New and Struggling

mullenbm Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new on here! Well, I created an account months ago but completely loss motivation.. :(
But I'm back and trying to get on track. But I'm really struggling BIG time!!
I love to snack! And when I try to eat a salad or veggie meal for dinner, I end up starving an hour later and hit the junk food!
I'm 20 and this is the first time I've ever really dieted. I was an athlete and always extremely active growing up so never had to worry about it. But now after a few years of college I have found my self with little time to be active and a lot of extra weight. Since I've never had to pay too much attention to what I ate, its difficult for me to all of the sudden be conscious of everything I put in my mouth. I'm an extremely picky eater, which makes it really hard to find good quality, healthy meals and foods that I like to eat.
Any Advice anyone has would be wonderful!
Thanks So much!!


  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Welcome back! I would suggest either not having the food around to snack on or switch it up to the 100 cal packs or some fruit/veggies. I chew gum a lot to help curve the munchies...
  • wlaronda
    wlaronda Posts: 1
    I am new here. I am 30yrs old and I can say that I have struggled with dieting and exercising..My biggest problem is eatting breakfast. As they say "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". My BIGGEST motivation comes from my husband and kids. We can lean on one another and movitate each other to push becasue we all know we can do it.
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    The fact that you are on mfp tells me you are on your way! Take a week to track what you eat and WHEN you eat it. I have my food diary broken down to 6/9/11/2:30/5:30 plus snacks. This sort of helps me spread my calories throughout the day and eat every 2-3 hours. College is a time when most people gain weight. Since it's difficult to meal plan you may want to try some of the healthier meal options in the freezer section or cook on the weekend and store for the week. In the beginning I found that consistency was KEY for me. Same bft, lunch, snacks with dinner being my variable meal. There are a bunch of great ppl on this forum with great advice! Hang in there
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    It's tough to "distract" yourself when a craving hits. I am doing a sublingual hcg diet this time and found that adding a permitted crunchy item--a Grissini breadstick, a MacIntosh apple or celery sticks is psychologically satisfying--plus I like them all anyway.

    Hang in there and Best of luck!
  • One thing that's helped me is eating several calorically smaller meals throughout the day. They're filling, so I don't want to snack much, if at all, but since they don't use up my calories for the day I get to eat them regularly.

    Today I had oatmeal with milk and a peach for breakfast around 7:30, 2 hard boiled eggs and broccoli slaw at 10:30, a tuna wrap with avocado and lots of greens at 12:45, and a small taco salad (meat, salsa, some black beans, peppers) around 3:45. I never really got hungry all day, and now that I'm home at 6:45 I'm going to work out then have a protein shake and a large chicken salad shortly afterwards. It seems like a ton of food, but it fits in to my calorie budget, and I'm never feeling very hungry so I never want to have a snack.

    What sorts of foods do you like? I'm sure people here could help you find some meal ideas, and there's always Google to look for more ideas.

    Also, do these salads you're eating for dinner have protein in them, or is it just a bunch of lettuce? You don't want to starve yourself to lose weight, you want to eat well within the limits of what your body needs to be healthy.
  • sangrea
    sangrea Posts: 26 Member
    Changing your life style is hard and i struggle with what i eat to but i have found that if i eat what I want but in moderation and actually stick to portion sizes i'm usually within my calorie intake for the day. And i have also noticed that even though things like chocolate arent the best for me if im craving it i do eat a little which actually has helped cause when i wasn't having any i would break down and go over board eating way to much of it. So i guess my point is moderation oh yeah and drink LOTS of water!! Before you eat drink a big glass of water wait 10 or 15 min. and then eat if your still hungry. Sometime your really just thirsty but if you are hungry you wont eat as much cause your full on water. I also try and eat small meals/snacks every couple of hours that way i'm not so hungry that i loose control when i eat . Good luck loosing weight isn't easy but people are great on here.
  • roderick_stacey
    roderick_stacey Posts: 20 Member
    Do you exercise? I do turbo jam and it adds 600 cal. Then its enough food to not be hungry. I am also new but I havent gotton hungry,
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