

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Barb (weaklink) - how wonderful about the job!!!! I'm sooo very happy for you

    Welcome rascalini! You've found a great supportive group of women. You mentioned points, I'm assuming that you were doing Weight Watchers. I think of all the "diets" out there, they are the best since they focus mainly on fruits and veges. The thing I have a bit of a problem with is that they only focus on fats, calories and fiber. No mention of sodium or sugar. You WILL do this, and we'll be right here for you.

    Robin - I'm so sorry for you. I know how much you were looking forward to seeing your daughter.

    chicklet - your doctor is right. You ex IS a jerk! Congrats on the weight loss!!!! About telling your mom that she can't come if she's too weak...isn't it amazing some of the things we have to do to our parents? One time my father really needed a good jacket. I knew he'd NEVER pay what I paid, so I told him I got it on sale 50% off. If he EVER knew what I paid, he'd have had me take it back and gone to KMart. Not that their clothes are bad....it's just that this jacket was really warm and that's what he needed. Actually, I very seldom if ever can buy clothing at KMart, mainly because they don't carry petite sizes.

    Amanda - spaghetti squash holds quite well when frozen. I cook it, then freeze it in smaller containers. Then I take a container out, thaw it out, then measure the amount that I want. It really does hold up the consistency, which surprised me since I believe (althou I'm not entirely sure) that spaghetti squash has a lot of water. But it also has a lot of fiber, maybe that helps some. Wish you could freeze summer squash.

    Welcome annitin and cathleenr!

    Oh, I'm so excited. Seems the Y sort-of near me is going to start having yoga on Sat. a.m. so that means that I won't have to drive to the branch that is 20 minutes (and lots of lights) away. I may still go there some, but now I have an option.

    Today (Sun) did 1 hr of hulahooop on the WiiFit today. Tomorrow, a band workout.

    Going to have that meeting at my house tomorrow. I've ordered a fruit tray and a veggie tray. I figure if it doesn't get finished, I'll finish it! Then I made this banana chocolate (sort of low cal, from Fitness Magazine) cake. I bought bottled water, we have OJ, grape juice, I made green iced tea. I really don't like those tea makers where you put ice in the bottom and the hot water pours over it. I like to boil my water, steep the tea, then refrigerate it. Hope I've thought of everything.

    Oh, I broiled some asparagus yesterday. Actually, it was on sale but I was a bit disappointed in the quality. The stalks were thin, but it was produce of Peru, I would have rather it been the US. But the asparagus was good.

    Going to post this in case someone has any suggestions as to things I may have forgotten for tomorrow. I bought creamer for coffee (I know one gal likes her coffee),

  • chicletgirl

    I'm not sure about any one else, but I actually like my aspargus thin vs thick. I have been told by the produce manager that the thins ones are more tender when coooked and the larger ones are tougher (maybe because they are older in order to get so big), I don't know maybe its preference. But I BBQ them and they are fine.

    Well have a nice day everyone. I think I am going to take it easy today.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone, and welcome newbies!!

    My wise choice of a late night snack (veggies, yogurt and fruit, rather than a carb temptation) paid off, I finally got past the stall I have been on for the last few days. I am still doing HCG, but for the past few days, I have allowed some things to sneak in that were not on the eating protocol, and while I didn't gain, I didn't LOSE either, so I am glad things are finally moving, and I seem to have outrun the attack of the killer carbs for the moment.

    How nice to be able to get rid of too big clothes. I really need to get started on that project. I would have lots of room in my closet, if only I would take the time to do it. Your curry description makes me hungry for some. I love it and haven't had any in a while.

    It might make 100F here today, so I think my best friend "the AC" and I are going to stay very well-acquainted. I will have to venture out soon, if I am going to church this morning, but I could always defer until the evening service.

    Take care, everyone. Have a good Sunday.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member

    I'm not sure about any one else, but I actually like my aspargus thin vs thick. I have been told by the produce manager that the thins ones are more tender when coooked and the larger ones are tougher (maybe because they are older in order to get so big), I don't know maybe its preference. But I BBQ them and they are fine.

    Well have a nice day everyone. I think I am going to take it easy today.


    In reading my post, I realized that I wasn't very clear. I prefer them thin, I was more disappointed that so many were crushed and it was a product of Peru not the US. Sorry for the error. You're right, the thin ones ARE more tender. I was watching Emeril Green once and he peeled the tough outer skin of the part that he broke off and also used that. Do you? I've never done that, I wonder if it's tender inside????? Anyone know?

