

  • Hi, From hertfordshire, feel free to add me.
  • I found it hard on one of my knees! There is a short warm up which on level 1 doesn't really warm you up, you should probably double it if you have a problem. To be fair I just worked through the twinges in my knee and modified some of the later exercises when I felt it was too much. My knee is fine now and I've moved onto…
  • I actually started with no weights, but then this was the first exercise I had done in 2 years! I've finished it now and I use 1.5 kg weights for everything apart from the one in level 2 where you lift with your arms inverted, that's just evil. Bit then I found all of level 2 evil and was relieved when I started level 3!
  • Hi, I track it as 25 mins circuit training. I've just finished the 30 days and really enjoyed it, though there were exercises at each level that I struggled with. I have no upper body strength and found all the plank work in level 2 hardest, though I lost my balance a lot in the jumping squats on level 3. I'm doing 'Lose…
  • Police Officer
  • I gained 9 lbs over all of December, but I put some of that down to stopping smoking at the end of November. I had smoked about 10 a day for 9 years (I didn't start till I was 26!) and decided to stop before I reached 35, which I did in the middle of December. I realised that it's no good losing weight if you are still…