This subject pisses me off (pun intended)



  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Ok, I confess, I too piss myself from time to time.

    Nothing major like running down the leg kinda thing. More like, oh ****, I'm wet now kinda deal. Like someone else mentioned, it mostly happens with Jillian. (Effffing skinny *kitten* and those jumping jacks!!) Occasionaly when I sneeze too, but I blame that on carrying a child for nine months and 2.5 hours of pushing the monster out. I'm not much of a runner, but when I do attempt it, I've never had that a wetting issue, well, at least not that I notice. I'm usually soaking wet in sweat by the end of my "runs" so, if I do piss myself I don't feel it and just blame the wetness on sweat, which is still a possibility.

    I'm no doc, but wouldn't kegals help with this issue? I know it improves your sex by strengthening the vaginal walls, but since the the whole flexing of the kegals feels like you're holding in your pee, I'd think it were all some how related. (Then again, ignorance IS bliss and I'm probably just pulling a whole lot of nothing out of my booty!)

    Anyway, I love your sense of humor in it all.

    Pants Pissers UNITE!! :o)
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    First off, let me just say I love to read everything you write. You are awesome!

    Yes, I have to deal with this also. After I had my daughter I tried jumping rope to get back in shape..... I would wear my grandmas special pads for this. Never failed, by the 6th jump, Id pee. Never even felt it coming on. Sometimes to this day, I don't actually feel like I have to go untill its too late. I just make sure that I go every time I finish a glass of water in case it sneaks up on me. Actually, I find that drinking water helps me feel more, if that makes any sense.... I also "leak" in bed. Thankfully just leak, I actually wet the bed till I was 17:embarassed:

    Since I started reading this, I've had to go pee twice, lol. And I leaked on the way there.

    I have another suggestion related to kegals. Hope this doesn't offend. I used to sell "adult" novelty items at house parties. (Fun job BTW) One thing we sold alot of was these things called Ben Wa Balls. Heres the deal. They are little metal balls both equal in size. You insert them in your area and hold them in as long as you can. Many of the women who purchased them had this problem and they were recommended by their OB's. They are actually for strengthening the kegals, just a tool to let you know just how you are doing. If they fall out, you have a ways to go. If you can keep them in while you mow the lawn, you're golden. I had an office manager that used to put them in and continue working... It was a bit TMI for me, but then I started selling them and understood a little better why she seemed so much happier after wards, lol. (They also have other benefits, sexually, but I won't get this thread shut down, so if you want, you can see here
    Don't worry, its not actual video of someone using them, just an explaination.) You can purchase them where ever you buy naughty items.

    Now I have to pee again.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sob I had this really witty post all typed up and then hit something on this ipad to make it disappear.

    Ben wa balls huh? I will most def check out the vid tomorrow when I'm bored at work and need a break. Thanks!

    Following my first post on this thread I worked out and considering my allergies and drinking water at the gym was pretty dern proud of myself for NOT pissing myself while exercising. Then As I was getting in the car I had a "oh **** I'm gonna snpee (my own term) and my legs are too far apart to cross them fast enough" and ended up driddling as i sat down.

    I can only pray that as I am in the downward facing dog tomorrow night I don't snpee myself so hard that i have to leave the room!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I started Jillian's 30 Day Shred 2 days ago and can barely do the jumping jacks. I'm 28 and no children. They make me feel like I gotta pee. I had this same problem in bootcamp 8 years ago. But once then I actually did pee myself. Can you imagine going through military training and peeing yourself. Ugh!

    Anyway, I'm glad to find out that other women have this problem and I'm not alone. I hope we can all figure out ways to deal.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hey guys, I havn't really experienced this, although I feel I have the "Urge" type of needing to wee...luckily though, I can safely make it to the loo or hold onto it for a little longer.

    I have read something about pelvic exercises that can help tighten the muscles around the bladder and these can be done sitting down at the's more difficult to do when standing up. I don't really know how to explain them but when you do feels like your bits are tightening up a if you were clenching around a tampon :flowerforyou:

    If they really are affecting your lifestyle, I would take a visit to your GP...there is a small innvasive (but not huge) surgical operation they can perform to tighten up the bladder muscles.

