

  • Part 2 took so long, I posted before I read your post, Barb. I am so glad that your eye turned out to be less serious than originally thought. That is a blessing! Hopefully, you will be out of your fog soon! Take care -Bec
  • Not done - just a gremlin - or rather me accidently hitting "post":ohwell: Robin: I have been doing limited exercising - and haven't posted so I won't feel like I had to do it everyday. (Is that too odd?:noway: ); anyway - I'm climbing back up with you. Not the 3 hours/day exercising, however. I'm afraid I have to go a bit…
  • Well, I hope the lap top gremlins are sleeping, so I can quickly type my long post!:smile: I am back to feeling my perky self after having my DGD Claire here for 5 days! Those grandchildren keep us young!:love: She is just the funniest little girl. She takes after her dad (my son) - he is also a lay-back, creative, and…
  • Just marking my spot. Will get back to you later. Welcome to all the newbies! Bec
  • Chiclet - just saw your post after I posted. SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND BOO!!!:smile: Yes, the capital letters mean that I am shouting that! Have some fun cuddling with Boo.:drinker: Bec
  • Hello again today. Oh, I forgot - you didn't read my first post because it was "lost!:grumble: Jeanne: I typed a post out & when I hit "post" my computer locked up & I had to restart, losing everything. I swear, there are gremlins in there. Those types of things have happened so often to me, it is almost…
  • Will the laptop gremlins return? Let's hope not! Update on my Scotty: Angus's bloodtests showed something wrong with his liver: either cancer or a disorder. His vet did not recommend a CAT scan (:laugh: does anyone find that as amusing as I do - a CAT scan not recommended for my dog?) because of the expense and his age…
  • Oh, and I loved seeing the pictures: Barbie - beautiful grandson, beautiful you! (Love the Tinkerbell - a favorite of mine & my DGD!:love: ) Laura - you are an inspiration!!!!:drinker: I have pictures stored on my computer but don't know what photobucket is. Can anyone instruct me on posting pictures? Thanks! Perhaps in…
  • SEE, MY COMPUTER DOESN'T WANT ME TO TYPE - I SWEAR I DID NOT HIT POST!!!! To continue - I have lost 1 of those pounds. When I whined to my DD who is also a MFP user, she said, "I think it is stress and lack of good sleep. You should talk to your women!" She means you all! I am glad that I raised a smart…
  • I'm baaaaack! I just finished writing out a long post and it disappeared because I hit a wrong button, then somehow I deleted half of the second post without realizing it!!.:ohwell: I quickly scanned your posts. Welcome all you new friends!:drinker: I missed all you "old" friends!!:love: Well, I plan to keep this shorter…
  • Well, the first day of in-services is over.:yawn: The only positive is that My DGD Claire is still here, so I got to come home to her.:happy: Our rooms are not air conditioned, so, even thought it was only in the 80s here today, the humidity was up & I came home worn out. I am still determined to exercise tonight after DGD…
  • Michele -I read your post after I posted and had to comment! I am SO with you about the alcohol being brought into the Y. What are they thinking??? I hope they understand the possible consequences of that decision!:noway: Think I will do a Leslie Sansone right now - LOVE HER!!! Bec
  • Hi, all! Welcome Mags, Debbi, Sharon, Roberta (& all others whom I may have forgotten to mention!) I get so much from these inspirational women! I've just started the weight-loss journey and learn so much from this board!!:flowerforyou: Exercise- and strengthening (Thanks, Mimi for your post :smile: ), or rather lack of,…
  • :wink: This is such a beautiful day here in the midwest!:happy: Temperature & humidity are both low - just the way I like it! My -/+ for the day: :grumble: I go back to work in 2 days and I still have so many jobs to finish around the house. :happy: I get to babysit my GDG for 3 days while DS is at work. On one day, she…
  • Good afternoon! I have been MIA for a few days, but have spent the last few hours catching up on posts! Colonscopy went well. However, it took time to bounce back to my ol' self. Thursday - the day of the procedure - hubby brought me home, I ate something, then slept all afternoon & evening; ate again, but got queezy, so…
