mrsjrwest Member


  • So, every time I fail I feel a little bit less. And I am one step closer to where I want to be. It sure slows the road down but I know I am making progress.
  • Your stomach will shrink after a while. In the mean time, lots of water. Very often our bodies will think we are hungry when we are actually slightly dehydrated.
  • I personally like Coke Zero much more than Diet Coke. It still isn't full sugar flavor, but much closer. I drink very little pop, and would prefer to stay away from artificial sweeteners as much as possible. When I can, I get unsweetened stuff at restaurants and use packets of Truvia I bring along myself. That said, I do…
  • I'm IN! Any suggestions on posting frequency, etc?
  • I've never watched my sodium before, but have tried to cook low sodium for some others in my life. One thing I have found is that onion POWDER, just a touch, helps with missing salt in the food. Also, herbs help. Spicy helps too, if you can handle it. Trust me, if you have salsa on eggs you will never miss the salt. The…
  • OK, I'm joining in late, but but believe I will be down 10 pounds for the full month. I've lost 5.5 in the past week and a half or so. Started 265 May GW 255 Overall GW 140 Jeanette
  • Right now I am weighing in twice a week. Once I get closer to my goal, I know the weight won't come off as quickly and I'll switch to once a week. I am much too sodium sensitive to weigh every day, since I can easily fluctuate. For now, though, I am enjoying the frequent satisfaction of seeing the weight come off more…
  • Skip the aspartame anyway and go for the stevia. It's natural, and can be found in products like Truvia, even at major box stores. Sugar free but still healthy. I could have access to lots of exercise equipment, but have some time/space limitations. I am using free and easy stuff now (just getting going) like walking,…
  • Wow! You have done a fantastic job. You are a motivation to all of us.
  • I am active, and quite a bit is housework since we do Senior Foster Care and I have a 7 bedroom, 3 bath house that gets really dirty all the time (like I clean one bathroom, including wiping the floor down by hand almost every day). I also do 4-7 loads of laundry a day, and sometimes more. So, I only log extra heavy…
  • Love it! I can't wait either.
  • Wow! That's how much I need to lose. You are an inspiration.
  • I'm from Minnesota, which helps with long winter evenings for knitting, crocheting, etc. I've done crochet most of my life and am learning to knit again now. I've never even made a pair of socks, but plenty of dishrags and prayer shawls. I'm going to learn to knit socks this winter and want to knit a sweater for my mom…
  • I'm from Alexandria, was born in Faribault, graduated high school in Rochester. Other than that I have lived in TX, KS, and MO. I love Minnesota and am looking forward to winter. I'd love some accountability and support that isn't just "don't worry - you'll do better."
  • I think I can do this! I'm in on the challenge.