
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29
    I cannot figure it how STILL-technologically challenged on this site - :)
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29
    So, folks, I lost 0.2 lbs this week...for some reason I do not feel that excited about it.

    It took four days on vacation the week before to gain 1.5 back and all week I have worked hard to log calories (doing OK) but 0.2 lbs lost for the week is not what I expected.

    Any suggestions??
  • GemSola
    GemSola Posts: 8

    These are just things I am coming up with off the top of my head that helped me, so I apologize in advance if you have tried either of them before, do not apply to yourself, or if I am just sounding too random ^^;

    1. I have found that in the past one of my major problems with trying to lose weight is getting discouraged too easily. One or two times I have seen I have made progress...only to let it go to my head and gain it right back cause I wasn't paying too much attention to what I ate...then got upset about it and ended up gaining a bit more cause of it. .2 lbs is still something, and every little bit does count ^_^ And one thing I learned, gaining weight is easier and can take very little time if one does not pay much attention, but to shed it all off again does take more time and effort. Just keep at it and you'll be seeing that 1.5 gained, lost.

    2. Another thing I have personally found to be a big downfall is I would tend to snack a little more that I should....mostly with junk, but sometimes I probably snack a little too much in general. I don't know about you, but I HATE eating after i brush my teeth. Sometimes I have to in the mornings if I wake up too late...but it doesn't mean I like it. So sometimes if I have just recently eaten, and feel the urge to snack on something junky I just chew some minty (sugar free) gum. It gives me the illusion that I have just brushed my teeth for a bit, and once that feeling is gone I realize I really just feeling the urge to snack cause i was bored or something. (I don't do this every time i want to snack, it IS good to have a small and healthy snack in between meals, so I only do this if I realize that i am snacking/eating too much)

    Sorry both of those are so long winded, sometimes I get carried away when typing haha. (hm...thought I had more, but right now my brain is totally blanking on me)
  • GemSola
    GemSola Posts: 8
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    Walking, and jogging on the treadmill. Mainly cause it's something easy that my simple mind can handle, and something I can listen to my music with without having to worry about completely having to put my complete attention towards. I feel that when I listen to my music while walking or jogging I don't have my mind focuses on how much longer I need to keep doing it, and thus the time flies by faster and I can stick to it longer.

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    I actually found out about it through a fan site of a singer that I like on a topic for weight loss/healthy living support haha. Haven't really gotten into any other specific diets, sites or programs before this.

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    Been wanting to lose weight for a while now. All other attempts have failed. This time I am sticking to it since I am tried of just looking at myself in the mirror and feeling unhappy and full of self pity. I am tired of my mom going off at me for needed to lose weight, and have been teased about it in school in the past. Since I am going into college this fall I am thinking finally getting into shape and losing this weight would be a good way to start off college.
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29

    These are just things I am coming up with off the top of my head that helped me, so I apologize in advance if you have tried either of them before, do not apply to yourself, or if I am just sounding too random ^^;

    1. I have found that in the past one of my major problems with trying to lose weight is getting discouraged too easily. One or two times I have seen I have made progress...only to let it go to my head and gain it right back cause I wasn't paying too much attention to what I ate...then got upset about it and ended up gaining a bit more cause of it. .2 lbs is still something, and every little bit does count ^_^ And one thing I learned, gaining weight is easier and can take very little time if one does not pay much attention, but to shed it all off again does take more time and effort. Just keep at it and you'll be seeing that 1.5 gained, lost.

    2. Another thing I have personally found to be a big downfall is I would tend to snack a little more that I should....mostly with junk, but sometimes I probably snack a little too much in general. I don't know about you, but I HATE eating after i brush my teeth. Sometimes I have to in the mornings if I wake up too late...but it doesn't mean I like it. So sometimes if I have just recently eaten, and feel the urge to snack on something junky I just chew some minty (sugar free) gum. It gives me the illusion that I have just brushed my teeth for a bit, and once that feeling is gone I realize I really just feeling the urge to snack cause i was bored or something. (I don't do this every time i want to snack, it IS good to have a small and healthy snack in between meals, so I only do this if I realize that i am snacking/eating too much)

    Sorry both of those are so long winded, sometimes I get carried away when typing haha. (hm...thought I had more, but right now my brain is totally blanking on me)
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29
    Thanks-I must have really eaten a lot of calories in four days! I will keep logging in and surely remarkable results will show soon enough! Yes, I love to eat dinner and then brush and use mouthwash. It helps decrease the urge to eat more :). Gum is a great idea as well!! 0.2 is something for this week!!!! Yeah!!!
  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    That moment came when I realized that the lifestyle that I deserved to live was no where near how I was living at that present moment. My clothes were all to tight, and I started catalog shopping. My life wasn't as enjoyable as I remembered it to be, I was 25 but felt as if I was 80 and I knew then it was time for a change.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Good morning, Fitties!

