to my sister who is a marathon runner and only 2 years younger than I am. She convinced me to stick to walking and running in intervals and I was hooked. I'm not very fast; I currently run for 3 minutes at around 6 MPH and walk for 1 minute at 3.5 MPH. However, I completed my first 10K in October (skipped 5K altogether), ran another 10K in November and finished my first half marathon on January 15th in 2:42! My weekly training runs are 6 miles with longer runs on the weekends. I have another half marathon scheduled for March 25th and my goal is to finish that one in under 2:35.

    For anyone who isn't a runner, doesn't like running, never thought they'd be a runner but are interested in trying it, definitely give C25K a try. If you decide that running the entire length isn't for you, check out Jeff Galloway's information on run/walk intervals at http://www.jeffgalloway.com/. It definitely works for me.