January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • annice_quentin
    annice_quentin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am an almost 49 year old wife, and mother of three grown daughters and two wonderfu grandchildren. About twelve years ago I decided to lose weight and succeeded in losing 60 lbs through mountain bike racing. I also worked out at the gym and had the most amazing muscles and felt GREAT! One thing led to another and I quit racing six years ago. The weight crept back on and now I weigh even more than before I raced. I am dismayed by my body and how I've let myself decline to this state. I would like to get back into some racing in the spring but need to lose some weight and gain some fitness over the winter (I live in Canada and the temperature this morning is -17 C).

    I like the idea of a daily challenge. My goals for today are:

    Eat within my calorie limit today
    Go for a walk in the sunshine
    Plan my meals for the week
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    Met all my goals yesterday but one... didn't read a chapter of my book like I wanted...

    Today 01/03/12:

    1) Workout at the gym for 1 hour.
    2) Add 2 new recipes to MFP for future fast dinner planning.
    3) Read first chapter of my "Naturally Thin" book.
    4) Stay within my calorie goal today even though dinner is a little higher than I would like.

    Good luck everyone!
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    Met most of my goals except one (Truffles)

    Todays goals are:
    1. Eat 2 types of vegetables today
    2. Go to the gym after work and do 25 minutes on the elliptical
    3. Fold (and put away) Laundry
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I'm in for now (not always good with the daily stuff). I am 40 year old (happily married 21 years) mother of 21 year old, 19 year old, and 17 year old. I joined mfp last January and made it to my goal weight of 125lbs the end of Sept. Since then I have not been good about logging and feel like I have been making horrible food choices. (my mind seems to be telling me if I just take one bite and put it in my mouth it won't hurt but my brain tells me I need to log and then I will know if in fact it "hurts" or not) I do daycare and live in Minnesota and since it has gotten colder (not even that cold this year as far as winter in Minnesota goes yet) I have every excuse not to take kids out and do our daily walk around town. So maybe this will help me with that.
    Todays (Jan 2, 2012) goals:
    1. log food all day
    2. Make good food choices today
    3. start tax paper work (mileage and income)
    4. I would also like to sit down and make up a menu for the week (I generally eat better and prepare better meals this way)

    So far I have been staying in a range of 124-128lbs but would like to have 125lbs as the high end of range. Kind of glad holidays are over so I can get back into a routine around here.

    I accomplished about 1/2 my goals:
    log all food did that but had a piece of chocolate after that I may go back and log today
    good food choices yes and no most good a couple not so good but stayed within my calorie alotment
    I did my income for taxes but didn't get mileage done
    I did not do my menu for the week

    Goals for Tues Jan 3
    1. Get to fitness center
    2. Log all food
    3. Get mileage done for taxes
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for January 2:
    1. Day 2 of walking workout calendar.--Done!
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!--Yes.
    3. More liquids--water and tea.--Yes.

    Yesterday I also went for a walk with my grandson for about an hour. It was slow going while he was walking but after a while he wanted to be in the stroller and then I was able to pick up the pace quite a bit!

    Goals for January 3:
    1. Day 3 of walking workout calendar.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    dmn stpd double post....
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Great idea for a challenge and I really need something to get me out of this chair so...

    My name is Sara, love MFP and the support it gives, married with a 2 year old son and about to start a new job. Got 15-18lbs to lose and some wobbly bits to tone up.

    Having a bad day today. Had a cold before Christmas and the residual cough and impact on my asthma means I can't start my 30DS and I am feeling rubbish.

    Goals for 3rd January (given that is 3:28pm already I'm going to make these simple!)
    1. Get the Wii out and do something, just for fun!
    2. Drink at least 2 pints of water before dinner
    3. Cook a healthy dinner

    I'll be back at bedtime to check in :happy:
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Today is my first day of the challenge,
    Tuesday January 3rd my goals are
    1. Stay under calories
    2. Drink 8 servings of water
    3. Do 30 minutes of just dance on the wii
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm from central FL and I'm mom to two beautiful little girls. I'm a freelance writer/sign painter/office manager, so my plate is pretty full :) My goals for today are:

    -drink at least 8 glasses of water if not more
    -get my workout in (Turbo Jam/Just Dance 3 with my daughters) **they get mad when I kick their butts at that game**
    -Stay within my calorie goal
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    My goals for Jan. 2 are:

    1. Drink my 8 glasses of water
    2. Take my measurements - so I have another way to track success, not just by the number on the scale
    3. Go to bed by 10pm so I can get up early and a get a quick workout in before heading to work.

    So I managed to complete all my goals, and was actually in bed by 10:15pm. Just didn't get up in time to get a workout in :grumble: I'm still going to try for tomorrow though.

    Today's goals are:
    1. Do my regular workout - I'm a bit sore from my C25K workout yesterday and my Wii EA active workout, but I gotta get 4 EA active workouts and 3 C25K workouts in a week in, so today it is.
    2. Do my 25 squats for the challenge I'm in.
    3. Remember to take my multi-vitamin - I'm so bad at this.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    jan 3
    1. eat all my calories.
    2. walk at least 30 min lunch
    3. biggest loser or just dance
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Great idea for a post! My name is Claire, I'm (reluctantly) single and trying to achieve GW before my 45th birthday (and when I plan to also get a new work contract) in April. I live in the countryside and walk my gorgeous dog, Riley, daily. I need to make the most of my time off and get all those niggling house / d.i.y projects finished so I have less to do when I return to work!

