

  • You guys are Awesome!! Thank you so much. I read it on a few forums that people had said do not eat those calories back that you lose in excersize. I am not saying that I dont eat them I was just wondering your take on the issue.And tomorrow I have decided to make my favorite meal that is brussle sprouts with bacon, baked…
  • Put a lime in it and ice, water taste better with ice. Limes help with seasonal allergys as well.
  • Stupid boy's!! Get healthy for you! You will feel so much better and will start to think of his faults not yours. I know you will do it! I dated a boy once for many years (highschool) that broke my heart for stripper. Then came crawling back when he found out she would always be just that. By then I had seen his faults and…
  • I never thought about it, I have always been a water drinker it is my preferred drink. If you do not like it. Have a water bottle near you all day. Pretty soon you will be sipping on it and not thinking about it. I add lime whenever I can. It helps with seasonal allergys. Hope that helps.
    in water Comment by butttrffly March 2012
  • I added you! I am 160 and want to get to 140. We can support each other!
  • I added you! I am a week new and love it! A bing is ok, I have one cheat day a week. Only because diet food makes me hungry. I miss butter and salt so much. I am not a sweets person so I do not have that battle. But I do understand the need for a good meal!
  • I just joined this group! I am liking it already. This is one of my favorites with cabbage it was originally a Rachel Ray recipe but I have changed it to my liking. Teriyaki Chicken Ingredients Chicken Breast Teriyaki sauce 1 bag of coleslaw mix minus the dressing. ( Cabbage shrinks when cooked, if you have a large family…
    in cabbage Comment by butttrffly March 2012
  • I agree with what everyone is saying. Some changes would be good.i love the site but wish some of it was available on the app. I will put that in suggestions. That is what it Is for lol. Because this site is free does not mean that it does not make money. I am sure those guys make enough that they no longer have those jobs…
  • I am new too! So far I have only lost two pounds but the was one week with MFP. I love the community and you don't have to pay so much to count your points and weigh in! I will add you newbies and we will make this journey together.
  • I am new here too and love it!! I am so addicted to this site. I would like all the friends I can get! So add me
  • I joined awhile ago and never used this site. Now that they have an iPhone app I have been going at it a week, So far I love this site. Good Luck I have about 20 pounds to go, Add me if you like.
  • This is one of my favorite recipes. 1 can black beans 1 can pinto beans I have used this recipe with just black beans as well. 1 can kidney beans Frozen corn 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup or a half cup depending on your taste. lots of chopped cilantro ( I love the stuff) You can also add green and red bell peppers chopped. (I…
  • I am an allrecipes fan through and through. They have a few light recipes on there, I too have been looking for a good sight, I will check out skinny taste.
  • Thanks you guys! I feel better already! My username on my ipad and iphone are different. I will change them both to this one tomorrow since I log all my food with my phone. I feel inspired that others have had the battle with nicotine. I actually found a full pack in my kitchen today. It was a 15 minute battle to throw…
  • I am looking to lose weight again. 3 years ago I lost weight by joing a gym and using the ellyptical machine for 20 minutes a day. I am working at it again. Good luck
  • I added you!