How do you set mini goals?

tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I see everyone with mini goals in their profiles... how do you choose realistic ones to set?


  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I go with 2 lbs a week and round it to the lowest 5 and then subtract 0.1 (so I can I'm less than xx lbs). It's not scientific, but based on my goals in the tool, it usually works and gives me a little leeway so I can have a bad week. I might miss my next one by one week....hoping not though. We'll have to see.

    I've also seen people set without dates, just rewards every 5, 10, 15, 20.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I didn't really set any mini goals until after I had already lost 30 pounds. My first big goal was to get to 170. After a few months and 30 pounds, I was able to see how much I lost per month and estimate from there. I lost an average of 6 lbs per month, so I set the mini goals below in my signature based on that (sometimes even more conservative). I expect my weight loss to slow somewhat once I get closer to a healthy weight, so I took that into account. I also don't beat myself up if I don't reach it by the date. I didn't reach 170 until 2 weeks after 4th of July weekend. I'm hoping to reach 160 by Labor Day, but it's just a target, not something I'll freak out if I miss. Mainly it keeps me in line because I do want to meet my goal when I set it :D
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Just go with goals you think you can achieve!
    I use my mini goals to not look at the big one. My final number is a large one and to focus on that would be overwhelming and would be discouraging ("I'll never be able to lose that much").
    My mini goals aren't on my signature but they are just for the middle number of my weight to change. That way I know it's attainable and pretty soon that final goal won't be so daunting! And when each one is reached. . . I do something to spoil myself a little!
    Again, just go with what's comfortable and achievable! I'm sure you'll go great!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just weighing is enough for me and counting calories.
    Trying to get my exercise in really helps. Just do something
    everyday to tone yourself. :wink:
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I have been here 6 weeks and my Mini goal was to lose one stone before my nephews birthday on the 4th of September this was a goal I looked at and thought I can do that if I stick to my plan no problem and I have done in 3 weeks early so how excited was I?? I always start a diet and give up when It doesn't shift quick enough so this time I am saying I will get rid of the 14lb but giving my self more time than needed to do it. When I reached my goal I was so excited I danced around the living room. Im losing 2lb a week at the moment but I think my next mini goal I will give myself the same timescale as this time so that when I manage to do it early again I can feel proud.
  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    As for me I look at was has been hard to achieve such as walking for 1 month. I decided that I would rather achieve something even if was small. I cut it to one week. I made it an felt really good about it. My thinking was that if I felt good I would continue. I have a lot to lose so I need to feel good about myself on the way.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I guess I don't write them in my signature, but I'm always looking forward to the next 10 pound mark, the next distance walked, the next size worn, etc. Maybe even keeping a list in a notebook somewhere that shows some little things you can't do now that would be so exciting to see. I had a weird one this morning (sorry everyone). For the first time in YEARS, I was able to completely bathe without the need for a brush or other shower implement to reach everyplace. Those are the kinds of things we don't talk about, but that frustrate us immensely.

    Maybe it's the first time you go up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. For me it was being able to go down stairs first thing in the morning without doing it one foot at a time because my other knee hurt so badly. Take measurements--It sure is exciting to realize you've lost an inch from your waist, your hips or even your arm!

    Or maybe it's something invisible--the ability to ignore the candy dish on a coworker's desk because you aren't going to mess up your hard work. This entire process is full of little things that can make you feel so good if you let yourself. Give yourself CREDIT for every tiny bit of progress--walking for 1 day is 1 day more than you used to do. And don't beat yourself up if you occasionally stumble a little.
  • I do push to lose at least 1 to 2 lbs a week; however, my goals are set for my weight loss....every 10 to 20 lbs i lose, i treat myself with a spa treatment...last month was a facial and this month i'm doing a body souffle'....i also do daily treats...if i stay under my calorie goal i treat myself with a facial or hair mask...a nice long hot shower and body scrub.....its good to treat every accomplishment, be it a lb lost, under calorie goal, consistency in working out etc......
  • Roux420
    Roux420 Posts: 13
    I'm such a total geek that I keep track of my weight by date in a spread sheet, and then make a graph with a trendline into the future so I can see how long it should take to reach my final goal based on my weigh-ins so far, and I can set mini-goals that are realistic for me. Also, I can see if I'm staying on track and if the line starts flattening out, I know I'd better get off my butt or at least put down that chocolate! =)
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    Or maybe it's something invisible--the ability to ignore the candy dish on a coworker's desk because you aren't going to mess up your hard work.

    Yesterday my brain kept telling me "Cheese.Cheese.Cheese.Cheese." And then I overdosed on craisins. Not as bad as cheese, but food induced craisin coma not so hot either.

    I also see people rewarding themselves with beauty items... manicures... hair color... Which is awesome... but. I work at a salon. :flowerforyou: Thats like my uniform. I *have* to have that stuff done.


    I did promise myself an iPod... (which I've wanted for YEARS) If I stayed within my caloric range for a month. Which I almost felt like I was cheating myself because I thought it'd be too easy... Well. Day 5 and I still havent made it! But I can see every day its getting better... So.
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