    I'm happy to report that I was able to lose a half pound over the last week, so I'm back down to 148.5. I'm still 2 pounds away from where I was a couple of weeks ago, but I will take ANY loss right now! :love:

    Anyway, I am still not feeling 100% (cold!) but I'm anxious to get back to my regular workout routine ASAP.

    Time for another QOTD! I'll post the first 3, too, in case we have any newbies who would like to answer all of them! :happy:

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    This isn't a "recent" discovery since I have lost weight once before and gained it all back plus some with pregnancy...but that first time around I thought skim milk & wheat bread were the two most disgusting foods on Earth..lol. Now, I can't stand to drink whole milk and I prefer wheat bread over white. But more recently, I discovered something maybe the opposite....I love to go out to eat. So we went to Red Lobster Saturday and I had already planned my meal to stay within my calories for the day and I stuck with that..so it wasn't really anything terribly "unhealthy". BUT I realized I liked the taste of my healthy food that I have been cooking at home lately much more than what I ate there...and my husband commented the same thing. :smile:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    I never weigh myself. I originally decided to make the change because I was tired of my clothes fitting tight and I felt fat. But my serious "a-ha" moment was when I stepped on the scale after finding MFP. I couldn't believe how much I weighed...until then I was in denial.
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    This is just what I need. I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a couple of months and I'm up 4 pounds from my "okay" weight... 7 pounds from where I'd like to be. So here I go!! Thanks for starting this group.

    NAME: Liisa
    AGE: 38
    HEIGHT: 5'7''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: vegetarian (mostly vegan)
    DIET GOALS: getting enough protein and the right carbs in the right time to fuel my running training
    EXERCISE GOALS: half-marathon PB on sep 18
    OTHER GOALS: avoid obsession
    FUN FACT: I love raisins
  • I'm in! I love this losing weight thing ;)

    NAME: Sarah
    AGE: 29
    HEIGHT: 5'3''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: No more COOKIES! (maybe once in a while I guess ;) )
    DIET GOALS: eat less sugary foods, little to no fast food
    EXERCISE GOALS: 4 times a week for my "me time workouts" and many more with my 8 year old twins :)
    OTHER GOALS: To not be disgusted by my body
    FUN FACT: I have a bull dog named Stella :heart:
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Getting caught up after being away all weekend. Went to the shore this weekend and it was awesome! I didn't go to the beach though. I opted to go shopping since there were a few craft shows in the area. My mom and I went to this little tea room for lunch. I love those kinds of places. They're such sweet quaint places. The owner was such a sweetie!

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    Hmm.... which time? LOL!! This past time there wasn't an "a-ha" moment. I had just left a toxic, stressful work environment. I was happy again and knew that it was time to get my weight back under control.

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    There are some veggies that I would never consider eating that I eat now. Red peppers, onions and tomatoes are among them. Mixing pumpkin puree with sugar-free vanilla pudding with cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg and a sprinkle of splenda is like a crustless pumpkin pie.
  • MGiardini71884
    MGiardini71884 Posts: 47 Member
    NAME: Melanie (or Mel)
    AGE: 27
    HEIGHT: 5'6.5''
    START PANTS SIZE: 8/6 (US) (depending on the brand)
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 6-being able to fit comfortable
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: nope. I have what I want but I'm more careful about my choices
    DIET GOALS: to eat "cleaner" and try new things
    EXERCISE GOALS: to run at least 15miles per week
    OTHER GOALS: start seeing more definition in my abs and arms
    FUN FACT: I cant wink =(
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    The moment was definitely at 7:54 am this morning when I stepped on the scale and saw a number I haven't seen since just after my second son was born... almost 4 years ago. Plus, we just decided to move (at least temporarily) to Costa Rica so I need to feel comfortable wearing a bikini daily very soon!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    Black beans! I used to say that I hate them, but now I cannot imagine life without my beloved black beans.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    *Discovered shirataki noodles...haven't tried them yet.
    *Love all the different flavors of almonds...Wasabi soy, Buffalo wing and butter toffee.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    QOTD #4: I love love love cauliflower pizza. :) I really want to try the shirataki noodles. I think I'll make the Hungry Girl fettuccine recipe using them this weekend.
  • Week 3 of p90x ends tommorow for me!!!! That means I only have a little over 2 months left!!! I am already being able to tell a difference!! I can't wait till October and have reached my goals!!
  • Week 3 of p90x ends tommorow for me!!!! That means I only have a little over 2 months left!!! I am already being able to tell a difference!! I can't wait till October and have reached my goals!!

    Do you do the plyometrics or do you have a system that you follow for the p90x?