

  • I do it. I keep track of my weight every day in a spread sheet along with my fat percentage, calories eaten and burned, as well as they type of exercise I do (cardio/strength). That way I can compare what works for me over time, scientifically, not to mention that I can adjust quickly if my weight starts to go up.…
  • Wow! You look fantastic!!! I'm totally inspired by you! Congrats!
  • That was truly one of the most fun games I've ever played. I was very sad when they canceled DK3. I tried Overlord, and it was fun, but not as much fun... I wonder if anything will ever come of the rumours of a DK MMO. I might even get sucked back into an MMO if that were true. =)
  • Oh, I'm totally a gamer grrl and a geek, to boot! =) My first addiction was PacMan, followed by Ms. PacMan. (Yes, I do mean the stand up machines in arcades and roller rinks.) I enjoy PnP games like AD&D, Gurps, and Vampire: the Masquerade, but I'm really a PC gamer at heart. From the first time I played Zork and then…
  • I'd like to join! I could really use something like this to kick my bum into gear. My starting weight is 170, and by Halloween I want to be 150.
  • I have a really long, eclectic one so I don't hear the same songs every time I go to the gym. (Beware, several songs are explicit) Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know Alanis Morissette - Hand In My Pocket Anders Manga - At Dawn They Sleep Anders Manga - The Only Anita Ward - Ring My Bell Apoptygma Berzerk - Shine On B-52's…
  • I just started looking for friends too, so please feel free to add me. All the wonderful people here are such a motivation!
  • Hi to you too, Christina! Welcome, and good luck!
  • Welcome! This website does have some great and helpful tools, but having the support of friends is the best part. Good luck to you!
  • I'm such a total geek that I keep track of my weight by date in a spread sheet, and then make a graph with a trendline into the future so I can see how long it should take to reach my final goal based on my weigh-ins so far, and I can set mini-goals that are realistic for me. Also, I can see if I'm staying on track and if…
  • For me, I found that yoga was the most useful thing for my back pain. I started out in a weekly community class to learn the basics and now I just do it at home a few times a week. In the gym, I love the elliptical machine - low impact and great at strengthening up your lower back, butt, and legs.
  • When you overhear a friend tell your husband that he can't find you in a crowd anymore from behind!