Tammyblack Member


  • welcome to the site - I have found it amazing - feel free to add me as a friend - Tammy
  • I bet you've burnt those calories by 11am!
  • wow - you have done really well - I am 5' 8'' - just found I wan't loosing weight when eating over 1200 and find exercising other than walking unsustainable!
  • I don't really feel hungry much of the time on the 1000 but I do sometimes have a day off a week - well done with the 30lbs it's a real milestone - I have found this site amazxing for loosing weight and teaching me about my food
  • rocket has been really helpful - not so much of a snack but really helps bulk out a meal
  • thank you I think you are tight I am not really working out just walking quite a bit more than normal
  • now you mention it it does sound a bit obsessive - yes I count everything - I find it motivating and keeps me aware that every little bit of movement helps!
  • goodness you have done so well what a massive achievement!
  • I spend a bit of time choosing my food and seeing how to make the most out of my calorie allowance! I also spend quite a lot on food but have cut down on alcohol so not really out of pocket - I also agree that looking at it as a total lifestyle change to improve your longer term health as well as your weight keeps me going…
  • Jack Daniels and diet coke can be a winner and lower than wine - wine is about 550 cals a bottle as opposed to 56cals per JD a- try and plan what you will be eating and if you go out for dinner have a starter portion - I sometimes skip lunch or have a small sushi pack which is really low in cals - but not eating before…
  • thanks also for your suggestion - a cheat day is allowed! I think that I am also now trying to see this for the long term rather than just for a few months!
  • thanks for the suggestion - jave bought myself an excellent pair of trainers to support my walking regime - the new sports bra next!
  • am no expert on these matters but I have been eating 900-1000 calories a day walk 40 minutes 5 days a week and have lost 28lbs in 3 months - I also cut out the alcohol - sounds silly but have you got a good quality pair of scales!