  • Angusowner
    Good afternoon! I have been MIA for a few days, but have spent the last few hours catching up on posts! Colonscopy went well. However, it took time to bounce back to my ol' self. Thursday - the day of the procedure - hubby brought me home, I ate something, then slept all afternoon & evening; ate again, but got queezy, so went to bed & slept till noon on Fri! Friday, I tried exercising, doing about 30 min of low impact, but it upset my stomach, so I rested for a while. Now, I am not normally someone who is ill often, so this was all a surprise to me. I really wasn't back to my former energy level till Sat.:yawn:

    The last few days, I have been trying to sort & organize the dining room full of my mother's things. My goal was to have that done by the start of the school year - which is Wed. for me. (Someone asked about employment - I teach full time). I think I should be finished by then. Of course, I think of my mom constantly. I am so sorry for you all whose parents contributed to a poor self-image. I have to say, my parents were very supporting and encouraged me in all endeavors. (They were older parents, since I was a "tail-ender".) I am truly blessed.:heart:

    As I was sorting pictures, I found one of me from high school. I should post it! Me: hair down the middle of my back, wearing "john Lennon" wire-rimmed glasses. My outfit: wool "hotpants", white poet's shirt, long crocheted vest, and - get this - fish net hose!! Dear me - I must have blocked out the memory of that outfit. :noway: I also found a picture of a coat I wore: a tweed maxi coat whose bottom could zip off to make it a mini length. BTW: I was in high school in the midwest during Woodstock. I wasn't allowed to go to out-of state concerts. one of my older brothers, however, was in college and spent several years travelling on week-ends to see concerts: Jimmy Hendricks, SteppenWolfe, The Doors, etc.

    Time prohibits me from responding to all, but I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Some comments:

    Peggy: Yourlessons are so helpful. I eat @ my desk after school when checking papers. I use it as a reward system - but not this year!:smile:

    Jackie: I know what you mean,; sometimes I feel less dedicated because I am not into exercise. That's why I have to think of Dory from "Finding Nemo" and say" Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" except mine is "Just keep exercising"!:wink:

    Chiclet: Your ex IS a jerk. I have begun reading about The Bucket Theory" (Anyone else heard of it?) in order to help understand motivations in my students. Anyway, the theory is basically that the bucket is our self esteem/self-image. If our bucket is full, we have a positive self image. People can help you fill your bucket (like your Dr.) or you can do it on your own (like when you eat healthy). You can also empty your bucket by doing things like doing mental put downs, or others can take fro your bucket. That type of person always has an empty bucket, and they think they can fill theirs by taking from others. The thing is - they can't. Your ex sounds like he constantly tries to steal from your bucket!!:frown:

    Robin: So sorry that you couldn't see your DD!:cry:

    Barb: Job+Hurray!! :happy: I, too must leave my Angus during the day when school starts. When I am home, he has to be where ever I am - even in the bathroom. I feel so guilty leaving him when I am at work! I always give him extra attention when I am home - but that still doesn't make up for the time away.:sad:

    SuzyQ: I would also like to know how you "healthy up" your recipes (can't wait to make that coconut pie). I am determined to change my eating habits without giving up those tastes I love.:wink:

    Mimi: I am Leslie Sansone's #1 fan!:love:

    Barb & Mimi: Taking an idea from Barb's comment about "Veggie Queen", I have a refrain idea for the song. (Go HEClers!). Now, Just get the refrain tune of "Dancing Queen" in your head:
    "We can Eat!
    We can Lose!
    Veggie Sister is giving us cues.
    OOh, won't be long,
    And we'll be lean,
    Thanks to the Veggie Queen"

    (Veggie Sister or Sister Veggie?

    By the way - welcome all newbies which I was recently. I really liked what Laura said in one of her posts: "...remember we are in this for the long haul...". I find such comfort in that!
    All for now - must get going.
    Take care all,
  • mimi7grands
    I just realized I now weigh what it says on my Driver’s License. Funny thing, I look a whole lot thinner in person than I do in my picture! :laugh: The other day, the clerk at the store scrutinized my license for a long time. Later, I realized it was probably because I don’t look much like my picture.

    The "Ones" are on the horizon! Just a few weeks away. I haven’t weighed in the Ones since, oh, about 32 years ago!!! I’ll have to be careful on my trip at the end of the month or the Ones will take longer than a few weeks. I splurged last night on an authentic, home-prepared Mexican meal, complete with homemade tortillas and lamb roasted over an open fire pit. Oh, and a tequila shooter! The first (and maybe the last) in my life! I felt like a college kid. The scale was up a half pound this morning. :sad:

    Michelle, Your friend sounds like she’ll take everything you’re willing to give and then some. I hope you will practice saying, “No.” It takes practice when you’re not used to it. You might even want to practice in front of a mirror! :tongue: No kidding. I can be too accommodating too. You can say “no” with a smile, but be ready to say it. I’m betting you’ll feel empowered in a good way.

