

  • I find most vegetarian meals are under 300 cal, I make chickpea or lentil burgers with salad, lentil spaghetti use rice noodle if you want to lower the cal, lentil chilli con carne. or get a light wrap and feel it with salad with baked sweet potato. I struggle to eat 300 cal for dinner and my diet is mostly vegetarian,…
  • hi this is pretty much what's happening to me, I eat about 900-1000 cal a day (although I know technically thats too low), I've cut most junk out, the only meat i eat is fish and I'm lactose intolerant , this morning I couldn't even finish 3/4 of oats made with water. I find I eat quite a lot, but because its mostly…
  • I'm 170 cms tall 5ft 8.5 I think that the conversion, and I weigh about 71 kgs, I only wanting to lose a couple of kgs just so I'm in the middle of BMI, currently setting at 24 BMI, although losing say 3-5kgs would be great my main goals is not weight it's being fitter and toned,
  • this is just a sample of my diet, BTW full cream milk makes me sick, I but yes adding more fruit may help, sometime I do go nuts on fruit, but then I seem to eat less of other stuff. not on purpose either