This subject pisses me off (pun intended)

dmcpage Posts: 66 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Brief synopsis of last night's conversation with my husband after I get home from running/walking.

Me: I ended up doing sprints at *insert lightning fast pace here* tonight......

Hubby: Wow, that's freakin awesome!

Me: .....and I managed to piss myself.

Hubby: Oh.

Me: Yeah. Running so fast again and I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. It was bad. I need to go shower now because I'm pretty sure I have urine that is drying into my socks.

Hubby: You should really get that checked out.

Me: Gee, ya think?

*End Scene*

Here's the deal though, Stress Urinary Incontinence is a very real problem for a lot of women, not just me. I can't do many jumping jacks or jump rope before I have that "oh crap" moment that comes right before wetting oneself. It doesn't always happen to me, but the majority of the time it does. It doesn't happen when I normally run, it only happens when I sprint. I had to bow out of a jump rope contest a few years ago that I was clearly winning because I didn't want to accept my medal in piss-stained capris. I also managed to pee my pants when jumping ONCE in an inflatable house at a party. I've even thought about wearing liners or whipping out a Depend now or then. I'm 29 and childless and I pee my pants from time to time. *sigh*

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about SUI: it's involuntary leakage of urine. It is a common and distressing problem, which may have a profound impact on quality of life. It is the loss of small amounts of urine associated with coughing, laughing, sneezing, exercising or other movements that increase intra-abdominal pressure and thus increase pressure on the bladder. Urinary incontinence almost always results from an underlying treatable medical condition but is under-reported to medical practitioners.

I have yet to bring this up to my medical doctor (though I have been meaning to since I was about 14). I just haven't gotten around to the "hey doc, I pissed myself" conversation since I have other weird medical issues that seem to take precedence or an easily excitable bladder. So why am I writing this on MFP now? Basically I want to know if any other gals have (or admit to having) this problem, and if they have ever sought treatment, and how they are now? I know a handful of women who seem to have this, and no one has done anything about it. Most of them have had children and aren't as active as I am, but still active (just not the point where it could become a problem).

Bottom line: I need to have this conversation with a doctor. It's getting to be a bit beyond ridiculous to train for middle-distance races or compete in cardio tests and have that nagging fear of pee meets spandex. I feel like I should be wearing a shirt that says "You're in Trouble" (get it, Urine Trouble).

Please feel free to commiserate, empathize, or point your fingers at the strange lady who smells a bit like pee. Chances are I'll point back.


  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I have this happen, the week before my period is due (things must be swollen in there i guess?) when i do jumping jacks or other jump training in my Jillian MIcheals circuits. It really sucks and i end up putting on a pad thru the workout. Somtimes if i pee right before i start, and then pee after the first circuit i can get thru without incident but the closer to day one of my period, the worse it is. I was going to mention this to my Dr. My mother and grandmother both have (had) continence issues or incontinence or whatever.

    I would skip the tshirt but funny play on words haha.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Are you kidding? When I have to go, I run for the bathroom. It was worse 76 lbs ago though I have to say. The more weight i lose the better i feel, though I still have to run. The dr tried putting me on some meds but it just blocked me up the other way. Now I make sure that I pee before I get on the treadmill. I went to the bathroom before leaving the house today, drove 20 minutes to fedex and begged them to let me use their bathroom and then drove back 20 minutes and had to go again. This is what happens when you are attempting to drink 12 cups of water a day. I plan out my routes when leaving the house making sure wherever I'm going isn't to far and it has a bathroom, and I know where that bathroom is. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
  • Jry0318
    Jry0318 Posts: 5 Member
    I've never had this happen before, and i hope it never happens. But if there is an easy remedy to the problem, why not talk to your doctor about it?
    If that would have happened to me, I would have made an appointment to see the doctor that day! But I have no shame, and not easily embarassed about things i discuss with my doc, thats what they are there for!
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I have a similar problem, but I have chalked it up to being on a diuretic (for HBP). I get the WORST urges sometimes, I'm not even sure I can make it to the bathroom. Maybe it is a combination of both!!

