MsB2bSkinny Member


  • Well I did it, I finished the shred.
  • Okay so today is the day I finally complete the 30 day shred. Took me way more than 30 days but at least I'm finishing it. Wish I would have taken before pics so I could see if there is any changes.
  • 3 more days and i'm finished with the 30 day shred. Woohoo :)
  • Day 6 done lastnight. Felt really good after the workout. I don't know if i'm seeing much change though :(
  • Okay so sunday I did day 5 of level 3. Struggled a bit because I couldn't get into it. I didn't workout yesterday and feeling like **** because of it plus this weekends eating was not good and felt bad for what I shoved in my mouth yesterday....but today is a new day and I will put that behind me and get back with it :)
  • Thanks so much Craig :) So glad to have you back. We can do this!!! Yesterday I did day 4 and I can't believe how strong i'm getting. I think level 3 is my favorite level, crazy huh?
  • Day 3 went great and I also got in a 30 minute Tae Bo session. I actually like level 3 better than level 2. How is everyone doing??
  • Okay so yesterday day 2 of level 3 and let me tell you it's rough..holy cow she kicks my butt, but it feels GREAT :) Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Completed day 8 lastnight. Feels good. Getting stronger. Can't wait to see what level 3 brings :)
  • Day 7, level 2 done last night. Had a few days off from it but was doing other workouts. Tried cardio kickboxing and it was a little rough...too many moves. I'll stick to Jillian :)
  • Okay so day 6 of level 2 complete lastnight. I am getting stronger and I can get through it without taking a break between double jump rope and squat jacks and I can finally actually do the double jump rope, lol. I'm not seeing a visual difference in my body yet, although I was getting compliments all day yesterday so…
  • Thanks Craig for the engouragment :) I can't wait to finish finally. I know I will feel great. No worries about not knowing my name, I don't think I ever gave it before, Yesterday was a little rough during the workout. I was so tired and exhausted from my work day but I pushed through and finished it. Today will be last…
  • WooHoo Great Job :) You are rockin it!! I hate lunges, I don't mind squats so much anymore...I just keep in mind that it's gonna give me a nice *kitten* lol :)
  • Thanks you wonderful two :) I decided to put my scale away and wait until day 30 to weigh myself. I've been weighing myself every morning and so far it hasn't moved but i'm not going to let that discourage me!!!! -Lynette-
  • Great Job Craig. Finished Day 8 last night. Will do day 9 tonight and finish up with level 1 tomorrow. :) Yes Juliana everyday getting stronger and it feels wonderful. I'm glad I have you two doing this with me :) The motivation is amazing.
  • Day 7 Complete and feeling stronger everyday :) Hope everyone is doing well.
  • I think i'm going to do sundays off also. Give my body a break :) Keep up the great work!!
  • Great Job. I finished day 6 lastnight. I was down a little on the scale this morning too. Feeling great :)
  • You are doing great. I look forward to reading your post. Yesterday was day 5 for was hard but I finished it. Today was family time and we were going to go for a long walk but we got rained out :( but I did get a 30 minute workout in. I got my mom and aunt and cousin to try Tae Bo. Tomorrow should be my rest day…
  • Great Job. So proud of you. Keep up the great work. I've been trying to wake up every morning to workout but it just don't happen..I'm not a morning person. I bet I would feel a whole lot better if I did though :)
  • Day 4 COMPLETE. I struggled with this one but I made it through.
  • Great Job. Keep it up. You are such an awesome motivator :)
  • Thank You. I feel so good. Yesterday was Day 3. I feel like I'm finally going to do it this time and I can't wait to see the results :)
  • Day 2 Complete and had extra energy to put in a Tae Bo workout. Love this feeling :0
  • Started a day early. Got day 1 done last night. Felt really good. Day 2 I'm ready for ya :)
  • Great. I gained this month..3 pounds so I NEED all the support I can get!! :)
  • Keep it up!! Awesome job :)
  • Great Job. It's good to hear you back at it. You are a great motivator and I hope to join you soon with 30DS..tomorrow :)
  • Your words are always very supportive and motivating. I always look forward to seeing you on here. You take care of yourself and get better :)
  • Thanks ladies :) I know I will get it done tonight for sure since I'm home alone!