Calorie Intake advice please?

I'm not the best at sticking to my calorie limit, im eating fairly alright but weekends and after dinner treats are still really kicking me over my limit. I have found however that when i eat 1500 i loose weight. Whether i exercise or not if i eat more than 1500 i gain, so even if its just my exercise calories. MFP recomends me at 1300 but i tried that and found it way too strict for me, at least for the moment. I also have the bad habbit which i KNOW is wrong, but sometimes when i go over i go for the "in for a penny in for a pound approach" and over eat. I try to give myself a little bit of treats but not too much, so i dont over eat but im also not so deprived i'll binge later. everyone has their different opinions i know but i believe you can have ANYTHING if you portion it right, although i dont eat maccas or kfc.

ive had some good weeks and some bad weeks and this week has been a very bad week low motivation not exercising as hard and not sticking to my calorie limit.

Anyway what i was hoping for some advice on is the best way to set my limit. Eg should i set my calorie limit to 1300 and eat 200 of my exercise calories, or set it to 1500 and eat none of my exercise calories. I realise this is mostly personal prefrence but i would just like some advice and opinions on what you think would be the best option to help stop myself going over. When i had it set to 1500 i found myself tempted to eat my exercise calories and then going over 1500, however when i had it at 1300 i felt i had to exercise just to be aloud to eat my daily limit, and on my first exercise rest day i felt so bad about being over i stupidly went OVERBOARD and majorly over.

If anyone has any suggestions as what might be best or if anyone is in a similar situation i would really appreciate some advice...


  • briggsl23
    I really understand your frustration. When I started I wasnt sure if I should eat the calories back and at first I wasnt, but after the first month, I stopped losing for a whole week.So this week I tested eating back to the 1200 calories and I lost 2 pds this week, MFP has me set at 1200 calories, which is low, but my doctor told me if I ate under 1200 calories and didnt eat back what I burned, I would go into starvation mode...I also started eating alot of fruit when I craved sweets, and its helped alot. The hardest part for me was drinking enough water, but I found if I drink atleast the 64oz of water, it really helped to get me energized.hopes this helps a little...good luck

    I know alot of people that eat atleast half of the calories back that they burn, and that works for them, but my opinion is to just make sure your eating to your calorie goal so your body doesnt start storing fat..
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've found as many have that some forms of exercise really causes a desire to eat more. More than what they may have burned too.
    So on long intense aerobic, like 60 min spin bike with heart rate at 85% avg, or outdoor bike for 2-3 hrs, on 2 hr jog, I know I need protein for what the body tore down for some fuel, and carbs for the main fuel source. And within 30 min of being finished.
    Or if weight lifting, protein shake with 15 min.
    I've found if those are skipped for whatever reason, the hunger and desire to splurge later, on of course wrong things, is much greater. And never seem to be satisfied.
    So while I might have gotten by with 200 calories of whatever I needed if done immediately, if I miss it, 400-600 doesn't seem to satisfy later, and it's a struggle.

    I'd say eat half your exercise calorie burn afterwards if aerobic, all if weights. (because weightlifting keeps burning fat at higher rate for up to 24 hrs, whereas aerobic is just during the workout basically).
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    thx guys. ive set my limit to 1500 and im gonna try and stick to that. if i really need to eat my exercise calories i'll try and eat half. i'll see how i go anyway. if i need to eat half of my exercise calories every day i will and if i dont i wont. Thanks again xo