

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Cindy, I'm sending love and saying prayers for the loss of your Granny. What a blessing you must have been to her and how wonderful that she had her loved ones around in her final hours. Please take some time for yourself now. Grief should be allowed to run it's course and not bottled up.

    Elizabeth, congrats on your future grandchild. Very exciting!

    Barb, what a healthy attitude you have - to be able to enjoy a little treat and not feel guilt. That is definitely the way to go!

    Auntiebk, well done for seeing straighter planks - they are killers!

    Barbie, good for you - using weights whilst reading the posts. I like your style!

    Laura, you made me smile with your back to front helmet.

    Viv, the pic of your grandson is adorable!

    Shiddleson, welcome!

    Terri, good luck with your return to abstinence. It will all be worth it in the long run.

    Michele, let me know what you think of Letters to Juliet. It's on my list of films to see. Also, take care of your quad muscles.

    Mimi, I cooked a big dish of roasted vegetable yesterday and it made me smile because I automatically thought of you. You are a vegetable roasting legend!

    I managed some gym time this morning before going off to collect my dad. After dropping him off home with his shopping, I went over to visit mum-in-law at the nursing home. She wasn't a happy bunny today and had a good cry on my shoulder. It breaks my heart to see her like that, but I do feel that it's important that she lets it out occasionally and it is better that she does it with me than either of her sons.

    I had dropped our Aussie visitor off at a local beauty spot on the way and collected him on the way back. He is now doing some gardening! He offered and seems to be having a great deal of fun lopping branches. I'm not entirely sure what DH will say when he comes back, but I hope he will be ok with it.

    The only problem that I have with our visitor is that he loves his booze! I don't mean he's a drunk or anything like that, but he likes to try the local brews etc and that is something that DH and I just don't do. We've never been great drinkers, well to be honest, I was for a while when I was going through a really miserable time a few years back, but I was just using alcohol as a crutch at that time. Once I realised what I was doing, I stopped. I think I've probably had a drink half a dozen times in the last couple of years and nothing at all this year. I just don't have the urge any more.

    Whilst the Man from Oz is busy in the garden, I'm going to go and spend some time in the gym, so I shall sign off now.

    Have a great day if possible please.

    Amanda x
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Had a good weekend and watched what I ate. It's good to do my exercises this morning and get off to a good start.
    Cindy- I will be praying for you. I cared for a friend for just two years and it was a real empty place when she passed on. Find some projects to work on to keep your mind busy. And remember, food doesn't really bring the kind of comfort you need right now. You'll make it through this with a little help from your MFP friends.
    A good day to you all! Keep on keeping on!:flowerforyou:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!!

    I have been reading and enjoying everyone's posts this week-end but my fiance only has a laptop and by the time I have logged in my food and excesses and read the posts I am so frustrated that I can't type up a post of my own. Perhaps a wireless mouse would help.
    This week-end was SO hot and humid!!! I probably lost most of my weight just sweating. It was over 100 with the heat index and will be the same for the next few days. Some days I don't know why I live in a place that has an * after the temp. In the winter it is colder because of the wind chill and the summer it is hotter because of the heat index. Then, Like this week end I get on my motorcycle and ride the back roads and it all comes back to me. I really do live in a pretty state even if it is unlivable for a few weeks of the year. Went to a threshing show on Sunday and was very good at the breakfast and walked a bout for a while so I got my exercise in. then I cleaned out the little garage. That really needed to be done so someone (me) can park there in the winter.

    Cindy - I am so sorry for the loss of your Granny. I am care-taking my dad and my brother so I now how quickly it becomes a huge part of your life. I can't imagine the sense of loss you must feel after 14 years. I have only been taking care of my brother for 7 to 10 (I can't remember when I started) and my dad for less then a year. Take care of yourself and know that you made the last years of Granny's life easier and happier by surrounding her with love.

    Barbie and Auntiebk - you are inspiring the way you manage to exercise no matter what.

