January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    My Goal for tomorrow

    January 3rd

    1) walk before coming on computer................................................NO... BUT did DO YAY!!!!!!
    2) No white carbs (Brown rice pasta & sweet potato is okay)................NO.......went to party ate bad...cheese cake, chips & bean dip &etc.
    3) get side salad for part of my dinner.......................................No.... But did eat some salad at the party
    4) Make side dish for birthday party/ or buy one :wink:............................Yes!

    January 4th (Wednesday)

    1) Stay under my calorie limit
    2) No sweets or white carbs today
    3) Iron those clothes... Grrrrrrrr

    No exercise today.... Its just to darn cold outside, Inside too :noway:
  • bhawkins0711
    bhawkins0711 Posts: 92 Member
    I'd like to join. Daily challenges keep me more accountable. My interest in long challenges just fades as time passes. I like the idea of having daily goals. I'm a 27 year old registered nurse from Georgia. I have a great husband who keeps me motivated and encourages me every step of the way! I want to be a mother some day and I've got to get this weight off before I try to get pregnant. I started this journey in October and over the holidays I lost my motivation. Time to get my butt in gear!!

    Goals for January 4, 2012:

    1. DO NOT eat Marty's even though my coworkers have asked me already at 8 am and I have all morning to change my mind!!!
    2. Drink 100 oz of water.
    3. Log everything I put into my mouth.
    4. Take a walk on my lunch break.
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Met 2 of my 3 goals for Jan 3rd. Was over on calories, but met water and exercise goals.

    Todays goals Jan 4th
    1. Do 30 minutes of just dance on the wii
    2. Do 30 minutes of cleaning
    3. Drink 8 servings of water
    4. Meet calorie goal for the day!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    jan 3
    1. eat all my calories.
    2. walk at least 30 min lunch
    3. biggest loser or just dance

    1. seven under --check
    2 30---check
    3, no did 50 jumping jacks though

    feeling exhausted not sure why.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    jan 3
    1. eat all my calories.
    2. walk at least 30 min lunch
    3. biggest loser or just dance

    1. seven under --check
    2 30---check
    3, no did 50 jumping jacks though

    jan 4 goals

    1. do not eat whole wispride cheese i brought to work. already had one serving for snack

    2. wii fit tonight


    feeling exhausted not sure why.
  • DebiO22
    DebiO22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - my name is Debi and I am 54yrs young and live in Louisville KY. I am working toward a weight loss of 108#'s. I am determined to finally take back control of my health and create a healthier lifestyle for myself that it liveable. One day at a time, one change at a time.
    My 3 goals for today are:
    1. Excercies 30min's
    2. Drink 8 8oz glasses of water
    3. Eat at least 3 fruits/veges
    If I can find my way back here tomorrow ( I am completly computer challenged) I will let you know how successful I was at achieving these goals.
    Thanks for all the inspiration you fellow fitness pals give me! Have a great day.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    This is a brilliant idea! I think I need to go back to basics and take it day by day :)
    My name is Fa, I'm 27 and live in the Netherlands with my Dutch boyfriend (and a cat and bunny) although I'm born and bred in England. I work in Communications and I love, love, love dogs.

    Goals for 4th January:
    1. Not have that sugary milky tea that I'm craving
    2. To complete the day under my allowance (I've planned everything)
    3. Eat a salad before my main meal (which will hopefully help with goal 2!).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 3:
    1. Day 3 of walking workout calendar. (2 miles)--Yes
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!--Yes.
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Yes.

    So far, so good this month! Even yesterday was a good day--and it was my son's birthday! I made strawberry shortcake--homemade low-fat shortcake (SO much better than that spongy store stuff!) and lightly sweetened berries with light whipped cream. Yummy!

    I also did another walk after dinner so I got a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood in as well as the workout.

    Goals for January 3:
    1. Day 4 of walking workout calendar. (3 miles)
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi all! This is perfect for me - I am so trying to get back on track and a daily run down is just what I need. My weekly goals are:

    1. Drink my water - for some reason I have lost this habit somewhere.
    2. Go to all my personal training classes and walk at least 30-45 min. a day.
    3. Log all my food so I can see what calories I am consuming.

    Drink, drink drink.
    Walk at lunch for 45 min.

    Cheerios w/milk

    Snack - toast w/ reduced calorie cream cheese.

    Salad w/grilled chicken

    Snack - hard boiled eggs w/V8 juice


    Dinner - Hmm - this one I'm still working on!
  • This sounds manageable to me.
    My stats
    I live in a very small town on a beautiful 3 acre lot where we will be building a house sometime this year.
    Married with 2 boys and a girl (10, 8, and 4)
    Age 32
    I used to be in great shape until the kiddos came. I put my life on hold for them for awhile, but now it's time to get it back.

    Goals for today:
    Exercise 30 minutes (done!)
    Stay at my calorie count
    Drink enough water
    Get to bed early to get enough sleep.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi and welcome to all our new members!

