clucklucky Member


  • This is something I've been working on, too. In general I tend to approach life with a little myopia, I'll get SUPER into something for a while and its all I want to do/think about/learn about until I spin myself out on it and then it's onto the next. As you can imagine, this approach has led me to yo-yo in terms of both…
  • Bumping to follow as well. I'm 5lbs above where I'd like to be before I start recomping, so my plan is to keep dieting throughout the summer and start recomping when winter hits. I'll be wanting to spend more time on lifts (and eating ;) ) and less time outside by then anyway!
  • I agree with the contingent of folks here who have said to talk to your boyfriend, not just to write him off as a jerk. My addition/idea is to bring it up happily, as a thing you're excited about and want to involve him in rather than bitching at him about how unsupportive he is. Don't be afraid to be serious, tell him…
  • I've been an RMT for 6 years, and do 6-7 deep treatments a day 4.5 days a week. You'll be surprised at how little you actually burn in this line of work. Don't get me wrong, especially as a fresh grad you'll probably find yourself needing a few extra cals to carry you through, but you'll level out fast. I'd keep it at…
  • This may seem counterintuitive, but I find if I eat more of my calories at lunch, I'm still satisfied by the time I get home and a small dinner does the trick, no urge to snack. I might have a square or two of dark chocolate for dessert to satisfy my sweet tooth, but I find if I eat "lightly" all day then I'm impossible to…
  • Just wanted to add that I had to kind of change my mindset when I was initially trying to lose weight (am down about 20 lbs and into my healthy weight range now) because for me, impatience was huge! My perspective had to change so that I didn't give up out of frustration that what I was doing wasn't working *fast enough*.…
  • I didn't watch the video but whenever I'm craving fast food, a little education about their practices/nutrition/detriments to my health is all I need! I have a feeling what this video is - thanks!
  • I find working out if I'm just on the cusp of getting sick usually makes me feel better - in fact, since I've been working out regularly I can't remember the last time I got sick (going on a couple of years now!) so I tend to think of it as a bit of an immune system boost. However, I also believe in listening to your body,…