Those of you who have done 30DS - knee question

Hi guys,
I would like to do 30 Day Shred. I really need to tone my body, much more so than lose weight, but motivation is low. I need to make a commitment.

However, I often get sore knees when running. I have been told by a physio that it is where my hamstring attaches to the front below my knee that gets inflamed.

I have heard that 30DS is hard on the knees. How have you found it? Anyone with knee niggles done it?

Thanks :)


  • kiwilaurie
    kiwilaurie Posts: 41 Member
  • I found it hard on one of my knees! There is a short warm up which on level 1 doesn't really warm you up, you should probably double it if you have a problem. To be fair I just worked through the twinges in my knee and modified some of the later exercises when I felt it was too much. My knee is fine now and I've moved onto Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat.
    I found 30DS much harder on my upper body, I shudder whenever I hear the word 'plank'.

    Good luck
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    I would not say I have knee problems BUT my knees get sore very easily if I do a lot of lunging and squats etc so I am very careful what I do. I found the Slim in 6 had too many lunges etc. I'm now trying the 30DS and so far so good BUT I do the modify version of most every exercise. Good luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    There is a lot of jumping. I don't know if that is too much for you. But I don't see anything wrong with substituting. If the jumping jacks hurt your knees but the high knees jogging in place doesn't, then do that instead. The important thing is keeping the heart rate up.

    I have two more Jillian DVD's arriving today, 6 week 6 pack and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and I don't know yet how they compare.
  • wannalosew82
    wannalosew82 Posts: 108 Member
    I found it very hard on my knees the first time i tried back in Oct 2011. By Day 6 I could not climb the stairs, bend and was in pain. I gave up but restarted on Nov 30th. I just decided not to do the jump moves and just kept moving through those by marching in place. During the level 1 and level 2 I could not do the jumping jacks or the jump ropes completely. I still attempted them for as long as I could and started either marching or jogging till the next step to keep my heart rate going. Suffice it to say by the end of the program I was able to do them all. I continue to do the jump moves in my Zumba class and Ripped in 30 that I am currently doing. Just pace yourself. If you feel it is going to hurt stop jumping but keep moving. Also I always took Advils for muscle aches and pains due to exercise. I have been working out consistently since Nov 30th. I do JM's tape in the morning , 2 Zumba classes per week, 3 50 mts elliptical sessions per house plus one or two 50 mts treadmill at home. I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Helps tremendously with sore muscles. Also take breaks in between. But get back on track in a day or two. Good Luck.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    I did 30ds, made it through the first two levels, but after about 4 days on level 3, I had to quit my knees were hurting bad.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    The first few times I tried 30DS, it killed my knees. But after I moved near trails and was walking for an hour a day and tried again, my knees are fine. Perhaps working on the stabilization muscles will help (yoga, pilates) and walking on uneven surfaces.
  • carisle
    carisle Posts: 25 Member
    I had problems with my knees hurting when I first started 30DS. But as some other people have already mentioned the important thing is to keep your heart rate up. So I just did what I could and substituted the rest of the time with moves I could do. With time my knees hurt less and now I have no problem!
  • I have a bad knee and found 30DS to be awful for it. However, I tried wrapping my knee in an ace bandage before I worked out and that seemed to help a lot with the pain.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I found it hard on one of my knees! There is a short warm up which on level 1 doesn't really warm you up, you should probably double it if you have a problem. To be fair I just worked through the twinges in my knee and modified some of the later exercises when I felt it was too much. My knee is fine now and I've moved onto Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat.
    I found 30DS much harder on my upper body, I shudder whenever I hear the word 'plank'.

    Good luck

    I just finished my 7th day of level 2. I HATE PLANKS! Seriously, hate them! Although, I'm sure the reason I hate them so much is because they are certainly making my upper body and abs get much stronger.
  • I have bursitis in my left knee (same thing as you) that became inflamed a few years ago when I tried doing C25K. I've always struggled with knees since being a high school volleyball player, but really what hurts them is having weak muscles to keep the knees in place. In other words, I need to exercise. Finding the right exercise to build strength while not irritating the knee is the key.

    I built up to the 30 Day Shred Challenge by doing Tabata once a week at the gym during January as well as Zumba, but I do mostly low impact if it is hurting my knees at all. Last week I bought the 30DS and did a few days of Level 1 but because I had been doing Tabata I was ready to move to Level 2. After 2 day of Level 2 (the beginning of this week) I decided to go for the 30 Day Challenge. The lunges hurt a little bit, but I just do the modifications and don't go as low. For the oblique twists I do a little less jumping but keep twist, and do get the heart rate up I double time on the skaters. Knees are a little sore, but mostly feeling like they are getting stronger.

    I do agree with the comment that going into the jumping jacks cold is rough. And while Jillian doesn't recommend modifications on the jumping jacks, I think moving is more important than injuring yourself and ending up on the sidelines (or in pt for 6 weeks like I did after attempting to become a runner.)
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I've been doing Supreme 90 Day and plan on starting 30DS in a few weeks. I pull out my mini trampoline and any time there are jumps involved, I get on my mini trampoline. I got one at Sports Authority for about 40 bucks on sale.