    Amanda - you managed to squeeze in your exercise before you collected your dad and visited your mum in law!!!

    Elizabeth - Congrats on the happy news of a new grandchild on the way AND you get to see your grandson soon. How happy you must be!!

    Barb - Congrats on surviving the county fair. Everyone know that church group pies are doubly blessed so they have less calories.

    I don't remember who mentioned it but I have4 always been "crafty" and have WAY to many projects in the works. But I am looking forward to getting the loom working and if my plans come together I will start spinning as well. I don't mean the spinning some of you have mentioned although that would be better for me. You also mentioned learning to do stained glass. I can only say DO IT. I have been doing stained glass for maybe 15 years and love it. My wonderful fiance fixed a glass storage cart for me as well as a studio of sorts so I can be working on my projects while he working on something in his work shop.

    Everyone else - I am enjoying getting to know you all and I look forward to reading all of your posts. Have a great day. I will attempt to get in gear with my exercises.

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies, I have just read all the posts from yesterday and this morning and my mind is jumping back and forth from different ones, sooooo, what I am going to do is just try to remember some of what I read and reply to that. My memory is horrible :grumble:

    First of all, Cindy, I am sorry for your loss, but like it has already been said, you must have alot of good memories. No one can take those away. It seems even though my memory is bad, I still can remember the good times shared with loved ones :smile:

    Sophie sounds like she has a permanent home and has nothing to worry about.

    The only time I have been to Canada was when I was pretty young, maybe about 10, sorry to say that I can't remember much about it except the hotel we were staying at LOL, and the fact that my hair turned real blonde, probably from swimming in the pool. Sorry

    All this talk about roasted veggiesis making me want to try some :tongue: I had just put my toaster oven away in the cabinet space because I haven't used it in over 4 yrs! I think I will dig it out this afternoon and try the veggies in that. It is way too hot for my oven to get turned on, even with the air on, it gets hot.

    I posted in the comment area of someone elses status that I was going to have 3 goals for this week. They are... 1) Eat lots of veggies this week, 2) Drink lots of water, and 3) atleast excercise 4 days this week!!!! I have not done too good over the weekend, no exercise and yesterday I pretty much ate anything and everything that I wanted to, UGH!!! Here's the bad stuff I ate.... sausage and one whole egg, leftover sausage sandwich, spaghetti, and a stupid stupid klondike bar icecream. Oh yeah I also had about a cup of Munchies. I told you all it was bad :blushing: :blushing: So here's to a brand new week :drinker: :drinker: With all the junky food and no exercise, I have gained 1 lb!!! Ocourse I only drank 6 glasses of water instead of my normal 8-10!!!!

    Well enough babblin' on, I have some housework that is screaming my name :sad: :sad: :sad: so I better get to it. I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy day :drinker:

    P.S.. Chiclet..... Glad your mom is getting the care she needs. The reason I can remember your name so well is because my mother always went by Chick. and that was because when she was a very little girl, the gum chicklets came out and her dad, my grandfather nicknamed her Chick. She was called Chick her whole life. Another pleasant memory :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    Just popping in to say we got back safely but very wet from our boat camping vacation. I will try to catch up on posts over the next day or so and I hope everyone is doing well.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Elizabeth--Congrats on being a "granny" again. I know you will enjoy your visit with Mason and family when they arrive.

    Welcome to the newbies. There are at least a couple that I think I missed acknowledging. We are getting to be such a big thread, it is hard to keep up.

    As for me, I weighed this morning, expecting the worst, due to the "Attack of the Irresistible Peach Pie" at the fair, (not to mention the soft serve that came with it!!), but to my amazement, I did NOT GAIN!!!! So I am back on the horse today with no real harm done.

    Have a good day all.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Yep it's Monday, and today my Hubby took the day off, so Peanut and I had to get up while he slept in:sad:

    SuzeQ- I think you have given yourself your own swift kick and now you know what you need to do:ohwell: It sounds like Sophie has your husbands number:wink:

    shiddleson- :flowerforyou: welcome the more the merrier, we're here to encourage !

