TickledPurple Member


  • I just bought my wii and wii fit yesterday and I really love it already!!! In 30 mins I was tired and sweating, so it must be working!
  • Juat wondering... what do you ladies use for facial hair removal? I have tried creams and waxing and all sorts but often the hair just stays there and won't budge! I've hard you can get home hair removal lasers... anyone tried one yet?
  • I found the PCOS diet book by Colette Harris really intersting. http://www.amazon.co.uk/PCOS-Diet-Book-nutritional-polycystic/dp/0007131844/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277133773&sr=8-1 Hope that helps
  • You too huh? My son was 11lb 8oz! Although I have to say it was worse after my smaller daughter. Don't be embarrassed about going to the doctor... they've LITERALLY seen and heard everything!
  • I've got kids, so yeah stress incontinence is no stranger.... you need to tighten your pelvic floor muscles - it'll improve your sex life too, trust me! Google 'pelvic floor exercises', and get practicing! Its definitely worth trying this for 6 months or so before considering anything drastic like surgery
  • Me too! I have had PCOS for a while. For some reason my doctor isn't really that bothered about treating it as in the last few years I haven't had any problems getting pregnant - 3 pregnancies in 2 years, though 2 ended in miscarriage. Now though I haven't had a period since Halloween 2008 when I fell pregnant with my son.…
  • I totally agree! You look incredible! Don't be so hard on yourself, look at what you have achieved! You truly are a real inspiration, you look 20 years younger in your after pic. I shall be revisiting this topic every time I'm tempted to over eat. Well done honey, I'm so proud of you xxx
  • Congratulations! I wish there was a similar app for my blackberry!
  • Hi, there is a recipe section of the forum, but I use another website... www.rosemaryconley.tv Everything there is under the 5% ruling and there are workout videos too plus lots of stuff on the psychological reasons behind your weight gain - if you like that sort of thing!
  • I'm lucky that I have found a great website that gives me recipes and shows videos of a chef making them to try out! I also have a book with lots of menu suggestions in it.... there are even low fat cakes in there! I have found lately that I'm living on the 'pasta' suggestions in the book, fills me up for longer and with…
  • Congratulations to you both! If you're anything like me you'll find that your metabolism speeds up through pregnancy and you end up still losing weight :) Just remember not to use pregnancy as an excuse to 'eat for two' and make sure you're getting all the nutrients your baby needs and you'll be fine. Good luck!
  • Before this became an 'over the counter' drug my doctor put me on this.... it was horrendous! Yes the anal leakage was awful, but I also got stomach cramps, nightmares, hallucinations and all my hair started falling out!! Trust me, don't go there. Besides, you need to re-programme yourself to change your eating and…
  • Oh dear! I know how you feel hun. I had this problem with my family doctor too - he's treated everyone from my great grandmother to my own babies. Last time I saw him I hadn't been in for a few years and he actually laughed at me, and told me he didn't recognise me because I'd gotten 'so fat'. I'd just miscarried twins at…
  • If you have access to a computer at home try this.... http://www.rosemaryconley.tv/Exercise/Expert-Advice.aspx?vxChannel=Exercise_ExpertAdvice&vxClipId=2712_840080 Its a 7 minute workout session that you can do sitting down so you don't put too much strain on your knees and ankles. I use the workouts on this website a lot…
  • Actually the calories haven't been too bad as I eat them in lots of small meals and snacks - I'm having trouble with the 'low fat' part of the diet - I'm not allowed to eat anything over 5% fat total! Almost everything in my cupboards was WAY over this to start with! Good luck to you too gregdr... feel free to add me if…
  • Hi Chris, and welcome! I'm new here too, and so far, everyone has been really lovely!
  • Thanks everyone for your replies! Yes 1200 calories isn't a lot, but its only for the first 2 weeks, then 1400 a day for the following 2 weeks then it increases to whatever my BMR is to hopefully lose 2lbs a week. The restriction at the start is to help me lose a fair amount as a bit of 'thinspiration' and to keep me on…
  • Welcome! I'm new here too and I need to lose half my current weight! Good luck, stick at it and you'll do great :)