    2 ways to find this thread:

    1. It will be in the My Topics tab of the Community home page - or-

    2. Go to your profile, scroll to the bottom. Under your Friends section will be a section called My Recent Forum Posts. All your posts will be in this section (click on View All if you don't see the one for this thread). This will take you to your actual post so you don't have to search for it in the thread!
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Goals for January 3:
    1. Stay within my calorie and water goal- No!
    2. Workout at least 40 minutes focusing on strength training-No!
    3. Go to bed by 9:30 so I'm ready for my yoga class-No! Yikes! not a good day yesterday!

    Goals for January 4:
    1.Stay within my calorie and water goal
    2. Hot yoga class 1hr 15 min
    3. Get student grades in computer
  • Hi all! I'm so glad that I stumbled across this challenge.

    My name is Tammie. I've been fighting a losing battle with my weight for years now...likely because I'm not fighting hard enough. I'm staring down the barrel to 40 and I want to enter the decade healthy. This is a daily struggle for me and I am in love with the idea of setting daily goals.

    Here are mine:
    1. At LEAST 8 glasses of water a day
    2. Cover all of my food groups for the day while staying within the parameters of my diet
    3. Give myself 20 minutes of meditation time before bed this evening
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    Today's goals are:
    1. Do my regular workout - I'm a bit sore from my C25K workout yesterday and my Wii EA active workout, but I gotta get 4 EA active workouts and 3 C25K workouts in a week in, so today it is.
    2. Do my 25 squats for the challenge I'm in.
    3. Remember to take my multi-vitamin - I'm so bad at this.

    So, I didn't get my workout in. Not really an excuse, but got home late and didn't want to be wired before bed.

    So today's goals are:

    1. Eat within my calories - yesterday I was over about 300 calories
    2. Get my EA active work out in - I've rescheduled C25K for tomorrow as I'm working a slightly different shift today and can't do it at work.
    3. Make lunch for tomorrow - I didn't do this last night and I hate scrambling in the morning to get something together.
  • shanaenichole
    shanaenichole Posts: 22 Member

    My name is Shanae. I am 22 years old with a wedding coming up in August. The wedding is in Cancun which is amazing but also scary! I need to be swimsuit ready by then!!

    Goals for today

    Drink Tons of Water!!
    Get a hard 30 min in at the gym.
    Clean my house. -uck
    Plan to go to sleep tonight with working out in the morning on my mind!

    (I hope I am doing this right, as its my first one ever. Please help if I am not. Thanks!)
  • I love this idea!!! I am 32 years old with 5 kids. Well, two I birthed myself and the other 3 were birthed by my husbands exwife. lol. I work full time sitting in front of a computer.....which is one of the reasons I have have gained 30 lbs in the past 4 years. I have been trying to lose for years. I have done everything.....gym membership, elliptical in the bedroom, every weird diet I have heard of online and so far....nothing has worked. This year I am doing something different. I am going to make healthier choices in the food I eat (which is why MFP works for me!) and I am going to move more. I am starting out slow because before Jan 2 I wasn't moving at all. I have filled out every day on a 2012 calendar including rest days and small things for the summer when I am the busiest.

    My goals for Jan 4:
    1. Stay under my 1240 cals for the day
    2. Follow the exercise that is on my calendar at home
    3. Log everything that goes into my body....not ignoring the things I feel ashamed of!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member

    Plan for Jan 4:
    1. Adjust gym plan around my kid's doctor appt. Will probably mean after work rather than during lunch (which likely leads to lunch out with co-workers, argh!)
    2. Find something reasonable at a not so healthy local lunch place
    3. Less than 1.5 hours of 'screen time' (tv, iphone, PC, etc) when not at work.

    So 1 is a fail. No gym time today. I had a tough night sleeping and my foot is really bothering me. Thus far, I have been successful at cutting my calories way back and should finish around 1200. I didn't go out to lunch so I had some fruits and veggies off the salad bar. When I get home I'm not going to even look at a screen (thus the update now).

    Plan for Jan 5:
    1. Yoga Class
    2. Small calorie bump - might be a good day for some lean meat or eggs
    3. Get my daugther started with one of her crafty Christmas presents.

    Check yall tomorrow!
  • jash12
    jash12 Posts: 7 Member
    todays goals:
    1. Take all my meds
    2. Walk for 30 mins (even if it is in 10 min segments)
    3. Keep my food journal up.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Jan 4 goals:

    First and foremost I need to get off here now and get a good night's sleep
    then I need to fit in at least 45 minutes of cardio tomorrow
    no wine
    7 hours sleep
    killed a Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout
    so far so good on the wine!

    Jan 5 goals:
    wear my body media all night and day to track my sleep and activity
    pre plan my meals

    I think this thread is great and like to see everyone's goals! Some met, some not... then onto another day!
    Check you all again tomorrow!! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsDlv
    MrsDlv Posts: 2
    Hello to the Day-by-Day Challenge! I'm new to this but I'm excited to find some fun support in this journey! I'm over 45, wife & mother. I'm also a preschool teacher, so you'd think that I'd get lots of activity with those wonderful little ones! Sadly, I've been down this road many times and only finding that I fall back to my old weight + each time I get off track..

    I think that remaining consistent is THE hardest part of staying fit! Even though I really don't enjoy working out, being consistent is still harder! The other hard part for me is sweets/carbs! love them too much!

    Hope to get to "meet" some of you soon!