    Terri- sorry to hear you are struggling, this is a new day and new month and you can do it:flowerforyou:

    Cindy - so sorry for your loss, I'm sure it will be hard after 15 1/2 years to fill that empty spot. {{hugs}} coming your way:flowerforyou:

    Michele - you are so busy and you really do mix up your exercise a lot:smile: probably something I ought to do but don't.

    Robin - Way to set a great goal for this week, :drinker: here's hoping you make it.

    smwert- glad you had a good time camping, my Hubby has been wanting to get out and do that, but it doesn't look like it will this year, he'll just have to have his hunting trip to be his camping experience this year.

    Kackie- I know that there are plenty of MFP'ers that can give you the information you need about that trip you want to take, I took it once when I was 15 with a friends family and all I remember is that I could say I had crossed the border into another country:wink:

    Barbara - So sorry to hear about Cody, :cry: I'm sure all the neighbors will be on the alert now.

    Barb - the fair sounded fun and the pie even better:bigsmile:

    Erica- welcome back from your "busy" time.:flowerforyou:

    Elizabeth- Congrats on another grandchild on the way:drinker:

    Amanda- a month with your visitor sounds like it may be a challenge, too bad there aren't "Water" bars where we could check out different waters:noway: I don't think people try out new beers like they do wines where they put it in their mouth, swish it around and spit it out...nope don't think I've ever heard of that:wink:

    We did go bike riding again yesteday, but Hubby got tired before me, I know I could have gone a lot longer. He's telling me that I'm finally giving him a good workout when we ride together.

    There was some kind of Army paperwork snafu so #2 Son didn't have his promotion ceremony to 1st LT yesterday, I haven't heard the details but I do know he was really upset that they messed it up.
    We picked up #3 Son and DIL at the airport, they are sooooo tan:noway: they had a great time on their cruise and looked so refreshed. Now I know that Hubby will be watching for a good deal to do an Alaskan cruise next summer, it's been on the top of his list since forever.
    Got a call from DIL #1 and she said she was granted time off at Christmas this year so we will see #1 Son and DIL this year, my Hubby hasn't seen her since they got married, I last saw her last Sept for my Dad's funeral. So finally I will have the whole family here for Christmas with wives....I'm already planning for the family pictures to be taken:bigsmile:

    I'd best get to my paper piles. I did get the paper work done to get Mom's house on the market, one thing done and then got her re enrollment for her health insurance taken care of, it was a paper work day yesterday.

    Everyone have a great afternoon and evening.

  • Angusowner
    Well, after 2 hours, I have finished catching up on posts after 3 days. I did eat lunch and take 2 bathroom breaks during that time (See, I am getting in my fluids :drinker: ). I find myself crying, smiling, laughing, applauding, and even shouting at my computer when I read all your posts. Thanks to you all for sharing. I get such inspiration and practical ideas from you women!

    From Friday till this morning we had a house full: DD, her boy friend, their dog (my grandpuppy) Mac, DS and my DGD. It was glorious - we had so much fun. Some -/+
    1.:frown: My son and my granddaughter's mother are not together (What a story that is - for another time), so he took her to her mother's this morning. She lives about 3 hours away.
    :happy: However, her mother is going to Germany next week on vacation, so I get to babysit for 5 days beginning next Sunday. I don't even have to go a week without seeing her!
    2. :grumble: I didn't exercise at all yesterday, and just did a little cleaning on Sat.
    :happy: I am taking up Donna's attitude: This is a whole new week! I think the best way for me to handle saying good-bye to my family after a great week-end is to get active.
    3.:grumble: I am sure that gravity is affecting me more & more. As close as I am to the ground, you would think that I would not have such saggy body parts!
    :happy: There is less of me to sag now-a-days.
    4.:grumble: Colonoscopy this Thursday. I bet (hope!) you have all had one, so you know how awful (I really wanted to use a different adjective to be clever, but figured it would get bleeped) the prep work for that is.
    :happy: I am being pro-active.

