Too low of calories?

Does anyone ever find themselves eating less calories than they should? I have been focusing on eating non-processed foods, mostly vegan, all vegetarian foods. I find myself content with much less. I just ate half of a crunchy granola bar (plan oats 'n honey), but it felt like candy because I haven't eaten anything with that much sugar in so long... Maybe my tastes have changed or something? I know I could eat a bunch more, and it would be easy to get in more calories if I ate more processed stuff... I just feel pretty content with how I've eaten for the last couple days. I'm also trying to only eat when hungry, but I'm not hungry...

Any input?


  • ymosi
    ymosi Posts: 5
    hi this is pretty much what's happening to me,
    I eat about 900-1000 cal a day (although I know technically thats too low),
    I've cut most junk out, the only meat i eat is fish and I'm lactose intolerant , this morning I couldn't even finish 3/4 of oats made with water. I find I eat quite a lot, but because its mostly vegetarian/vegan it really low in calories. meat eating people get a lot of calories from meat, and dairy.
    Since I've cut back on the chocolate I find just a few pieces satisfies my sweet tooth, not the whole block like before.
    Some people have suggested that I add more fruit to bring up my calories, maybe this would help for you, or add some nuts and seeds, plus there really good for you.
  • MamaWeil2018
    MamaWeil2018 Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with the fruits and nuts, I was doing some reading and considering getting stricter with my diet the way you have, and that seems to be the general consensus- more fruit and nuts :) Couldn't hurt either way!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    30g of peanuts is 180 calories. Can easily double this for a quick calorie bump up. Good fats and easy to have a smack of them at some point in the day. Any nuts are good. Just gave this one because I know the calories. Also mini blocks of cheese are good or use olive oil in your cooking. 1tbsp is 120 calories of healthy fats.

  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I did better today with 1,200 calories. I really want to just focus on foods that have nutritional content (well, except for the occasional beer, haha, did anyone see my food diary...?). Nuts are really great and high in calorie. :)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i feel ya on that, i went vegetarian in 2002 but recently dont do as much dairy either, i use coconut milk instead of reg milk.
    yeah especially if you arent eating processed canned or packaged food high in sugars and fats, it is easier to eat less without even realizing it, bc you are filling up on good foods that are satisfying you.
    i love to eat avocados and mixed nuts, that will help up some cals and healthy fats if needed.
  • hi this is pretty much what's happening to me,
    I eat about 900-1000 cal a day (although I know technically thats too low),
    I've cut most junk out, the only meat i eat is fish and I'm lactose intolerant , this morning I couldn't even finish 3/4 of oats made with water. I find I eat quite a lot, but because its mostly vegetarian/vegan it really low in calories. meat eating people get a lot of calories from meat, and dairy.
    Since I've cut back on the chocolate I find just a few pieces satisfies my sweet tooth, not the whole block like before.
    Some people have suggested that I add more fruit to bring up my calories, maybe this would help for you, or add some nuts and seeds, plus there really good for you.

    If you're eating below 1200, then you need to get some more calories in or you'll be losing muscles, and you'll feel weak all day.
  • 2BLser
    2BLser Posts: 2 Member
    Add avocado to salads. Not only is it a good fat but it actually helps you absorb the nutrients from the other ingredients.
    I also put 1/4 scoop whey powder in my smoothies for extra protein and it also adds calories.
  • I also am eating fewer calories. I was told I needed to eat the 1200 but i sometimes find myself with 700 or 800 a a day. The nurse told me my body would go in starvation mode if I didn't eat more. I have a busy life with 2 jobs and sometimes am unable to eat when I should and my lunch break at my first job is at 10:30 in the morning. Who wants to eat at 7 and then turn around and eat at 10:30. I am starting to eat only when I get hungry and also staying away from sweets and most junk food. I have found Ruffles has a fat free chip and I honestly have to have my chips fix and they r good but I only eat then when I feel I have to get my chip fix. I am not hungry in the morning so I feel why should I make myself eat something I don't want. As long as I am feeling ok, not sluggish and tired and am not starving myself just to lose weight I will continue as I am doing.