

  • does all fat make you sick or just saturated fat?
    in Fats Comment by Ella09 January 2011
  • your body is definetely in starvation mode but you can change that. You should at least eat 1200 calories. At the beginning you might see a weight increase but then you should see it drop. The point is for you to get healthy. How much are you trying to loose?? if your body is in starvation mode, you probably will stay…
  • I had a baby 10 months ago, and it took a while for my body to get back to normal. I think you look amazing!! I also had a c-section and I couldn't work out until my baby was 2 months old or so. But I did walk and that helped me a lot. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy and lost 30 right away. The last 20 I had to work…
  • The worst part is that during TOM, I have no desire to excercise!!!
  • You should try the 30 day shred by jillian michaels. I bought it for $12 and it's great. There are 3 levels and they are only 20 minutes long but they kick your butt. I've been doing it for 3 weeks and I can already see a difference in my legs. All you need is hand weights and a matt.
  • I have the same problem. I hate stepping on the scale on mondays but I do agree with tracking your calories on the weekends even if you go over. I have been trying to be good on saturdays but sundays usually kill me. It's time to do something about it!
  • I have the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD and i love it. I do the 3 fast miles and it's 45 minutes of fast walking. you burn a lot of calories and it's fun. I got it at Walmart. You should try it!
  • You have eat to loose weight. Skipping meals is the worst thing you can do for you body. I used to not eat breakfast either but now I can't skip it. Start by eating a little bit in the morning, like a fiber one bar or yogurt. But never skip breakfast. Good luck to you!
  • usually if you eat a lot of fiber, you should be experiencing the opposite. That's weird!