30 Day Shred - how heavy do you lift?

porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
Am thinking about the 30 day shred but wondered how heavy you lift.. given the advice in general on here that heavy is better..

Do you build up to heavier weights, use small weights or jump right in with heavy weights?

Thanks for your advice.


  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I just started today using 1.5KG weights, lighter than I usually use but they killed my arms. I definitely say use small weights first and work up or else you can injure yourself and struggle to get through the workout.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks :smile: Def the advice I needed.. I've been lifting 3kg in each hand or 6kg if combining for something like overhead triceps, but didn't want to kill myself in the shred if it was wise to start light. :laugh: I'll start with 1kg and see how I fair.. just making it through will be good enough for me! :blushing:
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    :) It is quite tough but you have to power through. I watched level 1 through and thought it looked easy but boy was I wrong! So glad I picked my lightest weights.

    You can always have two different weights near by if you want to switch it up if you find it too easy. I might do that next time as some of them are easier than others.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Thanks :) will keep that in mind for later - makes sense :) Eeek at starting it.. lol I'm worried about my abs as have avoided doing much on them since I fell pregnant.. baby is 2 now! :laugh: I've got to work on finding ab exercises I actually like doing.. sit ups feel like poison! :embarassed:

    Thanks again and good luck with the rest of it!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    The ab exercises in Level 1 were quite nice. Apparently that's the resting time! :P Everyone says level 2 is the worst though so I'm dreading that.
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    i started with 3lb weights for the first 5 days of each level, and then moved up to 5lb weights for the other 5 days of each level
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    When I first started I could only manage 1 and 3 lb weights. Soon I was able to start alternating 3 and 5. Now I'm doing it again alongside my husband and I use anywhere from 3-10 lbs depending on the exercise. If it starts to feel too easy/comfortable, grab something bigger on the exercises where you feel you are able.
  • Yep I'm using five to eight pound weights alternating on days. As far as ab work try working your core by doing some one minute planks, 10 pushups at a time and 100 air bicycles in sets of twenty! :flowerforyou:
  • I started with 3 lb weights, and finished using 8lb weights :)
  • I actually started with no weights, but then this was the first exercise I had done in 2 years! I've finished it now and I use 1.5 kg weights for everything apart from the one in level 2 where you lift with your arms inverted, that's just evil. Bit then I found all of level 2 evil and was relieved when I started level 3!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Wow impressive stuff! Will see how I go then! :) I've only just got my dumbbells bt am hoping to add some kettle bells in a couple of weeks so maybe I'll be able to move up in time - first things first. lol

    I've had a look on You tube at level 1 but didn't go further than that,.. in case I scared myself! lol

    Thanks all.