DebiO22 Member


  • I'm 59 (on the 22nd) been fighting the morbid obesity battle all my life! I am at 263 1/2#'s this morning, so I need to lose over 100#'s. Feels, sounds impossibl, yet I kniw others have achieved that goal or way way more. So here I am for the billionth time to give it another whirl!!
  • Hi - my name is Debi and I am 54yrs young and live in Louisville KY. I am working toward a weight loss of 108#'s. I am determined to finally take back control of my health and create a healthier lifestyle for myself that it liveable. One day at a time, one change at a time. My 3 goals for today are: 1. Excercies 30min's 2.…
  • I had a couple of rough days with emotional eating but they seemed to have passed and I am back on track now for the last couple of days. I feel like I'm making healthier choices food wise now after 3 weeks. What I need to concentrate on now is incorporating more exercise in my life. It's hit and miss right now so my new…
  • Happy to add you as a friend! Don't know if I've done so correctly if not feel free to add me from your side. My motivating factor right now is my health. I am 54 and running out of time to get this turned around. Not going to give up though. One of the other tools besides this site that is really helping me get grounded…