    You are one movin’ mama! Always a new class or new activity. Your life sounds interesting.

    Erica, I was interested in your post. You said, “I have never been able to give up anything I love for any great length of time.” I was exactly like that a year ago. The difference for me was not in giving things up but in adding good things. I’ve learned to love healthy foods and the cravings for junk have gone away.

    Trust me, I was a junk food junky. I would sit in the car and eat a whole bag of cheddar cheese-flavored chips (crisps), a half carton of sour cream, some roasted almonds, and a Haagen Daz ice cream bar or three. (Actually four – that’s how many came in the package.) That’s how I got to weigh 324 pounds 9 years ago (still 300 pounds 5 years ago).

    It’s not about gritting your teeth and saying “I love healthy foods.” That’s what I would have thought before. Now I feel indulged and pampered – downright spoiled - by the flavors and textures in my diet. I’m not good about denial at all. To me, diets where you have to deny yourself and are a little bit hungry, while they make you feel virtuous for a while, never work in the long run. The trick is to eat the healthy foods first. Vegetables, if you fix them right, are especially good. Fruit’s good too. When you eat those first, it’s funny how the cravings for the other stuff disappear.

    Amanda, you are doing so well. I admire you tremendously. It sounds like you’re having some lovely family times. They’re the best times.

    Your anecdote about your previously flat-chested daughter made me laugh. I’d give anything to be flat-chested. Some friends and I were shopping in San Francisco many years back, in my size G bra days (that’s triple D with a few extra D’s thrown in). A derelict on the street lurched toward us and said, “Nice tits lady.” My friends have never let me live that down. Now that I’m getting much smaller, I can laugh with them! :wink:

    Aren’t “normal” size clothes great?! I was looking online for tops with ¾ length sleeves (because the upper arms are never going to look good bare – a small price to pay for losing the weight). Almost every time a top caught my eye, I’d see that it came only in Women’s (large) sizes. I’m going to have to retrain my eyes! Although, barring a tummy tuck, I never will look good in tops that cling. That limits the selection. What to do, what to do. :ohwell:

    Yay, Susan, for the scale budging!!! :flowerforyou: I’m amazed by all the creative things you do with garage-sale items, etc. I wish you lived closer!

    Kerry, you’re a girl after my own heart when it comes to veggies. “Fresh out of your garden” sounds wonderful. :happy: We’re hoping to have a garden next year after we get the final grading done (just finished building the house a little over a year ago…in fact, my apartment is not yet done (I can hardly wait)).

    Welcome to everyone new. This is an AWESOME bunch of women! Friendly, positive, encouraging. I never imagined I’d find a group like this when I started out. It’s made a huge difference in keeping me going when I get waver-y.

    I love seeing the tickers for those of you who are so close to goal (and those that have reached it). You’ve done an amazing job. Congrats.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Robin, My heart broke for you when I read about your daughter not coming. :cry: You were so excited about it. I hope you’ll get a chance to see her another time soon. I know you are on vacation and may not be reading this, but I’m thinking about you. I hope you’re having fun on your camping trip anyway. You’ve earned it!

    Chiclet, you have done so well! Keep up the good work. :flowerforyou: Think of that bottle of wine as 4-5 glasses of wine. Then you can spread it out, and just have a glass now and then. That makes it a treat and not a commitment! The ex is a jerk for sure. That’s why he’s the ex! And that extra 20 minutes of waiting, umm, what a shame! :laugh:

    Barb, the new job sounds good. Now that you’re going to be such a busy bee, I hope you’ll still have time to get together when I’m up there at the end of the month.

    Jackie, you don’t need to give up, just make sure you get plenty of healthy foods in before you go the other stuff. Honestly, I think you’ll find that you eat less of the other stuff. The stress of dealing with your mom has got to be a factor. I can’t imagine how hard that must be. You keep your sense of humor though. I don’t know how you do it! :flowerforyou:

    Annitin, lucky you, having your son who’s a personal trainer help you with working out. Wow! You and Elizabeth both have such good, built-in support.