    Speaking of proactive: BarbieCat - Hurray for helmets! I do not understand why bike riders who obviously are interested in a healthy lifestyle would NOT wear helmets, but I have seen many. Thank goodness you did! :drinker:

    Hannah - good to hear you're healing from surgery. 2 of my aunts had that surgery done. I have the same problem with my eyes, but, since my vision is not obstructed, insurance will not pay. I find myself lifting my brow constantly!:noway:

    Laura & Chiclet - For several years, I kept clothes of different sizes, fearing that I would gain lost weight back (I could rival a duncan yo-yo with how often I have been up & down) and those clothes that I love would no longer fit if I had them altered. After being this over-weight for so many years, I not longer have skinny clothes. When I read Chiclet's post about that, it made me realize that if I want to kept this weight off, I am going to have to change my mind-set: no longer assuming I will gain the weight back. That was a real revelation for me. This is my goal: When my clothes get unattractively baggy, I will have them altered. I WILL NOT go back to larger sizes. If I start adding on pounds, I will post it here and you all have permission to do whatever it takes to help prevent that yo-yo from going back up!:wink:

    Chiclet - My heart goes out to you. My sister is an RN who has a geriatric specialty. She has dealt with people just like your brother & sister-in-law. I am so glad Barb is helpIng out. In Iowa, we have agencies that can help. Your mom needs an advocate for her. Does she have a power of attorney/medical designated or a living will? You should be designated as that so you have a say in what happens to her medically when she no longer can make those decisions for herself. I quake at what would happen if your brother was the lone decision-maker! You have my prayers! :cry: By the way, my cousins had the same experience as SuzyQ: my aunt was so resistive to moving into assisted living (they moved her there as she was essentially kicking & screaming), but once there, she LOVES it.:smile:

    Cindy - I am so sorry for your loss; it is difficult to say good-bye no matter what the circumstances. Take care.

    Linda - You are living my dream - going in to try on jeans having them be way too big!! Great job! What a lovely day you described.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi - I copied off your recipes:Yummy! :tongue: Thanks for sharing those.

    Smwert - Both of my parents are gone. For my dad, it has been 20 years. Every once in a while I catch myself thinking, "I'll call Dad; he'll know". I think that is just the way we know that they are still a part of us.:ohwell:

    Barb - peach pie numnumnumnum... Guilt free!:tongue:

    Erica - I hope good things happen for you in the job-hunt. :happy:

    Elizabeth - Happy new grandbaby in the making! Another spoiling opportunity!:love:

    Barbara (auntiebk) - Thanks for the tip on avocado oil. One way I can get my family to enjoy zuccini is to saute' it (I use spray olive oil) with onions, fresh tomatos, garlic, & sometimes green peppers. I am upset about that poor neighborhood dog - coyotes - wow. When I was young, someone poisoned several dogs in our neighborhood. Our dachshund made through, mainly because my father was a veterinarian and he stayed up with him all night, giving him shots to keep him breathing and his heart beating.:ohwell:

    Viv - adorable grandson!:flowerforyou:

    Robin - You can do it! Here's to -.8 lbs by end of the week!:drinker:

    Terri - I am with you about change! I find that change is so good for me in all parts of my life. Even itsy-botsy ones.:happy:

    To all of you: Thanks for all your posts! I read every single one!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Couple of Random Thoughts:
    1. When I mentioned my dad being a veterinarian, it brought to mind when I was very young. He was a member of the VFW. I thought that the initials stood for Veterinarians of Foreign Wars. I could not believe there were so many of them!
    2. I have a tendency to use many exclamation points. I am not shouting, but can be overly perky at times in "real time" when not practicing the art of sarcasm.

