Key0970 Member


  • so far I have lost 65lbs and people are only just starting to comment that they can tell I have lost SOME weight, I think it depends on how overweight you are in the first place, a 65lb weight loss might have been a lot more obvious on someone who doesn't need to lose over 140lbs! LOL ;)
  • feel free to add me I'm a 42year old mum of four and grandma to one from england :)
  • Hi just spotted this topic if theres still room please add me I need to lose 140lbs this year I have lost just over 60lbs so far so nearly half way there! would love to join your group x
  • I admire your determination to lose 100lbs in 100 days! and wish you luck with reaching your goal x
  • I have complete faith in you Lori I know how hard you try and you will and can do this! :)
  • My BMI is 49.7 which makes me morbidly obese on the BMI scale, altogether I need to lose 140lbs well done on losing some weight and getting your BMI down! :)
  • Hi, I'm a 42 year old mum of four and grandma, and need to lose about 10 stone, feel free to add me xxx
  • Hi and welcome please feel free to add me anytime I'm still working on my hubby to come on here and start losing the weight as well lol
  • the fact that your on here means you are motivated to lose that extra weight, you can do it you know you can, just take it one day at a time :smile:
  • Hi I'm an older mum of four my two eldest have left home so I just have teenager and a six year old now but feel free to add me, and good luck reaching your weight loss goal x
  • Hi feel free to add me, I have loads of wieght to shift around 140lbs so not going to be easy but I am determined to do it though. You can lose the weght if your determined enough, good luck with reaching you weight loss goal x
    in New here Comment by Key0970 January 2013
  • Hi Mel, I'm a 42 year old mum of 4 and grandma, I will be 43 this year, feel free to add me there are lots of 40 somethings on here so your not on your own :)
  • dont threat the days you go over, in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter just pick yourself up dust yourself down and start again every day if you have to until you can stick to it, its so easy to give in at first but it does get better :)
  • Hi there, I know exactly how you feel I have lost count of how many failed attempts I have had at losing weight over the years. It always starts off well then goes down hill from there. I really am trying hard this time though, feel free to add me and good luck with losing the weight this time, and any time you need a kick…
  • Hi Duncan, hope you acheive your goal and good luck :smile:
  • Hi your not the only one, I first joined last year and did really well at first then sort of gave up, hoping this year will be better, good luck everyone and feel free to add me x
  • Hi, and thankyou I will send you a friend request :)
  • I just re read this and realised I put I weighed 224kg, I meant to put 124kg!, I know I'v put on weight but I'd have to break some kind of record to put on over 100kg in one year! LOL :embarassed:
  • hi guys just sent you both a friend request good luck and Happy New Year :)
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