    Bec, you crack me up with your lyrics. We have a whole bunch of veggie queens on here. The more the better! I think I’m the only Sister though! I don’t know why, but being Sister Queen always made me happy. Being Sister Veggie Queen is even better. :happy:

    Wow. So many posts, so little time. Even if I haven’t had a chance to say “Hey” personally, I read all the posts and think about all of you. Each of you is dear to me. :heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SuzyQ: I would also like to know how you "healthy up" your recipes (can't wait to make that coconut pie). I am determined to change my eating habits without giving up those tastes I love.:wink:


    The trick is to replace as much bad fat as possible with nut butter or a high fiber vegetable like pumpkin, bump up the fiber with whole grain flours and figure out just how much sugar you can replace without ruining the taste and texture. I've been experimenting for years. In baked goods a certain amount of fat, sugar and flour has to remain to get the desired texture and browning. It really is kitchen science!

    AS REQUESTED, here's my healthied up version of my family's favorite dessert ~ Coconut Cream Pie at 392 calories per slice. (My regular regular version has double the calories per slice. This is NOT a low cal recipe, but just the best thing I could do and save the taste and texture.) This recipe makes a 8-9" Pie that serves 8. If you don't eat the crust, deduct a whopping 177 calories! :grumble: I entered it into the MFP database as SuzyQ's Sugar-free Coconut Creme Pie

    2/3 cup sifted unbleached flour
    2/3 cup sifted whole wheat flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup shortening
    3-4 Tablespoons cold water.
    Wax Paper
    2 cups dried beans

    1. Be sure to sift the flour before measuring it. Combine dry ingredients. Cut in shortening with pastry knife until mixture is uniform.

    2. Sprinkle with water 1 tablespoon at a time; toss lightly with for. When all water has been added, work into a firm ball.

    3. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/8 thick and about 1 1/2" larger than inverted pie plate.

    4. Gently ease dough in to plate. Fold edges under to make double thickness around the rim. Flute edge as desired.

    5. Place wax paper in pie shell and fill with dried beans. (Discard after baked.)

    6. Bake in preheated 425 degree oven 12-15 minutes or until lightly browned.

    (Make this first so it will be ready to use while the creme filling is piping hot to avoid weeping.)
    4 large egg whites.
    pinch salt
    1 Tablespoon sugar
    6 packets Splenda
    1 teaspoon corn starch

    Use a clean bowl for whites as any oil of any kind will keep the whites from stiffening.

    1. Separate eggs into small bowl one at a time. Set yolks aside for filling below.

    2. Beat whites, salt and corn starch until foamy.

    3. Add Splenda one pkt at a time. Beat until soft peaks form.

    4. Add sugar slowly while beating. Continue beating on high until stiff peaks form.

    5. Set aside, covered.

    1 large box Jello Cook & Serve sugar-free Vanilla Pudding
    3 1/2 cups Skim milk
    4 egg yolks.
    1 can sweetened flaked coconut

    Follow directions on package, adding yolks to milk before placing on heat. Once mixture has thickened, stir in coconut. Place in baked shell, then immediately top with meringue and brown in 350 degree oven 12-18 minutes.
  • chicletgirl
    I saw this article on whether sugar is considered an addiction and do you go through withdrawels like you would cocaine? The answer...yes. Here is the link to the article if you are interested.


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone--just a quick post to say Hi and to let you know that I'm still here!

    MFP says I've logged in for so many days in a row but I feel like I'm starting all over again. I could barely get online at all--its just that MFP is my homepage so when I'd get a connection I was 'logging in' even though I'd lose the connection almost immediately!

    I did not handle the frustration well at all and my weight is up a pound--but not for long!

    I have finally caught up on all the posts from Tuesday until now--WOW we have grown! Welcome to all our newcomers. This is a wonderful group of women--very supportive and you'll get loads of good ideas from them.

    I am happy that things are working out for your mom, chicklet. I hope there is a way to get her closer to you (and I agree with all the others--your ex is a jerk!).

    I am sending good thought and prayers to all--we all need them, whether we think we do or not.

    I have been walking with Leslie everyday (Bec--I"M her biggest fan! ME! ME! ME! LOL!) and have ordered her Walk Strong dvd which has intervals of weight training. I've also ordered a Richard Simmons toning dvd and can't wait to see if I still think his videos are as much fun as I used to find them! I should receive them on Wednesday.

    Friday was my dd's 21st birthday and I babysat so they could go to a Rainier's ball game without the baby. It wasn't too bad. He is getting used to a bottle (still with mommy's milk) but there was a period of time when he was insisting on mommy. I swaddled and rocked him and he fell asleep for almost the rest of the evening.

    I worked for a couple of hours on Saturday morning as our orders were all messed up last week. I'll have a short day tomorrow (Monday), which will be nice as it's going to be another hot one.

    Then I need to go to my bank as I got a letter on Saturday purporting to be from them but I'm pretty sure it is some kind of a scam--neither of the (partial) account numbers have ANYTHING to do with my accounts and it just does not make sense at all. It claims that one account was debited to pay an overdraft in the other account and that I should call them. The whole thing looks wrong and, like I said, makes no sense.