    Plan to survive the school year:
    Yoga! My teaching buddy/ lunch pal and I are going to start doing yoga after the students leave to help relax after the school day. It was that or become alcoholics...
    Eating Healthy! Definitely plays a role in keeping the energy level up.
    Prayer! I am going to start each day in my classroom saying a little prayer to myself that I remember that these students are someone's children & all humans have dignity and worth. Hopefully, that will prevent me from strangling that student who, in the middle of a involved discussion of black holes, raises his hand and asks what for lunch!:angry:

    Patting myself on the back:
    Many of you know that one of my goals in weight loss is to control my bp without so much medication. Well, I have taken a step that direction!:happy: A few weeks ago, I saw my dr. & talked to her about that and how I suffered from edema in my ankles (too humid & hot for those stockings). I have a family history of varicose veins and wanted to know if I should have anything done about that. The varicose veins are deep, so aren't evident, so it would not have been a cosmetic advantage to have them done. Well, she said that one of my medications could aggrevate the swelling. Since my bp had been doing well, she took me off 2 out of the 5 meds for bp on a trial basis. I went to her today & I am off them for good!!! Swelling is reduced; bp staying down there!:drinker: As I continue to exercise & reduce my mass, I hope to eliminate the other meds: 2 down - 3 to go.

    Question about sweeteners:
    My husband uses nurtrisweet for his sweetner. He was borderline diabetic, but since changing his eating habits (which he still works on!!), increasing exercise, and losing weight, he is off meds for diabetes and has wonderful blood work reports for that. Anyway, I read a post (sorry, can't remember whose :frown: ) about stevia. Would that be good for diabetics? Also, I am asking all of you what types of sweeteners you have found that good. What can be used as a sugar substitute in cooking and baking? Thanks!

    Well, enough of the novella - Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • pbkfit70
    pbkfit70 Posts: 38
    From a newbie - thank you so much for your welcome

    Writing everything down does make you very aware of what you are eating. I'm keeping away from the biscuits and making sure that what I eat is much healthier. I've tried growing my own veg this year and peas, beans and carrots direct from the garden are gorgeous.

    The exercise is harder. I managed a 5 mile wark over the weekend, followed by some gardening and then my kids decided they wanted to finally have some fresh air and we attempted to play badminton with the wind whipping the shuttlecock away. But that is the weekend when I'm not working and the weather is fine. I even went into a local gym today to find out how much it cost ... aaahhh :noway:

    My heart goes out to you Cindy, I heard today that a friend's husband died on Saturday, the hole that is left will never disappear, but remember the good times and the love you had for each other.

    I will look forward to returning tomorrow and getting to know more of you.

    Pat :happy:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :smile: I woke up this morning with a new determination to exercise and cut out snacking (which seems to have crept up on me the last few weeks!) {the snacking not the exercise} :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I managed 15 mins of low aerobics before breakfast and hopefully will continue every morning with at least10 mins but more if I have the time/ can manage it.:wink: But my aim is to exercise for at least 10 min (I should be able to do that surely!)

    :flowerforyou: Becca well done on reducing your BP meds (and I love your accenuate the positives eliminate the negatives slogan) and I also have a tendency to use exclamation marks :bigsmile:

    :heart: Cindy sorry for your loss, sending best wishes to you and your family at this sad time.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Barb I'm glad the "attack of the peach pie" didn't add pounds onto your weigh in. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Laura good for you out biking your hubby :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newbies, I'm sure you have already been told that this is a great group to belong to.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie welcome back from your vacation.

    :flowerforyou: Everyone else thanks for sharing I love reading all your posts.

    I'm hoping my new determination will last longer than a few days this time. I had a plate of roasted veggies for lunch with a beef and tomato cuppa soup. I need to buy some more fruit though so I can snack on grapes or strawberries instead of biscuits. It's funny isn't it but I also think of you Mimi when I am roasting veggies :laugh: I think someone else mentioned that they think of you too when roasting veggies you are our veggie queen:drinker:

    Well I have a few chores to do before I go to bed, so better make a move as I'd like an early (ish) night tonight, haven't been sleeping too well so thought an early night might help.

