

  • I've also heard great things about C25K, though I haven't tried it myself. One thing I'd recommend, when you reach the day of the run, is to make sure you stick to your own pace. It'll be really tempting to try to keep up with everyone around you, and the adrenaline in the moment can make you start off more quickly than…
  • It may just take some time for your body to start burning from there. One thing that helped me was analyzing my posture. I realized that I have anterior pelvic tilt (my pelvis tips forward). By doing pilates and focusing on tilting my pelvis level when I was standing or walking, I've slowly moved to a more level position…
  • I've also gotten rid of clothes by taking them to Goodwill or giving them to a friend. Selling on Ebay takes too long for my tastes, and I don't want to deal with mailing each individual sale off just to make a couple bucks. It's much more worthwhile to me to get rid of everything quickly and easily, and have it all be…
  • Have you made any dietary changes to go along with your exercise? I've always seen small changes when I only exercise, but once I start eating healthier and paying attention to what I'm eating, I start to see much more dramatic changes in my body.
  • One thing that's helped me is eating several calorically smaller meals throughout the day. They're filling, so I don't want to snack much, if at all, but since they don't use up my calories for the day I get to eat them regularly. Today I had oatmeal with milk and a peach for breakfast around 7:30, 2 hard boiled eggs and…