  • Well, a day of clear liquids :drinker: & meds for a clean-out tonight, so I am writing on the run, so to speak. Colonoscopy tomorrow - oh joy. :grumble: I'm having a colonoscopy. :happy: I can tell you that I'm having a colonscopy - now that's being in the comfort zone. Welcome newbies!!! I promise not to discuss my bodily…
  • I have returned. I live in a small town, so had to drive 30 miles to exchange the adhesive. Since we drive that so often, it seems like nothing. However, huge storm blew up on the way back home. Fortunately, Angus & Mac were not too upset about the storm (DH at a meeting), but tails wagged fiercely when we came through the…
  • Happy, lethargic Tuesday! I have been running errands, trying to get materials for tiling a backsplash. Just driving & running into stores, and going down mile-long aisles has me worn out. Maybe it is because so hot & humid out & I was in & out of air-conditioning? Maybe it is because I have been been using all my great…
  • Well, after 2 hours, I have finished catching up on posts after 3 days. I did eat lunch and take 2 bathroom breaks during that time (See, I am getting in my fluids :drinker: ). I find myself crying, smiling, laughing, applauding, and even shouting at my computer when I read all your posts. Thanks to you all for sharing. I…
  • Good evening (almost good morning here in the midwest), all, We had router problems so I was only just able to get on the internet. Which brings up one of my -?+ :grumble: So often we spend more time trying to figure out what goes wrong with our internet than acually using it. :happy: Without the internet I would not have…
  • Hello, dear women, Just a few (well, few for me) comments since my hubby thinks it's time for supper. Oh, he will start it on his own - sometimes that is great, other times, well, his combinations are "interesting".:noway: Birdie: Like Laura, I love seeing where this journey has taken you in a year & am inspired. I wonder…
  • OK - My profile pic is my grandbaby - rather grandtoddler - Claire. :heart: She's a sweetheart, so talented & bright - and I don't just say that because I am her grandmother!:wink:
  • Barb - The lack of bp meds is really a motivater for me. Thanks! Also, glad to know that other dogs are hiding out in their surroundings. Could this be part of the animal conspiracy? Maybe just my older eyes. I have actually called out for my dog when he was lying inches away from my feet by our black stove...on the black…
  • Just posted my long (but record, Mimi!) post & read the others that appeared while I was writing. I just had to comment on a couple of things: Linda: I live that idea about the cookies at the wedding. My daughter's wedding isin the very distant future, but hope I can remember that nice tradition. mim - I was so excited to…
  • Hello to all! I absolutely love these reading posts. You are all such strong women - whether you feel that way at the moment or not. Donna - Don't you hate how our bodies can shift around weight? I bet that dress will be fine after 2 weeks of training your body whar goes where with exercise. Michele - I also laughed at…
  • Good Day, ladies! I really enjoyed the pictures, Amanda & Donna! What beautiful women (both young & "young"!). Donna, I am fairly new to the Grandmother role, but find it is one of the best roles I have in life. Cathy, I am also an Iowan (at least I assume you are from Iowa - Iowamama.). My daugher was going to school in…
  • Donna, I would like to know how to post pictures, also. If you find out other than on this board, post it here so I can also "brag up" my "grandtoddler". Thanks! Bec
  • Time to pour out! My wieght been has up & down my entire life. These last year, I wore my weight like a walking calendar: These 10 pounds from quitting smoking, this 10 from my first child, the next 15 from the second, this 20 from job stress, and so on. After turning 50. I wanted to get healthier which meant losing close…
  • Eastindian - I am also 55/55. Love the idea pf getting back to my old self - even though it will take me back 25 years! Went to a wedding today and, even though I had cake, stayed under goal!!
  • Hi, I'm new here. Actually, my college-aged daughter is helping me through the tech part. She, my husband, and I are all on board with Myfitnesspal. She has been blogging, finding friends, and on the message boards and said that has really helped keep her on track. She suggested that I do the same. This is a great program…