    Take Care everyone

    :heart: Viv :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Stevia is a wonderful option as a sweetener for your diabetic husband. It is available in my grocery in bulk and individual packets. It is all natural, made from a plant, a better option than nutrisweet, which is chemically made. Splenda is not a good option either as it is made with chlorine (as well as from sugar).

    To everyone,
    Sorry there is no way I can respond individually to all the posts.

    Keep up the fight!!

    BFN Barb
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Hi ladies, thought I would check in with a much better post than the last one. Now I have 2 windows going so I can reply properly LOL. To begin with, today was a much better day as far as eating and exercising :drinker: I have to admit though, it was pretty ify:blushing: I woke up at 5 this morning with soon 2 b and got on the computer about 6 I think. Anyway, I went back to bed about 7 or 7 something. Can't believe it, but I slept until 11:00 this morning! :noway: :noway: I must have been tired huh? I was awake for about and hr and a half and all of a sudden I had a burst of energy :laugh: I got started on the house, geez, dusted and everything :laugh: What? Dusted? Not me lol but I did. Yes, a proud moment in my life :laugh: How sad is that? So to make a boring story less boring, I jumped on the treadmill and slow walked for 40 min and burned some calories then I decided to finish mowing the lawn that Bill didn't finish. Well, I only got about 10 min of that in before SIL came over after work. So much for burning alot of calories with that. I only burned 98, but that's just that much more I guess. Yey!:wink:

    SuzyQ......... Your slaw sounds very delicious and yeah, I think Sophie is going to be a permenant resident LOL. Sounds like she is making your DH want to want her. Good for her :wink:

    Robin...........Good Luck with your Sat. goal. I know it will happen for you.

    Kackie.........Good for you :drinker: 4 hours of hiking, WOW that is amazing! I couldn't last more than 1 hr I am sure.

    auntiebk......Sorry to hear about the coyote thing happening. I kind of know how terrible it can be to a neighborhood. We don't have them where I live, but about 30 or 40 miles east of us, they have coyote sightings and attacks on little pets yearly it seems. I think they come from Pennsylvania, maybe.

    Barb.............Sugar free peach pie? MMMMMMMM, sounds great. I pretty much like anything that has to do with peaches.

    Laura...........You made me laugh out loud at myself when you said something about wine tasting. Swishing and spitting it out. WHAAAATTTT? No way Jose, that wine hits my mouth, it's going straight down the hatch :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bec...............You made me laugh at myself as well when you were saying what you used to think VFW stood for. I remember being young and sitting in the back seat of our car and seeing a sign about a flea market and asking my mom why would anyone want to buy fleas:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Pat................ Welcome aboard. This is a very great group of ladies, They are funny, supportive, and knowledgable. I know just reading their posts keep me focused.

    Well ladies, I guess I'll go for now and go nosey around on facebook for awhile and talk to my grand daughter on there. I hope everyone has a blessed night.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Saw "Letters to Juliet" last night. My only regret is that someone didn't warn me to bring tissues with me! Afterwards we went to Starbucks and I just had an iced green tea.

    Did an hour of the deep water class today. Tomorrow...pilates and then a toning class.

    Later today I'm going to go to a training class to be a "cat cuddler" at the Humane Society. I can't help it, but there's something deep inside of me that wonders why when Vince first went, he was very secretive. He says because he thought it would be a surprise. To me, volunteering at the Humane Society isn't a surprise. Now if he'd gotten round-the-world cruise tickets THAT would have been a surprise! But then again, men sometimes just don't think (at least Vince doesn't) so it's very possible that that's the reason. Update: the training class was cancelled, not sure when they're going to have it again.

    Barb (weaklink) - enjoy that pie! You have a great attitude, have it, enjoy it, no regrets, then go back to healthy eating. That's the way to go, because you KNOW if you didn't have any pie this year, for sure you'd probably have half a pie next year.

