

  • I've forgotten what it's like to have a period... I was pregnant Sept 2010, MC Nov 2010, PG again Jan 2011, delivered Oct 2011, still exclusively breastfeeding, and still no period. Anyways. There are a lot of factors that could cause changes in a cycle. Stress is a big one. I used to have normal cycles, 32-35 days like…
  • I'm bookmarking this just to see some responses - I'm just over 6 weeks postpartum and breastfeeding. I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy. I jumped from a 34B to a 40D :/ It's really hard to find a bra that lets me do any running, especially when my chests fluctuates hourly because I breastfeed.
  • In all honesty, I do the EXACT same thing. I've done some crazy things to get the scale to tip 0.1lbs to reach an even amount too (like 139.9 instead of 140.0) lol. I have to add one, too. I am breastfeeding my new baby so I weigh myself AFTER I've fed her and completely pumped out the rest of the milk lol. By the time I'm…
  • The cravings you get are from some sort of deficiency your body is suffering from. I learned this during pregnancy - when I craved milk it was because my body was low on calcium or vit D, so on and so forth. Most women crave chocolate during TOM because their bodies are losing magnesium, which is found in chocolate. Try…
  • EVERYONE - Right click on one of the pictures then click "View Image" and you can see the whole pic. 20lbs sure does make a difference! Way to go!!
  • I have dual computer monitors. I have Windows 7, which allows my wallpaper to rotate at set intervals. I set my wallpapers to photos of myself before gaining weight/pregnancy as motivation for what I want to look like again, how healthy I want to be again. One screen is always visible while I work on the other screen, so I…
  • I exercised with a personal trainer at my home for quite some time. She showed me lots of things to do at home that are low impact and perfect for yucky weather. Use a chair/sofa/coffee table for tricep dips --> Lunges are great for your legs -->…
  • Trust me - it's a lot easier with some encouragement!! That's what we're here for :P
  • Way to go!!!!! Sounds super fulfilling!