Toss em or keep em



  • nikrit84
    nikrit84 Posts: 46 Member
    I also got rid of my bigger sizes when I lost my weight about 3 years ago...However, I am one that put half of that weight back on and was really angry when I had to go buy new. This time I am losing the weight again, not planning on putting it back on. But the reality is easier to put it back on than take it off. So this time, I will be keeping the bigger clothes (only hidden in the attic).
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I just recently donated all of my clothes that didn't fit. I want new stuff when I lose :happy:
  • mrsjrwest
    mrsjrwest Posts: 17 Member
    Love it! I can't wait either.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I donate all good clothes I no longer fit into. I am considering getting one dress tailored in, though! Maybe if they have sentimental value or you just can't part with them, take them in to see what can be done so you can keep them?
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I finally got rid of mine when they were 3 sizes too big and I couldn't fake wearing them anymore. I sold them on a yardsale website on facebook and made about 650 dollars! I still have some left I'm trying to sell but I haven't been actively trying to do it...whatever is left I will probably donate. I think I will keep one size up and one size down just incase...sometimes your weight fluctuates a few pounds and I'd rather not be uncomfortable and feel worse about myself!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I gave mine to a fellow mfper! I kept one pair of my biggest pants do I could do that stand inside my old pants before and after!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I donated most of my stuff that was worth wearing again. Every once in a while, I'll stumble upon a shirt or pair of shorts that fit the "old me". It's kind of a good reminder of how far you've come.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Ask yourself why you would want to keep them.

    If your reason is that you spent a lot, and you will be having them tailored for your new size, let me be realistic for you: my mom is an accomplished seamstress. Bringing a garment down by more than 2-3 sizes is a difficult (read:expensive) task. You will be spending a LOT to "save" any garment that you plan to have altered. Do this only for garments which have extreme sentimental value.

    If your reason is a backup plan JUSTINCASE you may need them again, then throw them away, IMMEDIATELY. That kind of thinking allows for a backslide into the heavier size you once were, but never have to be again. Determine for yourself right now that you are NEVER going backwards by that much again.

    Keeping one size above your current size is reasonable. Anything else, imho, is danger territory.
  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    I used to donate ALL my bigger clothes to goodwill, but seeing how my weight rarely fluctuates beyond one size, I now throw them into bins labeled "fat" and "skinny". Too many times I've dropped a size and donated the bigger clothess only to need them 6 months later. I'd suggest keeping anything +\- one size that you currently wear. Anything bigger than that should be gotten rid of, assuming you're committed to keeping the weight off. But allow yourself a little wiggle room (sometimes the weight creeps up on us and it's nice to have the clothes to get us through that period).
  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    Slow Internet causing me to double post. Ugh!
  • _Triple_S_
    _Triple_S_ Posts: 214 Member
    Some I just bought 3 months I think I will keep 1 size up and get rid of the rest....I have sorted thru them for many summers and winters now and am getting tired of it. It just sucks that some things I only wore once or twice. Thanks for all the advice...I was leaning toward getting rid of.
  • threedaysfromyou
    Last time around, I donated most things, but kept a small selection of things I really like in a box in the garage. By the time I remembered that I had them, though, it was too late and I had already outgrown them. I haven't bought many things in my current size, mostly simple shirts and fuller gathered skirts, since they 'fit' and look good at many sizes - it's just that they sit in a different spot on my waist. This time around I plan to donate everything. I have a big box in my garage of smaller clothing that I can't wait to get back into.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    if i was to keep my size 40 waist pants. i would of needed supenders and bungy cords to hold them up. so no i get out the door. i'm not going back wards
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Never toss them, always donate them. I donate to Vietnam Veterans of America and Purple Hearts. They come right to my house and pick up. Pretty simple.