    I hope everyone is doing well and making healthy choices--which is what I will be doing!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: we had a busy day today with food, friends, and a lot of talking so less time for posting but I did manage to include some exercise.

    :flowerforyou: chiclet, go ahead and talk to Phillip.....no woman has a claim on him unless he tells you clearly that he's involved with someone.........just think of him as a fascinating person that you want to know more about......in my business we approach a lot of people about our product and we say that when they say yes, it builds our business, and when they say no, it builds our character.....I think it was Barb who said "nothing ventured, nothing gained"

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, you are so right about adding healthy foods to your life instead of subtracting the unhealthy stuff...taking it one day at a time and one step at a time is the key to success.

    don't have time for more,,,,,,,just know how special you all are to me and I treasurer your words and your presence in my life :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Well the funeral is over and now I can come back & start taking care of me. It's just weird to not have someone to care for. I know it's going to take time. The huge job looming before us is sorting out the house so the estate can be divided between my husband & his brother. None of us want to tackle the job but it will have to be done. I guess this will be my new job but not one that I would sign up for in the real world.

    Finished my exercise and now I am off to doing normal things like laundry that got put aside last week.

  • seawillow7
    I have been logging onto mfp for one week now and am very excited to have found this thread! It's wonderful to see that women over 50 are successful at losing weight. I have been thinking that because of my age (63) I may have a hard time with this but from all the posts I have been reading I see that I have been quite wrong...and happily so! I need to lose 81 pounds and have lost 3 this week so I am pretty happy with that! You ladies have been an inspiration to me!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello to you all!

    Wow, my days are a bit crazy at present, hardly any time to post since we've had our Aussie guest. I'm also trying to spend a little extra time at the nursing home with mum-in-law.

    For now I will just say that I'm doing well with my food and exercise and chipping away at the weight, slowly but surely (fingers crossed that it continues that way!)

    I will try to get back on later, but we are off to Covent Garden in a little while and then meeting DH at his London Club (think old fashioned PG Wodehouse Drones type place and you will be spot on!) Even though I have to be presentable, I am taking a large handbag with me, so that I can change my walking shoes once I get off the tube. It's a good half an hour walk to the underground station from our house, so a bit more exercise.

    My love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tis Monday Morning....

    annitin- Welcome:flowerforyou: this is a great place to get encouragment....you are so fortunate to have your own personal trainer:drinker: I'm sure he really wants the best for you and that means being in shape.

    SuzyQ- Thanks for the receipe, I will give it a try it does sound good:love: I could probably use this and make 1/2 coconut for hubby and 1/2 banana for me:wink:

    Cathleenr- :flowerforyou: Welcome to the best thread on MFP!

    Jackie- be not discouraged, you can do it, get plenty of water in and look out for the sodium:huh: Of course there is always the exercise room on the ship too...since #2 Son & DIL just got back from a cruise I know that there is plenty of equipment and not very many people using it:wink:

    Chiclet-:flowerforyou: You have had so much to put up (out) with and my heart goes out to you:heart: If I could I'd give you a hug, but this is all I can send right now {{hug}} Glad that your Mom is responding to the rehab place...can't even begin to figure out what is wrong with your brother and SIL:huh:

    Amanda- you are so good to your MIL:flowerforyou: Mine is now in a locked down dementia place as she keeps thinking she should be able to go home, but like my Mom she is in Oregon and we don't see her very often, hubbys brother is the one that is overseeing her care. Sounds like you are doing a pretty good job of yourself busy even with your Aussie visitor. So when we were in London last year and I saw all those girls with the cute shoes..I wondered how in the world they walked to the tube :huh: now I know they must have carried extra shoes in their bags:wink:

    Barb - :drinker: Good job on fighting off those carbs trying to sneek in on you!

    Bec- I will now be singing that song all day:laugh: :laugh: in my head of course....Thanks to the Veggie Queen:laugh: :laugh:

    Mimi-:laugh: just picturing the person checking out your license:laugh:

    Cindy- I understand not wanting to have to go through the house:ohwell: having just done that for my Mom back in Oregon. it's a task that is no fun, for my Hubby and myself we wound up doing it in 6 days because that was how long we were going to be in Oregon on our last trip and I just wanted it over and done with. But now I have the house on the market and the realtor says it looks brand new:wink:

    Seawillow7 - congrats on those 3 lbs:flowerforyou:


    Yesterday for lunch when #2 son & DIL came over we had BBQ steak and veggies with the Banana Split Pie and it was all yummy:love: but by the time I got to logging it all in and we didn't make it out for our bike ride I realized that dinner had to be a salad, but that was okay since I wasn't all that hungry because our lunch was after 2pm. So tonight back to the plan and am already back at it with drinking my green tea.

