foundinthedesert Member


  • And where did you find sticky thai rice? I thought it was a very involved recipe. I would love to make it if I could find some that didn't involve cheesecloth and all kinds of time.
  • When your veggies are getting to the point you know you need to use them up, make a stir fry to put on your rice: cut them all up throw hardest veggies in a little oil or water first add veggies according to the quickest cooking last before they are done, add a little soy sauce or get a packet of zero cal gravy or sauce…
  • Hi, first off, I'm worried that I acidentally first hit "report post" instead of "reply", so I hope nothing comes of that. I'm super sorry. You are in a tough situation. I don't know if you and your mom can afford it, but my friend and her mom built an add-on with a small kitchette to her home so the mom has her own space.…