Going crazy

I have been diligent with my workouts and have yet to see the results. My main problem is in my stomach and thighs I cannot find a workout to take care of these areas. I have tried mountain biking, tae bo, slim in 6, the wave, and another beach body video. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice as to what I am doing wrong?? Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
jlclarke :mad:


  • christopherwarren
    Have you made any dietary changes to go along with your exercise? I've always seen small changes when I only exercise, but once I start eating healthier and paying attention to what I'm eating, I start to see much more dramatic changes in my body.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    Yes I try to eat healthy I have taken out fast food for the most part and drink water instead of soda usually. I do have days when I cannot do anything about it. When I do eat out I exercise more. I eat more greens and fresh fruits and vegetables. I keep under or right at my calorie intake for the day.
  • RainbowBrite85
    Pilates work great for abs and thighs. They are low impact so you don't have to worry about joints and you don't need any equipment. Just be mindful that you'll probably look a bit silly while learning the proper techniques starting out. When I first started, my husband came home and I was watching a youtube video on them and he said "What's the new seizure exercise you're doing?" Now he does them too, hehe.
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    How long have you stuck with each workout? Slim in 6 takes some time to see the results, my legs were very toned after about 2 months of it.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I have been doing the most of the videos for about a month and a half.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I wish we could see your diary....are you monitoring your sodium intake? How are you doing with carbs? I noticed the biggest change when I quit eating carbs for dinner. I have 6-8 oz lean protein and a salad almost every night. It's not easy....esp since I am really not a "salad kind of person." Most of time (before now) when I ate salads....I had just enough lettuce to cover my plate and then I piled it high with cheese, ham, egg, olives, and tons of dressing. Since starting this, I've lost 4# a wk for 4 out of 5 weeks. If your sodium intake is really high you could be retaining water weight. There aren't exercises to "spot lose".....you just can't do it. Lots and lots of cardio mixed with some strength training and proper diet will get you there. Sometimes (MOST of the time) it just takes a lil longer than we want it to. Hang in there!!!! It will all start coming off at one time and you'll be jumping for joy! (us too!) :wink: Another thing....are you eating your exercise calories? I try to eat at least 1/2 of mine...sometimes it's just not possible on heavy workout days, but I try to eat some of them. It seems like the more I eat (frequently) the better results I have. Feel free to take a peak at my diary. You just have to kind of toy around with your diet and see what works best for you. But you have to be disciplined in both.....one or the other will get you where you want to be.....but it will take FOREVER!!!!!!
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    My sodium is usually under and carbs well usually I try to keep them low, but being a full time mom, student, and holding down a full time overnight job sometimes I have to grab and go. So some days are better than others.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I have set my food diary to public please feel free to look it over and let me know what I can do. Please keep in mind that today was a bad day we took the kids out for the day and well it was all fast food.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Just from glancing at the last week or so at your food diary I see lots of processed foods (high in sodium) and fast food (also high in sodium!). I also see lots of processed sweets and soda... and several days where you ate no where near your daily calories. Are you logging everything in?

    This is just my experience... but last time I tried to lose weight it went excruciatingly slow. I was staying in my daily calories but not paying much attention to what I ate (eating lots of 100-calorie packs, "healthier" fast food, etc.). This time I am really trying to do more fresh food, less processed and fast food, and mostly water to drink. I'm only a couple of weeks in but it seems to be working better this time!

    I also know just how tough it is to work full time and be a mom, much less all of that other stuff. I'm not working full time at the moment but am having a week where I might as well be this week. I was just thinking today about how insanely hard it seemed to take care of myself with diet and exercise when life was just crazy a few years ago (and when I regained most of the weight I'd lost)... and how much more important that meant it was then.

    If grab and go is essential right now (and I completely understand that!), can you stock up on healthy items to grab and go? Parcel out in snack size bags so they are ready to go. Almonds, lowfat cheese, fruit, sliced vegetables, portioned out peanut butter or veggie dip, yogurt, even lowfat pudding or jello if you need something sweet. The crockpot is your friend for getting healthy meals on the table as well... though I have to admit I'm in the middle of revamping crockpot meals and don't have any healthy recipes to offer right now.

    Good luck! It seems like you are doing great on the exercise... I bet if you focus more on the diet part and drinking water you'll start to see lots of progress!
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    wow i really feel your pain with how busy your life must but...in looking at your diary i see: skipped meals, soda pop, too much sugar, and way over 30% fat for the last 3 days the 4th day back was even worse for not eating food & meals!! sorry but you need to eat real food, veggies fruit, whole grains, proteins,lower fats, cut out the sodas, sugars and treats, may not be fun but that is the dedication it takes if you really want to get well.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Burgers? Fries? Chips? Soda? Donuts?! It doesn't really sound like a diet of eating healthy. It's not just counting calories. Those fatty foods, sugars and sodium stay with you longer. Try more plain chicken, fish and veggies as fillers. The exercise might show you more results then. Give it time. You're changing your lifestyle.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    Thanks for all the advice and support.