Yes - I got a catscan and it absolutely showed diverticulitis. My doc wants to see if there is more going on aside from the diverticulitis (such as Crohn's) because of the unusual location of the infection.
Since I last posted, I am much better and on my last day of antibiotics. Thank you for the well wishes. I went 5 days on a liquid diet with no desire to eat, at all. I am now eating, but much less than I normally do. But at least now I get hungry! My PCP referred me to a gastroenterologist, who I will see in a few weeks.…
I also worry that it might be misdiagnosed ovarian cancer. But that would have likely turned up in the CT scan, right?
Interesting. My mom has Crohns and is on every drug imaginable. However, she makes really bad food choices and will often eat things even when she knows it will give her stomach trouble. I rarely eat processed food and make my food from scratch.
I second the potassium / magnesium suggestions. I get dehydrated really easily. My solution is to hydrate in advance of activity. I like coconut juice because it has a ton of potassium. My body responds very well to the coconut juice. Keep drinking water, too.
Lounge singer
Also, my digestive problems all went away when I quit dairy. Maybe try eliminating that, or other problem foods. for a week & see what happens. I also get 'stuck' if I eat some fried foods, like onion rings or other yummy treats!
Prune juice is AMAZING for moving things along. Try buying some probiotics - from the refrigerated section so you know you are getting live probiotics. Cabbage, dates and other fiber foods with potassium & magnesium may help. Feel better!
I second all of these. I always hated organized exercise and skipped gym as much as I could. Now I am married to a gym teacher. Go figure. If it's fun, it's not exercise. It's just fun!
I have bad circulation in my hands and feet. My feet have fallen asleep while doing the elliptical and stationary bike, but not when I am wearing tight climbing shoes or riding a street bike. Perhaps this happens to me because the gym type activities cause other parts of your body to be stationary (butt planted on the…
Climbing chicks are badass. That is all. :tongue:
You say you get them when you eat healthier? Keep a food diary. That may help you figure out your trigger. My trigger is MSG. It's in salad dressings, honey roasted peanuts, vegetable bullion cubes, marinades, chips, etc., etc., etc. If you can avoid getting migraines, that's the way to go. My cure is caffeine and sleep. I…
An avocado kale wrap with homemade hummus and homemade kimchi. 325 calories.
My sneakers are new New Balance. I don't know a thing about running shoes, but they are comfortable. I did go running once in a pair of shoes without much cushion, and it killed my knees. These are better shoes.
What are these foam rollers that everyone keeps suggesting?
I had no warm up. I just started running out my front door. Then I walked for about 15 minutes after running. I did do some stretching afterward, but it obviously was not enough, right? :)
If people touch with without your permission and after being told not to touch you, maybe you should consider giving the molester a light slap on the hand. Actions speak louder than words! Likewise, if they make comments about your body, turn it around and start making comments about theirs. Then maybe they will realize…
brought to you from MA: We even have an awesome annual Fluff Fest in Somerville.
I love how a woman's worth is chalked up to her ability to attract a man. Geez Louise. I am sorry that this happened to you. Creeps like that contribute NOTHING to society. In this instance, rely on karma.
Have you thought of moving toward a vegetarian diet? I'm not talking about a radical-overnight switch. But exploring things that might improve your stomach. I had major acid reflux and stomach pain until I quit dairy. I didn't realize that I had been walking around with a stomach ache / problems for years until they were…
I just started juicing yesterday. Literally. I counted this by creating a recipe with the ingredients and then dividing by the number of juice servings. However, I also at the pulp by making patties out of them. So, I guess I counted my juice concoctions twice! I wonder if the pulp / fiber contains more calories than the…
Yes! It is so hard to breathe when it is cold! And I live in a place where you cannot avoid the cold every winter. Someday I will get smart and move somewhere warm. ;)
Yup - I have exercise induced asthma. I am a rock climber, but this makes me a slow hiker. I bike almost every day and just started to run a little bit. I have to pace myself, but I keep going. I have also had 3 bad illnesses this year that turned into respiratory illnesses. I live in the city and (literally) beside the…
I've been groped in my lifetime, too. Don't like that either. Even though the men who did it obviously found me attractive. What makes it okay to yell at or grab women based upon their appearance? It's not a complement. You are being treated as an object.
I am fair skinned and have been burned many times in my life. I would not spend time worrying about past exposures, but make an effort to avoid getting burned through sunscreen, clothing and shade-seeking. You can ask your doctor about skin cancer. If you have any strange moles or growths, bring it up to your doctor right…
I'm with you. It's creepy and it's harassment. I love how guys feel entitled to make comments about our bodies. Oh wait - no, I don't.
I seldom eat out around my work place just because I am surrounded by unhealthy foods. People do ask me to go out to lunch, so I explain to them that I have a severe food allergy and am vegan (half truths), and offer to brown bag lunch with them somewhere so that we can sit together and talk. Food is a social thing. They…
I get super dehydrated and get those middle of the night leg cramps. I find that coconut water / juice (not milk) really helps me fight dehydration. It has more potassium than bananas. Get the kind that does not have added sugar and is 100% juice, like Amy & Brian's / Blue Monkey / VitaCoco. Don't go for Goya because it…
True. It's not nice to make comments about other people's bodies. Period. As women, we are subject to it and judged by our bodies all the time. It's not healthy.
I have never felt that anybody ever said this to me as a put down. It's always been more along the lines of 'I wish I could be like you'.