    You know, there have been times when my stomach has been so full that, literally, I've wanted to put my finger down my throat and throw up, but I also knew that I'd never do that. What I've been trying to do is to cut WAYY down on foods that are high in sugar and fat like cakes, rolls, breads. That's not to say that I never have bread, but I'm trying cutting back. The interesting thing is that I seem to have lost a lot (or at least most) of my desire for any cookies, breads, etc. Not that that's a bad thing....I just find it interesting that I've lost the desire.

    Elizabeth - how wonderful! So...when is the baby due????

    Laura - how wonderful that your whole family will be there for Christmas! Vince has already told our kids that there is one reason and one reason only that they can miss being at our house for Christmas and that is if they are dead. Vince knows how much I enjoy Christmas. I usually start stringing the popcorn for the tree in Sept.

    Bec - how wonderful you are off those bp meds!!!!! I'm not a person for meds unless I absolutely positively need them. A while ago I had a hemmeroidectomy and the md gave me pain pills. Well, I never took one. Vince kept asking me "did you take anything" to the point where I was afraid I was somehow hurting myself by not taking them. I called the nurse and she said "if you can go without them, then do it". Actually, I don't really like artificial sweeteners. I will have my tea with just lemon if necessary. But that's just me. To me, an artificial sweetener is something that was made in the lab, my body wasn't made in a laboratory. But I know that some people really like them. At one time I used splenda in my tea, then one day I decided to try some regular sugar. I was very surprised (even tho I already knew it) how the sugar didn't seem to sweeten the tea. Well duhhhh....artificial sweeteners are 300-600 times sweeter than sugar. Now I just use a bit of lemon juice for taste. One thing I did find out about the stevia, tho, is that you only use A LITTLE. If you use too much, whatever you put it in will taste bitter. I'm another exclamation mark user, so you're in good company!!!!

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Well, Our Good & Wonderful God has finally given Granny rest. She passed away Saturday afternoon around 4.

    I went in to get her up Friday morning and she had had a bought of diarrhea & vomiting. We got her all cleaned up. She went downhill from there. She died here peacefully with all of us with her.

    I've taken care of her for 15 1/2 years so I am at loose ends.

    I know things will be okay, this will just take some getting used to.

    15 and a half years, that is amazing. Great will be your reward. It must be strange to walke up and decide what to do. Will keep you in my prayers.
  • chicletgirl
    I'm sorry I haven't had time to read all of the posts. Usually I always enjoy reading about all the things you are all doing and interesting subjects.

    I am feeling very low today. Got a little nervous as right at the point when I was eating dinner I had an urge to just get up and go see myself hanging in the bedroom closet. Freaked me out! So I pushed my dinner aside and got on this site immedately to start talking to make myself do something.

    I have been trying to tlak with my mother for the past 2 days at the hospital. But she has so much morphine in her that when I am able to get her on the phone she is totally incoherent. Tonight I called her when I figured she would be eating and more awake. She answered but was very cranky and asked me why do I keep calling her! She told me she would call me tomorrow, which I know is not true. I finally told her I was calling her because she asked me to. And she said "I did?" and I said, "yes" and she said " Well don't" and hung up.

    I have only talked to nurses who say she is still very swollen, but her feet arent weeping anymore. Guess that is good. But originally they told me that she would be going home in one day and it already is 3 days and no one can tell me when it looks like she will go home. They say she has to be on morphine because the pain is too bad. No one is visiting her. They're on vacation. I'm stuck here in Cali, unemployed, barely able to exist myself, I've lost my car, have no transportation, all my friends have gone the wayside, so I am just sitting in my apartment with Boo handling things with my mother. I feel so useless. I know I am fighting off depression, I know the signs. I stopped taking my anti-depressants regularly so that's thrown me off, I'm tired all the time now, I am barely able to type this and I had to force my dinner down because nothing sounds good right now. Depression....I know its that.