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pee! :laugh: But no, seriously....talking about it, I really have to go!!
  • Koshie
    Koshie Posts: 61
    I sometimes have this happen when jump roping or jumping on the trampoline but never sprinting. Though I must say I only sprint to the fridge and back to catch the show starting again :P No but seriously I did see a documentary about this once and there is a surgery that they can do, Its a part of your body pressing on your bladder so they go in and they lift it off your bladder. I cant remember what part of the body is causing this though
  • I've heard this before from women....I've heard that Kegels help strenthen those muscles.

    You do need to have the "hey doc, I find myself pissing all over myself" conversation. LOL!

    And screw it! You should just have the tee-shirt say "Urine Trouble" and let them try and figure it out. LMAO!!

    Let us know what the dr. says.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    I've got kids, so yeah stress incontinence is no stranger.... you need to tighten your pelvic floor muscles - it'll improve your sex life too, trust me!

    Google 'pelvic floor exercises', and get practicing! Its definitely worth trying this for 6 months or so before considering anything drastic like surgery
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I too have had some squirting issues when I've tried to run on the treadmill. Sometimes mine is better and then it happens at a totally random point when I sneeze or something and then I feel like I should have really listened to the saying about carrying a pair of undies in your purse so in case you get in a wreck, the paramedics don't have to see you in dirty panties. Um...does it apply to when you just accidentally piss yourself too?

    My OB told me that I could get a surgery for it but its quite painful. Kegels are supposed to help but I forget to do them.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I have been doing Kegels for years - no help. I had the talk with the Dr. and got put on meds that didn't help and were $60 month after insurance!! Not worth it. It is so very, very, very frustrating - I can not do jumping exercises and sneezing without wetting takes a tremendous amount of concentration and leg crossing!! I'm ready to go to a urologist about it.
  • lol amazing post, your situation isn't funny but the post was funny as hell lol

    I hope the Doc can help you, and you are right you definitely arent alone a lot of women have this issue.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    yup, after having 10 and 11 pound children, my days of not having to worry about that is OVER! I don't do jumping jacks just for that reason! LOL, gotta love it!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Happens to me just about everytime I take a power walk. After a couple near misses and some embarrasing accidents in publc (no less), I got smart. Love those incontinence pads!
  • skerjenn
    skerjenn Posts: 7
    I'll add my confession to the list: I "leak" (as my bf so affectionately refers to it) when I sneeze. I've gotten into the habit of crossing my legs to sneeze or cough - just incase. I'm also twenty nine, moderately active and without children. My grandmother had "the surgery" (whatever that involves) twice in her lifetime... and I've never brought it up with my doctor... partially because it's never on my mind when I'm in her office, and partially because it's something I forget about until I find myself having to change my underwear, again. Boourns to incontinence! You're not alone!
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    Had uterine fibroids and a cough, sneeze, or laugh would bring on the urine. I had to have a hysterectomy. No fun but I no longer have the problem unless my bladder is ful full full. I don't suggest this as a solution though. There probably is a solution. Go ahead and talk to the Dr.
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    yup, after having 10 and 11 pound children, my days of not having to worry about that is OVER! I don't do jumping jacks just for that reason! LOL, gotta love it!

    You too huh? My son was 11lb 8oz!
    Although I have to say it was worse after my smaller daughter.

    Don't be embarrassed about going to the doctor... they've LITERALLY seen and heard everything!
  • dmcpage
    dmcpage Posts: 66 Member
    I've been doing kegels for 20 years. I still pee. :-P
  • igmom
    igmom Posts: 90
    I know someone with this problem, except mostly when she sneezes. She wears Pull-Ups. You know, the things that are used for potty training. They make them for up to a 125 pound person. I swear, I can't tell she's wearing them.
  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    This happens to me all the time! I have Overactive Baldder and Stress Inconteince issue. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting a kidney stone. WHAT? you might be saying, but that Kidney stone forced me to go to a urologist when I was 23 to find out why I had stones so early in life. As a part of the exam they asked about Overactive bladder symptoms, and gave me a prescription for Detrol LA. Now, 14 years later, I only have to worry about Pee accidents when I have a cold or forget to take the pill.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Happens to me too. I haven't had kids but it still happens. *sigh* I wear sanitary pads for this reason.
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