    Monday 2nd Jan goals are...

    (1). 2 x 1 hour dog walks - YES!
    (2). Put up curtain pole and curtain behind back door - NO (got to saw pole down first!)
    (3). Start doing sit-ups / stomach crunches - start with 1 x 12 rep - YES! did 2 reps :)

    Tues 3rd Jan goals are...

    (1). 2 x 1 hour dog walks - NO! (1 only due to crazy gales & hailstones & rain)
    (2). 3 x 12 reps crunches - YES!
    (3). Finish website (3 new pages & various corrections) - In Progress!

    I'm dropping out of this daily challenge as it involves too much scrolling and life is short! Have fun everyone.
  • charirobinson
    Aloha, my name is Chari, 51 years old no children but my husband of 24 years has a daughter with 4 children and 2 grandkids, so essentially I am a step-grandma and great grandma. Moved to Hawaii 4 years ago from California. I have stayed pretty active until a little over 2 years ago when I decided to go back to school to finish my bachelor's degree. Working full time and going to school, although it's online left me sedentary and hardly any time for anything else. Thank goodness for a supportive husband. Finally finished my classes in November 2011 and now I can focus on me. I have been walking at least 2X/wk, taking zumba classes almost every Saturday and occasional weight training/aerobic exercise. This year I am committed to take care of my body and get more involved with my community. Thank you for this forum, great way to start the new year.

    January 1 goals:

    1) Clean off my desk at home (1/2 way done)
    2) Clean off my bathroom counters (yes)
    3) Eat within my allotted calories (yes)

    January 2 goals:

    1) Finish cleaning cleaning my desk - done
    2) Either walk or do weight training exercise- walked to beach 1.5 miles back & forth
    3) Start filling out application for real estate broker license - no

    January 3 goals:

    1) Walk at lunch with co-worker
    2) Walk after work to the beach or zumba class
    3) Drink 10 cups water
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    Today's goals were:
    1) Do a minimum of 60min intense exercise at the gym and burn at least 500 cal (did over 60min exercise but only burned 456kcal)
    2) Eat as healthy as possible (I did eat rather healthy. Could have been better though)
    3) Take my dog for a run on the beach (Nope, didn't get it done today)

    Tomorrow's goals are:
    1) Burn 600kcal minimum
    2) Take dog to beach
    3) Drink at least 2 litres of water
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member

    Plan for Jan 3:
    1. Kick *kitten* in high intensity pool workout AND pick up two miles - Woot!! Done.
    2. STAY FOCUSED and PRODUCTIVE at work all day - Lots of distractions, but stil managed to complete a few things
    3. No meat, Low Sugar - YES!
    4. Survive the low temps - Yes, though not gracefully. I hate cold.
    5. Play Zelda (I love it but never make time for it. The reader post insipired this one) - Starting it up in about an hour. Nothing to stop me so it should be a go!

    Plan for Jan 4:
    1. Adjust gym plan around my kid's doctor appt. Will probably mean after work rather than during lunch (which likely leads to lunch out with co-workers, argh!)
    2. Find something reasonable at a not so healthy local lunch place
    3. Less than 1.5 hours of 'screen time' (tv, iphone, PC, etc) when not at work.

    It's tough for me to keep everyone straight. Feel free to friend me, I hope it will make i easier to follow. :)
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Frannie. I live in Northwest Arkansas. I'm single and working hard to get control of my life.

    My goals for today:
    1. 120 ounces of water (almost halfway there already)
    2. Smart food choices -- and log them (even if they aren't smart)
    3. Exercise tonight -- either Wii Active or Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
  • thekavin1
    thekavin1 Posts: 1 Member
    Today, I am going to:

    Drink 8 glasses of water.
    Go to my weight loss support group.
    Try to fit in some exercise, even if it is 30 minutes of walking.
  • abower150
    Hi my name is Alicia, I am 20 and trying to maintain healthy habits. I would like to get down to 130 again but in a much more healthy way. I have tried to stay on track with things so this might be the motivation I need! Just take things day by day! I would like to get down to 130 by the time that I go on spring break. :)

    So my goals for Jan 3rd are-
    1. keep adding all my food in for the day and stop when I have no more calories to eat
    2. Do my new Jillian workout cardio video today!
    3. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! I am very very dehydrated today because of my lack of drinking water lately.

    Jan 4th-
    1. DRINK WATER!!
    2. Work out (just actually completed that)
    3. stretch (Im horrible at doing a really good stretch after my workouts)
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I didn't have time to post my goals earlier today or do a recap for yesterday, so I am going to now. Better late than never, right?! Yesterday went great! I stuck to my calorie goals and logged everything and did my first day of TurboFire AND drank all 8 glasses of water! Today was a busy day for me and my goals were to stick to calorie goal and do day 2 of TF. I did both! Two days down 28 to go! I can do this! We all can!! Tomorrow is a rest day for me on the TurboFire plan, but I may work out if I feel like being CRAZY!

    Goals for tomorrow (1-4-12):

    Stick to calorie goal
    Drink 6-8 glasses of water (the potty breaks are killing me!)
  • loistcu
    Hi! My name is Lois and I have never done this before! It seems fun and hope to keep it up! I am at 122 right now and am hoping to be at 105 by April. I'm only 5 feet tall, so the extra pounds have GOT to go!!!
    1. Drink more water
    2. Eat out less.
    3. Walk at least 5 times a week!