    Normally I call my mom when things get poopy but can't do that right now. So I think I will just go lay down and cry a little, maybe it will release some stress. Sorry to be so poopy on such a happy site.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Chicletgirl: I just read your post and I don't pretend to understand everything that you are going through but I do know that how ever awful something seems to be at the moment...if you put one foot in front of the other for a while...it will be better after a time. I am so sorry that you are in this place right now and send you all good thoughts and energy that I can muster. Take care and be easy with yourself. Check in soon and let us know how you are. Thinking of you, Kackie:heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Question to all of you who live in and around Victoria, BC (or have vacationed there): DH and I are trying to plan a road trip to that area from Montana in Sept when I am back out here. We have never been and really want to see it. We also would like to go to Lake Louise etc. What do you recommend? What should we absolutely NOT miss? I am reading a bit but there is SO much country between us and there that we want to see that I am overwhelmed! I appreciate any advice you may have.

    Kackie.....I frankly do not know how on earth you would choose between Victoria on paradise island (well actually, it's called Vancouver Island) or Lake Louse, Banff, etc. They are each so different. I find the Rockies amazingly stunningly majestic!! beyond a doubt. There is nothing that compares.

    Victoria on the other hand has this old British flavour lingering (thanks to Queen Victoria), with double-decker buses, horse-drawn buggies, high tea at the Empress, strolling along the inner harbour, famous Butchard Gardens, the breakwater, Antique Row, Roger's Chocolates and on and on. Tourists love it here. And Victoria loves them.

    And of course.....there would be me! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: But hey, don't let that influence you. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I don't think I am any help whatsoever Kackie! :ohwell: :ohwell:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Poor Chiclegirl!!!
    My dad was in so much pain for a while before they figured out he had cancer. Durning that time the Dr's put him on so much morphine he had no idea what he was saying. What day it was, who came to visit or what they said. It is very hard but you can't take it personally. Talk to her nurse and see if they can get her a calender the bigger the better and ask them to help her write down who calls her on the callender so she can remember. Also mybe they can help her write down when she calls you.
    again, I am so sorry I know exactly what you are facing and it is so hard.:cry:
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Prayers for you, Chicletgirl, and for your mom.

    Back on the board, hoping to lose a couple of more pounds, but we are having a holiday in Sweden next week, so it will be hard to keep logging on without my laptop. Downloaded a different browser for the Blackberry, but logging in takes forever.
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Good Evening,

    When I weighed myself this morning, I was 199.25 lbs! :happy: :happy: :happy: I broke 200 and am in the one's! I am hoping to keep it under 200 from now on.

    The friend I talked to at church yesterday regarding an office job called me this evening to tell me her office manager wants to see my resume. :smile: I wasn't anticipating such a quick response. I will be working on that tomorrow. The only thing is it would be temporary, which worries me, considering the financial struggle we're having. Is it better to have a full-time temporary job that may or may not become permanent, or is it better to have a reliable part-time job? That's something I'll have to give a lot of prayer and consideration to.

    Bec - congrats on being taken off 2 of your 5 bp meds!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It sounds like you're on the right road to getting off the rest of them. Keep up the good work!

    Chiclet - I'm sorry to hear about your mom. :frown: Hang in there, though. You're on the right track by recognizing that you are depressed. You certainly have good reason to be. I have found that a good cry can work wonders, so I hope you had one. With everything going on, you might want to consider taking your antidepressant on a regular basis until things calm down. When I went off mine, I noticed a big difference in how I handled things. Obviously, it won't solve anything, but it might take the edge off. I will keep you in my prayers. You know we're always here for you. :heart:

    I tried to catch up on all the posts, but I don't have enough time to sit and read them all. I will try to read some more tomorrow. I don't respond to everyone, but I do enjoy reading about what you all are doing. I am living vicariously through you! :bigsmile:

    I've planned my meals for tomorrow and I've posted, so I guess I really should do my dishes and put my sheets back on my bed. Have a great evening and a good day tomorrow.
