Expecting success-140 pounds to lose

Hi, everyone! I haven't been using MyFitnessPal for quite a while, but I'm back now. It seems that - for various reasons (aka "life gets in the way") - I start, stop, start, stop, start, stop. . . I'm on a constant roller coaster with my health and weight. I am finally ready to just DO IT!

A bit of background: I was laid off work in May 2009, and a few months later, my mom was diagnosed with dementia. The last four years have been a very bumpy ride, and I have been her full-time caregiver 24x7, with no time for myself or my health. A few weeks ago, I finally realized that I need to start taking care of my own health so I can continue taking care of my mom.

Now, at last, my heart, head, and body are finally in synch with one another. Since late last year, I have eliminated all artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, and gluten, and have started to eat a lot of salads, chicken, and fish. I am aggressively pursuing my "on-the-back-burner" goal of 100 pounds in 100 days (or by my 60th birthday next year). I have a total of about 135-140 pounds to lose.

I have been struggling with my weight for nearly all of my adult life and have been on every program imaginable. I keep coming back to one program and its products for one reason: it works! I am back on the program now and have spent the last two days as "prep" days, with two shakes and one meal a day. Tomorrow, I start a nine-day program, with two days of cleansing (nutritional supplements and water only), five days of two shakes and one meal, and two more days of cleansing. I am really looking forward to releasing the weight for good. It will be hard to not hop on the scale every day, but I will do my best to stay off of it until the end of this first nine-day phase.

I appreciate support and encouragement from as many people as possible, and will be happy to do the same for you. Friend me here or on Facebook, and we can do this journey together. I don't know about everyone else, but I need all the help I can get.

Looking forward to being an active participant!


  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, my name is Amanda, I have struggled with my weight for years too...... I decided that it was time to make a big difference in my life, I am a mother of 5 children and I would like to spend more time with them when they are outside playing ball or chase, I joined my fitness pal in April, I currently have a goal of eating 1250 calories a day.......I have lost 25 lbs..... I want and need to lose 105-115 more lbs.... The main thing I can tell you is NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! Fitness pal makes it easier to keep up with my calories........ wishing you the best!!!! :smile:
  • Key0970
    Key0970 Posts: 21 Member
    I admire your determination to lose 100lbs in 100 days! and wish you luck with reaching your goal x
  • orygunred
    orygunred Posts: 20
    Hi CJ:

    I joined over a year ago but never got anywhere with it. Guess I wasn't ready. Tried some other things, but no go. Came back 5 days ago, and have been tracking pretty consistently. I've lost a couple of lbs and am feeling successful and encouraged.

    Sounds like you are doing all the right things, and your head is in the right place. I hope you are feeling successful too!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. We can all use support and encouragement. I'm no exception.

    Onward and upward! .... er ... uh .... Downward!! lol

  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    100 lbs in 100 days = 3.5 months time frame = 28.5 lbs a month = not realistic goal and set up for failure.