    :drinker: Everyone have a good day and continue to drink your water:drinker: , exercise and have some fresh veggies...now let's all sing along...Here's to the Veggie Queen:wink:

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I was off on Friday so I had a leisurely morning and I read all the posts and composed a long wonderful, Witty post. However when I went searching for the spell checker I hit the wrong key and lost everything and by that time I needed to run and get on with my day and off to my Girls week end.
    I had a blast!!!! I got there late so everyone was in mid party mode so I was able to get settled in and with water bottle in hand I jumped right into a fireside conversation. Since I am not a big drinker no one thought anything of the water.
    Saturday I had a small piece of egg bake and sausage and LOTS of grapes. After dishes were done I sat on the patio and got caught up with everyone. Since I was going home later I couldn't drink so I was good with water all day. With no lunch my pizza (2 slices) dinner was not something I worried about. :drinker:
    On Sunday since it was rainy Friday and Saturday my fiance and I took the motorcycles out and put a few miles on. So all and all a successful week end and today I show a 2 pound loss since last Monday so I am happy :bigsmile:
    Oh and my fiance ( I think I have figured out the code. DH is dear husband or darling husband etc etc so I think I will start calling my fiance DF. Will that work???) was in the garden as I was walking towards the house when he yelled after me that my pants were to baggy and I really needed to get something that fit. (isn't he cute?? I think he's a keeper)

    You all have become such an important part of my life and I cheer your triumphs and shed a tear at your trials. Tomorrow I can do a better job at posting.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Monday, All and WELCOME to all of our new members. You have found a special group of very helpful ladies. I wish each of you great success on this journey!

    I arrived back home last night in a downpour from MT. Will be home for 10 days to "take care of home stuff" then head back to MT for another 3 weeks. Ahhhh...the amount of JUNK mail that comes is such a waste. I have looked at about half and will deal with the other half later. And...confession: I HAVE NOT WEIGHED IN FOR 3 WEEKS!!:frown: :frown: :frown: I am afraid!!! I got plenty of exercise while gone but didn't get all of my food logged in every day and certainly had a bit more wine and extras than usual. So...I'll find out in the morning! I am trying to make myself put in an exercise video but am dragging. So I am writing to you all instead of exercising...but also instead of snacking! I am irritated at myself that I can get off track so easily with the least little change of routine.

    I have enjoyed catching up with everyone by reading posts...I have missed being in touch more often and look forward to chatting more with you all later. Have a great week everyone! Take care, Kackie:heart::heart:
  • Angusowner
    :wink: This is such a beautiful day here in the midwest!:happy: Temperature & humidity are both low - just the way I like it!
    My -/+ for the day:
    :grumble: I go back to work in 2 days and I still have so many jobs to finish around the house.
    :happy: I get to babysit my GDG for 3 days while DS is at work. On one day, she will have to go to a sitter for a few hours. DS works an evening shift, so is with her morning and early afternoon. He is on his way here now! When she's around, I don't give a hoot about what gets done in the house!!

    A few comments:
    Kathy: Let me know how that walk strong video is. I may need to add it to my VAST collection of Leslie's.:wink:

    Cindy: My heart just goes out to you. This is such an unsettling time, so much change for you. I think my spring was just a fog this year, when my mom passed away. I wasn't caring for her - she still lived in her own home - but just dealing with it all was sometimes overwhelming. I was stressed. I gained 15 pounds in 3 months! I think if I had been on MFP, that may not have happened. Everyone deals with things differently at different times. Take care of yourself!:flowerforyou:

    Laura: YOU are a WONDERWOMAN!!! You did in 6 days what my 3 sibs & in-laws did in 3 months!!! That's how long it took to get Mom's house in shape (& it was well kept house), deal with her stuff (lots of family heirlooms), & get the house on the market. My sibs & families all live in the same town as my mother did, and I am only 45 min. away. I am STILL sorting stuff that I brought home. My big decision: where will I ever wear a full length fur coat? I was the only one who has arms as short as my mom's!!:laugh:

    Seawillow: I know what you mean! I was also encouraged by seeing more "mature" women be successful in weight loss. I really feel for the first time that it is possible to do it, also. Whenever I saw ads about weight loss with seniors in it, I thought, "Oh, sure, they are the exceptions, not the rule." These women on MFP are not only the rule, they RULE!!:wink:

    Peggy: Yep, he's a keeper!

