

  • Kathy, You will see that once you are hooked you just want to gradually go a little further and then one day, you'll just be running half-marathons and then maybe marathons yourself. Great training/racing plan you have.
  • Sounds like a good plan Katie! I'm into my taper for the half. Did a tempo 6 miles today. 6 miles slow on Saturday and then a few miles (maybe 3 or 4) on Tuesday and Thursday next week. I've got a half pound or so to go to get to my goal weight for this run (132) and then the last 2 pounds will be the challenge for my fall…
  • Hey Runners! How is everyone doing this week? I was away with the family but managed to get two 10ks in - one speed workout and one (theoretical) tempo... it was so humid I had to take some breaks. I haven't weighed myself since I've been back. Don't think it was too damaging, but we shall see tomorrow. Loved reading about…
  • Top and MHackrott - just wanted to comment on your "without walking" goal. I ran my first full marathon in 4:30 or so (11 yrs ago so can't find the exact time online) and I barely walked. Less than a year later I ran my second marathon in 4:01 and walked for a full minute every 10 minutes and I ran across the finish like…
  • katapple: What an amazing journey. Congrats and amazing work on the running goals. They will totally keep you motivated (and motivating others!).
  • Picking races as goals is an amazing way to stay on track. Before I run the half on Sep 18th, I need to register for my next run so I don't let up too much... I'm planning a 10k on October 29th and then maybe another on Dec 6th. That'll be it for 2011. Looking forward to hearing how that 5k goes tomorrow Top!
  • Hey everyone- Great to meet you. Sounds like everyone has some great goals and some great accomplishments so far too! Topsking2010 - Good luck on the 5k tomorrow. For sure rest - or if you absolutely feel the need to do something, go for a super light 3 k jog with a few strides (sprints). That is a good way to prepare your…
  • Congrats on the losses! QOTD #8 (love this one) - workouts for this week - my last big week of running before I start my pre-half-marathon taper: M: Boot camp class and a few 15-20 min run to loosen spasmed back T: Running speed workout: 10-12 km (6-7 miles) warm-up, intervals, cool-down W: Boot camp class Th: Running -…
  • QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation? I always pack my running shoes and workout clothes and I try to figure out ahead of time how I'm gonna fit in at least two workouts a week (as a starting point). I research gyms in the area if there are no good running routes (or even if…
  • QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight? The moment was definitely at 7:54 am this morning when I stepped on the scale and saw a number I haven't seen since just after my second son was born... almost 4 years ago. Plus, we just…
  • Hi - I'm new to the message boards. Starting today to lose the 7 pounds that seem to have crept up over the summer - yikes! Definitely need some buddies. My main goal is to be down 4 pounds by my Sep 18 half-marathon, and down the full 7 by Oct. Please all feel free to add me as I can use some extra motivation.
  • This is just what I need. I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a couple of months and I'm up 4 pounds from my "okay" weight... 7 pounds from where I'd like to be. So here I go!! Thanks for starting this group. NAME: Liisa AGE: 38 HEIGHT: 5'7'' START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 137 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 130…