    BTW...I love how people on the forum are so open about personal problems...if the whole world (espscially the British) had this approach to "embarrasing" problems, many of lives little problems wouldn't be so big at all. (btw, I'm it's a subjective opinion)

    All the best guys :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I am 44 and have had this for many yrs....after having 2 children, 8 1/2 and 10 lbs. Mine only occurs just before my cycle....when I cough, sneeze, jump, jog, squat, etc....I also go to the bathroom just before exercising, and right after I'm done. I will be having my well woman exam next week, so I am gonna ask her about this. Altho I don't consider this a real problem for me, I am interested in her opinion. My MIL takes Detrol for this, but she still has problems...I see her dash quickly to the bathroom a lot.

    Thanks for posting this! Wishing you all well!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    You are definitely not alone on this, I loved your posting too, great sense of humour :laugh: !

    I've had a weak bladder since I was 13 years old and laughter would bring about the worst! If I run for the bus or when I used to run on the treadmill, that would make it happen too.

    Ironically, when I was 25 I did go to the doctor and told him about this, he was quite surprised that I had had this problem since I was 13 and as, at 25 I had not yet had children he thought I should go to see a Specialist and maybe have an operation to sort it.

    Unfortunately, the day before I was due to go and see the Specialist, I found out I was pregnant and I never did go back.

    It's a pain though isn't it, especially if you get caught out and need the loo immediately, but there isn't one anywhere! :embarassed:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I absolutely hate it!! Saw a specialist in April and was told to have a bladder sling installed, would not be able to lift anything over 25 pounds again and would probably need another reinstalled within ten yrs. and I was to afraid to ask how much the surgery would cost. I have been told most women whom have had children and or large babies which both mine were over 10 pounds have this problem and if you have it before children it is likely to be WORSE after child bearing!! Yes I wear a pad for different occasions and alcohol seems to make it even weaker!! I hope you ask your dr and he finds something that will work for ya, you are way to young for this. Mine has just gotten bad in the last couple of years of starting menopause (that sucks too)! God what we women must endure!!!
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16

    I had this problem bad right after the birth of my baby. And keagals seamed to do that trick for me. I couldn't even to crunches without pissing myself. I had to put off starting a workout routine till like last month when the problem finally diminished. Sometimes i still feel like I'm going to pee but it's a lot less often. Give keagles a try, they really strengthen those muscles down there =)
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    I started Jillian's 30 Day Shred 2 days ago and can barely do the jumping jacks. I'm 28 and no children. They make me feel like I gotta pee. I had this same problem in bootcamp 8 years ago. But once then I actually did pee myself. Can you imagine going through military training and peeing yourself. Ugh!

    Yes, yes I can... It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. I thought the T.I.'s head was going to explode.
    I still tease my friend about it, and he still makes fun of me because he had to help me keep my pants on during low crawls. He always said it was the first time he was trying to keep a girl in her pants =P
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've talked to my parents about this before (they are both medical professionals) They told me that it was common in women who had had babies, and it was common for overweight/obese/whatever0you-want-to-call-it people. Ever since I starting losing weight, the problem went away. No, I haven't ever peed myself while exercising, but for a while there, every time I went to the bathroom, I would dribble as soon as I pulled my pants back up. So annoying. It also happened when I sneezed or coughed. Drove me nuts.

    But seriously, I don't have this problem anymore after losing so weight.

    I've looked it up before though and I agree with those who suggest pelvic floor exercises. That's probably what a doctor would suggest anyways.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I absolutely hate it!! Saw a specialist in April and was told to have a bladder sling installed, would not be able to lift anything over 25 pounds again and would probably need another reinstalled within ten yrs. and I was to afraid to ask how much the surgery would cost. I have been told most women whom have had children and or large babies which both mine were over 10 pounds have this problem and if you have it before children it is likely to be WORSE after child bearing!! Yes I wear a pad for different occasions and alcohol seems to make it even weaker!! I hope you ask your dr and he finds something that will work for ya, you are way to young for this. Mine has just gotten bad in the last couple of years of starting menopause (that sucks too)! God what we women must endure!!!

    OMG absolutely agree with the menopause bit, pure nightmare in the bladder department for sure!!!
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I'm a 32 y.o. male with the opposite problem. For about a week, I have to actually "bear down" a bit to get a strong urine stream. Dr. examined the "boys" and prostate and all is fine (no enlargement or pain)...and no UTI detected. She admitted she has no idea but sent me for mroe tests. Could it be any side effect of weight loss or not enough water?

