

  • I started Oct. 13th, and to date, down 30 pds..I too was on the 1200 calorie diet, so it is achievable, but I agree with a prior post, Cardio and eating back all calories is a must..if not your body will begin to store fat, and you wont lose as quickly..I did cardio 6-7 days a week, and was able to lose 1-2lbs a week the…
  • This is all still very confusing to me, as I have heard many different stories, one being it takes 3-4 weeks for starvation mode to kick in..Im considered to be obese for my height and weight, im 5'3 currently 185, MPF has me at 1200 calories, and I workout 60 mins, 6 days a week..I started Oct 13th, and my first month I…
  • Eat healthy,(fruits, veggies, fiber, protein, lean meats, whole wheat).. lots, and lots of water, cardio and strength training, and always eat calorie goal..pretty much is it..not an easy task sometimes, but stay focused and find a excellent support group, or friend that will help you stay motivated!..Dont beat yourself…
  • What an great post, and very inspiring,..I am facing a majory surgery 4 days after xmas, I have been working out and eating healthy for 2 months now, and Ive lost 20lbs to date, but ive been confused on if I should increase my calorie goal of 1200 because I was working out 6 days a week..and normally after working out for…
  • The challenge for me is the water, Ive always hated water.. what I found that helps me is I went a bout a 34oz jug, and I drink one through the day, and one when I am working out.. You are suspose to get 64oz of water a day, somedays I drink almost three if I had an really intense workout.. but be prepared to use the rest…
    in water Comment by briggsl23 November 2011
  • I had this same question yesturday, because I went and worked out burning 770 calories, I am on a 1200 cal intake, and because I was so busy cooking I didnt eat but 1000 cals, and so by the end of the nite, I had 800 cals to eat, and it was too late to I didnt...I think that its okay to have burned cals leftover…
  • I am also at 1200 calorie, and I normally burn anywhere between 500-700 calories working out, I wasnt eating my calories back the first month that I started, when I begun the second month, the weight wasnt coming off as quick, and then I lost nothing for a whole week, I started eating them back or most of them, and now im…
  • Try to stick to a diet that is more protein, veggies and fruit, & whole wheats and of course lots and lots of water. Workout atleast 5-6 days a week, burning atleast 3500 calories a week, should give you a 2pd loss per week.. depending on your calorie goal, and you most likely will lose more than 8 pounds.. best wishes to…
  • This hasnt happened to me directly, but I have a friend that has started working out and she was on time, but she has only been having 2 day toms for the last couple months, so I do think there may be a connection..but havent heard much on it elsewhere...I would definitely call the doctor to get their thoughts on it..good…
  • I definitely agree with alot of the responses you got on this.. its really a great start to help you change your diet and excercise, but you really got to put the work in for results and I half to also say, that I have never sweat alot when working out before, but since taking the phen, I am completely soaked after working…
  • I started Phen back in October, and I started losing the weight the first week...I changed my complete diet, and work out 60-90 minutes 6 days a week,. My one month weigh in, was 13 pds down.. my doctor told me the second month I wouldnt lose as quickly as I did the first month, which has been correct.. if you dont eat…
  • I just purchased a HRM a couple days ago, its was fairly inexspensive, but they calories burned have been almost 300 more than what the treadmill says, everything else like the HR, and time is correct, so I am pretty frustrated with it, and plan to return it, my fear is that I am not on track for calories if this thing is…
  • I really understand your frustration. When I started I wasnt sure if I should eat the calories back and at first I wasnt, but after the first month, I stopped losing for a whole week.So this week I tested eating back to the 1200 calories and I lost 2 pds this week, MFP has me set at 1200 calories, which is low, but my…