Thoughts on "cheat day"

I am very new at this. I am on day 8. I have done very well with both my diet and exercise & have already lost weight. Do any of you take a cheat day or cheat meal? If so, how often & to what extreme? I am doing good but I wonder how long I can keep this up. Thanks!


  • ascotton80
    ascotton80 Posts: 56 Member
    You need to structure your diet in a way that can be sustained long term, not thought of as being "on" and "off".

    Structure your plan so that you can indulge in what you want sometimes, in moderate amounts.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I have a cheat day at least once a week, which usually turns into two, and lately... more. I think an occasional cheat day is good for a metabolism jolt, but only if you are positive it's not a slippery slope back into regular bad eating habits.

    So generally I say no cheat days until you hit your goal weight or are close to it - OR if you know that you are disciplined enough to make it just that one cheat day then back on the wagon.
  • BonnieWegner
    BonnieWegner Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have a cheat day or meals. I make sure that I stay within my calories as much as possible. Some days if I know that I'm having a higher calorie dinner, I trade my lunch for a lower calorie option.

    You don't have to give up all of the good things, you just have to find a balance for them.
  • I am a big fan of a cheat day! It really helps me to get through the week knowing that I can anything I want, 1 day a week. I did Body For Life which incorporates the cheat day, and consistenly lost 2 lbs a week. When I do use one I am VERY strict during the week. (when I do them, anything goes!)
  • lisamarie327
    lisamarie327 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't think that cheat days are helpful because they just encourage you to eat crap that you know you shouldn't eat. If I want to, or need to, eat something that I would not normally, I allow myself to, but I do not consider it a "cheat" or "cheat day." I think that kind of thinking keeps ppl stuck in bad habits.
  • kathangel2012
    kathangel2012 Posts: 8 Member
    personally I do have a cheat day - in order to keep the momentum going don't go crazy. I like red wine so on Friday nights (my cheat meal I don't make it a cheat day) I have a glass of wine 9oz usually and then I will have pizza (2-3 slices) or last Friday I had a salad with striploin steak and blue cheese dressing. I still do what I can not to go crazy on the bread because I find the next day all I want is bread. Hope this helps. Keep up the good work. Remember it's about calories in and calories burned.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I'm a fan of a cheat day, as I LOVE LOVE LOVE food, and if I just never eat foods that are guilty pleasures for me, I will fall off the wagon.

    Cutting certain foods out cold turkey doesn't work for me. So a cheat day works well. Plus I don't find it makes a difference in my weight loss. I find if I focus on exercising, then I'm good.
  • Wow, Thank you for all the suggestions. Gives me something to think about. :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I took cheat days once a week for a long time when I first started my diet. They were usually set on days where the family was going out or on special occasions where it was just too hard to keep track anymore. I lost weight even with cheat days included in my weeks and they kept me from stressing out about my diet too much and helped me stick to it even when I really wanted to eat nothing but hamburgers and pizza forever!

    I don't take them anymore, but I'm much closer to my goal and they mess with my weightloss a lot more than they used to. I think that it's up to you whether you take one or not. You'll know your own goals and habits better than anyone on the internet could.
  • I don't have a cheat day per se, but I have Sundays off where I don't exercise, so obviously, higher net calories. Almost a cheat day. Though I'm starting to allow myself treats sometimes during the week, in moderation.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I would make it a cheat meal, not an entire cheat day :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    when I was dieting I'd typically do a cheat meal........sometime in the afternoon.

    having a whole day of junk could pretty much offset a week of progress.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    You need to structure your diet in a way that can be sustained long term, not thought of as being "on" and "off".

    Structure your plan so that you can indulge in what you want sometimes, in moderate amounts.

    Best advice you could get on the subject.
  • lovecriminal
    lovecriminal Posts: 41 Member
    I have not reached my goal weight (I aim to lose 25 pounds more) but have the habit of having cheat day once a week but try to make it fit within the calorie goal (but fat / carbs sometimes spikes). I am successful losing weight on regular intervals - should I stop having cheat days ? I will never go down to the old slope though.
  • vlealesko
    vlealesko Posts: 3 Member
    I do not have a "cheat day". I count my calories to a " T ". When I really want to indulge in something like a short pumpkin spice non-fat latte with whip from starbucks, I will calculate to see if I can fit it in my daily caloric intake. If I can't then I will work for it - I will go for an hour walk or even 1 1/2 walk to get it :) For me it is really important to "walk a straight line" because its too easy for me to fall hard off the "wagon"; and I definitely don't want any bad habits to form again. I would recommend against a cheat day, especially if you are new to this type of lifestyle. Stay focused on your goal and how you can get there :happy:
  • Deejalert
    Deejalert Posts: 13 Member
    A cheat day can really derail your progress. I would recommend a cheat meal every 2-3 weeks. On this day, aim to stay at or below maintenance calories. It would be easy to go 2k cals over maintenance on a cheat day wiping out the deficit of 2 other days of the week. When I do have my cheat meal, I up the cardio on that day and aim to stay at least 500 under maintenance.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I have a cheat meal once or twice a week, but not a cheat day. I love pizza and fast food, so that's usually what I opt for during the cheat meal.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    I'm a "cheat weekend" kinda guy... BUT I log everything, and when I go "over" my goal, I try to not go over my overall estimated calorie expenditure by more than 500 or so if I can help it... it sets me back a day right off the bat, and I also lose the cheat day itself...

    Just work it out mathematically... and if you can plan ahead, so it's not so much a "cheat" day as a "splurge within reason" day... you'll be alright.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    From what I heard from trainers is that if you do have a "Cheat" day do not feel guilty about it and then over work yourself the next day. Just get back on your normal routine and don't weigh yourself. Let it go! This is the thing about all ppl who are trying to lose weight they tend to get upset or the thought of them cheating makes them feel guilty! You ate it! You can't do anything about it. Get over it and move on.
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    During weight LOSS, I focus on keeping a cheat day. It curbs cravings and keeps my weight in check. In this, its very helpful when you want to focus on it.

    During weight MAINTAINING, I loose the cheat day and eat what I like, as long as I keep tabs on what I eat. If I go over a little, no biggie, I go under, same deal.