    Very weird.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    OMG! I'm getting surgery for it on Friday. :laugh:

    Yep, I thought kegels will do, but Nope the Urologist said no amount of kegels can fix it when it's gotten to this point. I actually stop going to Zumba because of this... at first I thought It was a excessive "thigh sweatin" :laugh:

    It's really not painful... my mother had it done when she was in her 60's. Local anesthesia. I will come back and tell you all about it. The only bad part is I can't perform strenuous activities for 4 - 6 weeks after. But when I'm healed... It's back to Zumba and jumping jacks :happy:

    The urologist said there is also medication for it, but after the tests, she said my Bladder is healthy and surgery will fix it for the long term. I'm too young to feel this old about something I can fix.

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    OMG! I'm getting surgery for it on Friday. :laugh:

    Yep, I thought kegels will do, but Nope the Urologist said no amount of kegels can fix it when it's gotten to this point. I actually stop going to Zumba because of this... at first I thought It was a excessive "thigh sweatin" :laugh:

    It's really not painful... my mother had it done when she was in her 60's. Local anesthesia. I will come back and tell you all about it. The only bad part is I can't perform strenuous activities for 4 - 6 weeks after. But when I'm healed... It's back to Zumba and jumping jacks :happy:

    The urologist said there is also medication for it, but after the tests, she said my Bladder is healthy and surgery will fix it for the long term. I'm too young to feel this old about something I can fix.

    :flowerforyou: Good Luck

    Revision!! It's General Anthesia (sp). not local... I probably wouldn't do it if it was local. :laugh: AND the doctor said I can't perform any strenuous exercise or lifting for 4 - 6 weeks only... not sex either :blushing:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Just an update. I hope this isn't classified as "hijacking a thread" :laugh:

    I had the surgery on Friday and it was a breeze. The Urologist called it a "mesh" but when I was getting ready for the O.R. the nurse called the procedure a "sling"... so I guess the "mesh" material is used to form a "sling" :ohwell: I asked her if I will be able to lift more than 25lbs after I'm all healed and she said "Yes Ma'am". :bigsmile: Not that I lift more than 15 lbs anyway :laugh:

    I was wheeled into the O.R. at 10:46 and I was out of there and in my bed resting by 12:30 :drinker: I didn't feel a thing and didn't even take 1 Vocadin they prescribed. Still haven't and I'm at work today :happy: I can tell it's working because when I sneezed - for the first time in years, I had no "leakage" :drinker: I'm can't wait to put it to the real test.... Zumba! :laugh:

    If any of you Gals has insurance and this problem.... I would highly recommend the surgery. If your Urologist determines you're a candidate. Sometimes medication will be the best option.

    Good Luck and I hope this helped :flowerforyou:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I feel so much better reading this thread, lol. It's doesn't happen regularly, but there have been about 3 times where my husband and I have gone for doing a mile fast fast as we can and each time I'd get about 3/4 of the way done and I'd end up tinkling a little. It got better each time we did it, but we haven't done that in about 2 months so I don't know if it's even an issue anymore. But I've only had it happen during those really fast miles, never during quick miles where I'm not pushing myself or other exercises like jumping jacks.
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    My Mom had the tying up surgery, as did some other ladies I know. None of them felt it was beneficial enough to recommend and they were laid low by it for over a month ... but it was awhile back. Maybe the "sling" procedure is an improvement. Generally speaking, most insurance won't cover it as it's considered "elective" surgery. Heaven forbid that insurers care about women's quality of life.

    It should be pointed out that stress incontinence is not the same as having the "urge" to pee because of an overactive bladder .... that can be treated with drugs, to varying degrees of success.

    Kegel exercises are supposed to help, but you have to do them religiously for weeks to notice any benefit. Still, it's natural, it's free and it's non invasive. It may also add some zing to sex, so... why not try them? I've heard that ben wa balls used with the kegels help you focus on the pelvic muscles you need to clench.

    I wear a thin pad all the time which gives some protection... but it's not cool, and it's not sexy. I try to use the potty before any exercising and it helps, but we all know that there are those times when you suddenly sneeze or cough... and whoopsie !! Oh, and if I trip ... watch out!

    I'm OK walking, biking and exercising if I remember to pee first ... but sneezes are the worse !!! If I have a cold, I must wear a thicker pad.
  • luvmy3kidz
    I am having this problem ever so slightly when doing my Jillian 30DS. It is the damn jumping jacks! What is it in that movement that makes me lose control of what I thought was my empty bladder?

    I know this thread is old but if any of the older posters have helpful updates, please share.

    Thanks much!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I did a hard core boot camp class last night. And when running to the next exercise..squirt squirt squirt. I was afraid I would have pee running down my leg at the end of the class but I persevered.

    It's just the jolt of the jumping jacks coming down. Not much you can do about it unfortunately!