    HEClers, here is my testamonial for the day. DH is a grilling maniac. On Sat., I bought him a new, improved George Forman grill. I also told him that someone had used their GF grill for grilling vegetables. Anyway, he tried potato slices (just spayed the grill with olive oil Pam, put sea salt & freshly ground pepper on the slices), and they were YUMMY!!:tongue: Last night we grilled out and he did bell peppers. We also had "peaches & cream" corn on the cob (although they are carb heavy, they are such a treat and grown locally) and fresh tomatoes. He had marinated some pork loin slices to grill, but I only had about 1/3 of mine because the veggies were so good, I filled up on them! I cut up the rest for Angus; he rarely gets "people food" so he was in 7th doggie heaven. :love:

    By the way, I still chuckle at the thought that many thought I raised cattle. I can certainly see how my user name could give that impression. I have always been a townie, even though Dad was a large animal vet. I did work in his office (which was in the country) when I was in my teens & in college & occasionally went with him on calls when he needed an extra hand. I do think cattle are one of my favorite animals (dogs are obviously #1, however!), but, if I were to raise them, I would choose something in the dairy line. A brown swiss or a jersey has such pretty eyes!:wink:

    I was so sad to hear other stories about how dogs had been poisoned. I agree that people who do that are the worse kind of criminals. Here is my happy dog story to put those thoughts out. I title it: "Why I like living in a small town." Neither my husband nor I grew up in small towns. However, due to employment opportunities, we have lived in small towns for 35 years now. Anyway, my DD's boyfriend was helping me in my classroom one day last week. They were staying with us for a few days because the town that they live in had been flooded and there was no clean water. They had brought DDBF's dog Mac, a 10 year old wheaton terrier (who acts likes he's a pup - a darling dog). Mac & Angus were home alone. When we returned, Angus came to the door, but no Mac. We searched the house, we searched the neighborhood, he was nowhere to be found. DDBF was frantic - this is the dog that had been his pal for 10 years! I called my husband and asked if he had been home At lunch. He said he had and that Mac had been there. We figured that Mac slipped out the door when DH left, although he had not seen him. Anyway, we ended up driving up & down the streets, calling his name, when my cell rings. It was the veterinarian's office. They had Mac. Apparently, someone found Mac at the park (just a block away from our home) & didn't recognize the name & phone, address is from Virginia. No animal shelter around here - we are a REALLY small town - so the person called the policeman (yes, the one policeman - oh, we have a part-timer, also, that helps out) who took MAc to the vet's. The vet and his wife are friends of ours, she runs the office there, and they have taken care of Mac on occassion. She had my cell number, so called & said, "Mac's here!" I am sure that things like that happen in both small towns and large - in fact, the animal shelter in my home town used to call whenever they picked up our dachshund, the escape artist. However, DDBF is convinced that only in a small town would this happen (He's a big city boy):heart:

    My darling, darling granddaughter has arrived. Have a wonderful week!!:heart:

    Take care,
  • mynyddisamrs
    A late Good Evening Folks ....

    And a quick visit too. A very dippy day again today and we're off to wheel mum along to the doc's tomorrow. Wheezy and a swollen foot ...best nip things in the bud before she goes off to respite. She WILL go!!!!

    Only a week to go now .We have two ...not just one...tables up in our bedroom. It resembles something from a rummage sale with two suitcases for clothes, one holdall for the shoesand toiletries etc, two bags to carry on the ship and a suit carrier.
    One thing we forgot ...the kitchen sink!! Well almost...I have packed J.cloths and Sanitiser spray to combat those nasty bugs that can cause noro virus etc. Be prepared is my motto. The first aid bag is also quite comprehensive. If you have it you don't usually need it ...another motto. DH and i are walking around with our heads leaning to one side ...a side effect of manouvering around all the "Gear" in the bedroom ...we have loft conversion !!!

    We've had two lovely sunny days here .....don't think it's forecast to stay. I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Monday ...I haven't quite got used to the day centre for mum being on a Sunday. I've just seen the weather forecast for tomorrow and we should be dry on our walk to the doctors. It would have been a black bin bag job to cover the wheelchair otherwise ...imagine the sight !!

