
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    I'm currently on vacation my next weigh in would have been yesterday. So won't be able to check the scale until Tuesday. Hopefully not too bad....I had a very bad eating day yesterday!!! Just hoping the scale doesn't go up!!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    The verdict is in: DOWN 1.3 POUNDS!!!! YAY!!!!!!

    :bigsmile: :happy: :love: :heart:
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    my weigh in day is Monday and I'm really excited because I feel quite sure I've lost something!!
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    The verdict is in: DOWN 1.3 POUNDS!!!! YAY!!!!!!

    :bigsmile: :happy: :love: :heart:

  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    How about a fitness challenge for next week...such as 50 jumping jacks a day, sit ups, or 30 min exercises daily?? Anyone up for it?? Any suggestions??
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Lost 2 lbs, this is my first week. I was secretly hoping it might be 3 or 4lbs but still good news. Actually, I'm kinda glad it was 2 lbs as I've got out there and burnt 350 this morning on my cross trainer, so definitely haven't lost motivation!!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    How about a fitness challenge for next week...such as 50 jumping jacks a day, sit ups, or 30 min exercises daily?? Anyone up for it?? Any suggestions??

    This sounds okay, but let's keep it really easy and not required... because it's stuff like this that has discouraged me in past challenges I have joined. I'm way too easily discouraged though. :frown:

    I like the idea of "30 minutes of exercise daily", but that's probably because I already do that! :laugh:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Lost 2 lbs, this is my first week. I was secretly hoping it might be 3 or 4lbs but still good news. Actually, I'm kinda glad it was 2 lbs as I've got out there and burnt 350 this morning on my cross trainer, so definitely haven't lost motivation!!

    Great job!!! 2 pounds is AWESOME!!!
  • safari20111
    safari20111 Posts: 42 Member
    NAME: TT
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    START PANTS SIZE: 10/12 (US)
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 8/10 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: I just count calories!
    DIET GOALS: less desire for junk foods
    EXERCISE GOALS: to workout for 1 hour 4 days a week
    OTHER GOALS: to lose about 6 inches off my waist and tone up everywhere
    FUN FACT: I research any show I watch (imdb.com)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!
  • kgesq
    kgesq Posts: 65 Member
    NAME: Karen
    AGE: 39
    HEIGHT: 5'6
    START PANTS SIZE: 12/14 (US)
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 8/10 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Nah--may try a few 1-week challenges here and there.
    DIET GOALS: lower calories, smarter choices 1200 calories a day to lose, 1500 - 1700 to maintain
    EXERCISE GOALS: lose this baby belly! toned arms, tight butt, firmer chest, go back to Capoeira
    OTHER GOALS: Being my old sexy self!
    FUN FACT: ummmm....I do everything on the internet--shop, work, make reservations, diet...
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    Mine varies, but the plan is pretty simple this week because of a toothache. I can't do any high-impact things right now because of this darn toothache, but I'm getting the filling fixed on Wednesday, so next week I will be back to running and doing DVDs more!

    M- biking with weights
    T- biking + Nordic Track skiing
    W- biking with weights
    Th- biking + Nordic Track skiing
    F- biking with weights
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Congrats on the losses, Leah and misslouisee!!

    Yesterday was a total veg on the couch day. Honestly... I barely moved all day.... I was in Jersey Friday night and Saturday. Friday night, I hung out with my sister and a few friends (read as late night). Then Saturday morning, I went shopping with my mom and sister. Saturday afternoon, I went to a Craft/ Arts Fair and lunch with my sister and 2 cousins. Drove an hour home and went to a BBQ at a friend's house. Basically a late night and shopping sandwhich. I had a great time, but I was exhausted yesterday. As with anytime that I overdo it, I had a headache and wasn't feeling well. I was tempted to workout but.... well excuses, excuses.... Anyway on to the QOTD....

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    Well, I'm doing Turbo Fire. Starting week 3 today. So, here's the plan:

    M- Fire 45 EZ + Stretch 10
    T- HIIT 25 + Stretch 10
    W- Rest
    Th- HIIT 15 + Tone 30
    F- Fire 45 EZ + Stretch 10
    Sa- Core 20 + Stretch 40
    Su- Fire 55 EZ

    I will be home all weekend so all of these will get done.
  • liisav
    liisav Posts: 13
    Congrats on the losses!

    QOTD #8 (love this one) - workouts for this week - my last big week of running before I start my pre-half-marathon taper:

    M: Boot camp class and a few 15-20 min run to loosen spasmed back
    T: Running speed workout: 10-12 km (6-7 miles) warm-up, intervals, cool-down
    W: Boot camp class
    Th: Running - steady pace 7-10 km (4.5-6 miles)
    F: REST
    Sa: Long training run 21 km (13 miles)
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    I have read through a few pages of this group and you guys look like an amazing bunch and I would be honoured to join you! I'm just finishing up another challenge so the timing is perfect.

    NAME: Eliza
    AGE: 30
    HEIGHT: 5'5''
    START PANTS SIZE: not really sure, I was a 14 at the start of my weight loss journey
    DIET GOALS: water, water, and more water! I've also been trying to cut down on sodium, but now my blood pressure has been dropping to low and my Dr. wants me to increase my sodium, grrrrr!
    EXERCISE GOALS: just started 30 Day Shred and want to work on toning my arms as well
    OTHER GOALS: Hmmmm.....have to think about this one
    FUN FACT: I am considering a career change!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    M - Nothing will be driving back from vacation most of the day (8 hrs)
    T - 30 minute walk, 30 NTC
    W - 30 minute walk, 45 minutes Zumba
    T - 30 minute walk, 30 NTC
    F - 30 minute walk, 45 minutes Zumba
    Sa - trying for a run, 30 minutes
    Su - run or NTC, depending on how I feel

    This is the plan, it may vary though. I have a work out partner so if our schedules don't mesh I may end up doing something different.
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    I'm going to do the Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk at home Monday thru Friday - all 5 miles each day.(already done today) Then Saturday, I'm going hiking all day in the canyons. Sunday, not sure yet... Every day, I'm doing the mini challenge posted by Charger440.
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    NAME: Julie
    AGE: 42
    HEIGHT: 5'3"
    DIET GOALS:stay within goal calories
    EXERCISE GOALS: try to do 30 minutes everyday
    OTHER GOALS: Have to think on this one...
    FUN FACT: I can play the flute and sax.
  • sp53
    sp53 Posts: 40
    I love yoga and pilates. Anybody doing Crossfit? I'm intrigued but kind of shy about trying it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!! I weighed in on Saturday and was (by my count), down nearly 4 lbs. But, I guess, because I went up some weight since I joined MFP, it is only recording "1 lb. lost". :( Still, it was a "loss", and will leave me well on track to be down where I want to be for October.

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    I normally do quite the exercise, but last night, my BACK/SHOULDER went into spasm!! PAIN!! While I was ASLEEP. Turns out I have "torticollis" (wry neck syndrome), which means I'm limited to walking for the next while. I am in tremendous pain, and cannot lie down, but I can walk, lol!! Good news: I don't need meds (ice will be fine), if I can control the pain with ibuprofen. And, with daily chiro treatments, I should be pain-free in a week and likely totally better in 2 weeks.

    I'm gonna get down 2 lbs. this week. I SWEAR IT!!