vlealesko Member


  • I have never heard of Fat 2 Fit Radio until now - Thanks !! :happy:
  • I do not have a "cheat day". I count my calories to a " T ". When I really want to indulge in something like a short pumpkin spice non-fat latte with whip from starbucks, I will calculate to see if I can fit it in my daily caloric intake. If I can't then I will work for it - I will go for an hour walk or even 1 1/2 walk to…
  • I am with you ! Totally in the same boat, though I am not schedule to graduate until May 2013. This semester is going to be tough- hard class schedule mixed with a ton of holidays, and family gatherings full of endless tasty foods. Let me know how I can support you. We'll get through it - one pound at a time : )