eberg83 Member


  • Proteins and whole grain carbs! If you're not hitting 1200 calories, you're guaranteed to be short on necessary nutrients.
  • I planned out my meals for the day ahead of time, including supper tonight when my husband takes me out to eat. I won't have time to work out tonight, so typically that means I will go overboard on calories, but not today, since I already picked the restaurant and meal!
  • This is brilliant. I have never thought of it this way. Granted, a donut feels a lot less risky than illegal drugs, but most of us are probably more likely to have to deal with the health consequences of being overweight vs. doing drugs, and both have very serious implications. So really... they are very similar. Thank you…
  • Don't freak! It's water weight. Just stick to your calories today and drink a lot of water to flush it out.
  • I am also a mom who works outside the home and commutes 45 mins each way. Working out in the morning would mean getting up at 4:45. I have tried it in the past and do hope that I can get it to work for me at some point, but during the time when I have a toddler who doesn't sleep through the night, it's just not going to…
  • I'm a newbie starting a little late, but my goal for November will be 50 miles!