    So ...goodnight from me ....fingers crossed for a lighter me tomorrow!! LOL!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Whoever wrote the "Veggie Queen" lyrics, was it Laura?--Anyway--loved 'em!!:heart:

    Getting through the funeral is a big step. Now that you have to start dealing with estate matters, don't forget to take care of YOU!!:flowerforyou:

    I guess when one says something is going "down the tubes" in the UK, it means something different than in the States.:laugh: :laugh: I can just see all those people in their walking shoes carrying big bags for the other pair of shoes.:wink:

    There was a news story over the weekend about some sort of campaign to get the English moving, as in exercise. They talked about how there are no gyms, and that millions of people get no exercise, so they showed a big crowd of people in a park dancing. There was a woman who kinda resembled the Michelin tire man in a purple halter top and a skirt:noway: :noway: , and she was dancing away!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I was looking for Jackie to be out there Salsa dancing, :wink: but didn't see her!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I went to the doctor today and when they took my blood pressure, I about fell off the chair --100/74, and I can't recall ever seeing the first number below 120, even when I used to be on meds. I had her check both arms to make sure it wasn't an anomaly. My doctor was very pleased with my progress. I am down 14 lbs. since my last visit. Her assistant came looking for me in the waiting room and didn't recognize me. I haven't been there since March.

    Due to some other problems I have been having, related to my head injury, she put me on a med and suggested that I postpone going back to work until after Labor Day, in case of side effects. So I called the new place, and they are okay with it, so now I don't start until Sept 7th. Maybe I can get some more things done around my house.....yeah right. And maybe it will snow next Sunday, too!!:noway: :ohwell:

    I agree with Bec, your "DF" is a "keeper."

    Great doggie story, and "7th doggie heaven"--I'll have to remember that one!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I was expecting someone an hour ago, and since I haven't heard from them, I guess it is time to dial the phone.

    Have a good rest of the day, and Sweet Dreams to Jackie, Viv, and Amanda, (and anyone else "across the pond" that I might have overlooked.):yawn:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I did it today (Sun). I tried having sardines for lunch. I had them right out of the can. I was surprised, they were pretty good. So now I'll need to buy more. Very handy, high in protein but only one serving/can. Works well. I guess the worst part was that I was having trouble opening the can. But once I got it opened, the sardines were pretty good.

    mimi - I know one of my big problems, Vince always tells me this and he's so right. I have a very hard time saying "no". When the kids were small, people would ask me to do things, I had such a hard time saying "no". I still do. Well, the gal invited me to a dinner/theater. I told her I would go but PERHAPS at the last minute Jessica will just have told me that she's going to go to Charlotte for a concert and she expects dinner. Reality is -- I know this today but somehow I don't feel the necessity of saying anything just yet.

    You???? In the 300's - that I find REAL hard to believe, real hard. I, too, get so frustrated sometimes looking for clothes. There are so many medium, large, x-large, but small? You're lucky to find one or two! And they're usually gone by the time the sales roll around. And there are even fewer petites. So I have to grab it when I can.

    SuzyQ - when you say "shortening" in the crust for your pie, do you mean Crisco-type shortening or butter? Unfortunately, I can't try the recipe. Jessica is SEVERLY allergic to coconut, even if it's just airborn. It doesn't have to necessarily be ingested. Wait -- I've just eliminated the coconut from a lot of the recipes that I've made. How would this work without the coconut?

    Yes, sugar is an addiction, especially when combined with fat. So is sodium. Interesting, huh?

    chicklet - I agree, talk to Philip. You might be pleasantly surprised!

    Had the Food for Thought group here today (Mon). I was pretty good, just had veggies and fruit. However....I did have one of these mini eclairs that one lady brought. Actually, she brought them because she didn't want them in her house. I'm just going to donate the rest...but I didn't tell her that. Another lady brought a carrot cake. I'm not big on carrot cake so that'll be donated, too. Another lady brought popcorn (because she brought her granddaughter, so that was something that the gd could help make), one lady brought a plate of fruit which I ate. Actually, I'd gotten some fruit but I didn't even put that out since I didn't want her to feel like I was overstepping her. The other lady brought this veggie/pizza thing. Basically, it was a dough (kind of thin) with an onion dip and on top of that were red & yellow peppers. I only had one bite of that. Funny, when I had that mini eclair, I really didn't care for it. I'd made some unsweetened green tea so I had that. Snacked on veggies.

    Peggy - sounds like you had a great time. Good for you! And you even drank your water. That's great! df will definitely work, sometimes dh can also stand for d*** husband, depending on how one feels at the time....lol That df of yours is definitely a keeper, telling you that you needed to get something that fits. I don't think Vince has EVER said something like that to me.

    Yesterday I had a veggie burger and I was really surprised at how much sodium it has in it. Does anyone know of any others that are maybe low in sodium?

    I was planning to do spinning tomorrow after my board meeting at the Y, but Bryan has a problem with the window of his car & he has to order the part. He'll need to leave here about 10 for work (he'll need to borrow my car). So after the meeting, I'll come home and do a walking tape.

    Everyone, have a great evening!
